
Contract and new treasure...

"you has taken me out no one in the thousand year has done that although you did this with the guy help but your will power is very good good enough for me to acknowledge you as my master"

Little venom look at the child then mentally raise his hand 'this fella is asking for it' as expected her facame fall.

"Ohhh it look like someone really want to be kitchen knife" with that she grab the child from his ear and drag him.

The man lips twitch he saw as the most respected, soughted sword being held by ear he wonder how people will react to it.

"Now how we are supposed to leave this place" she mumble under her breath as she continue holding on the sword spirit ear.

"Are you sure you don't want to try to get another treasure" the little fella ask her she look at him then a sly smile appear.

Little venom quickly try to escape but catch by her "little venom this guy is right rather then a kitchen knife I also need something else don't you think"

'seriously master are you sure you are not being greedy this sword alone can cause bloodshed in outer world'

She give him deadpan look he quickly start looking around "master all the treasure are inside the rooms but they are waiting for someone worthy" he pause then continue.

"I don't mean that you are not worthy but you can only take one treasure and you already got it so I think leaving now is wise idea"

She pounder on his word as she was poundering on his little venom suddenly spoke "master I sense something powerful"

She look at him excitedly "it's just ahead of us" she quicken her pase he silently follow her soon she stop he stop too.

"Master the aura came around from here" she roam her eyes around but nothing which can be consider as treasure.

"If you don't make me kitchen knife i can tell you about the treasure" she smile at him little venom felt that something is not good.

"Ohh you can tell me about it but how can I believe you" the fella is not as gullible as he look he sneer at her.

"If you want to know about it then you has promise me that you will not make me kitchen knife" she sigh and shook her head.

"Why can't you do that" he ask her in confusion "look you are not mine sword I can't decide what will do with you"

"Hmm you are right you can't decide what other can do with me" he pause as realisation hit him like truck.

"Then you can't also make kitchen knife" she smile at him as she spoke "ha that's different thing look it's kind of complicated"

"Im smart enough to understand" she hesitate before speaking "look I take you out from the stone so what I do with you depend on me...she pause then spoke again.

"But if I sold you I can't guaranteed you that other part will not make you kitchen knife" although he is thousand year old he has been traped in this temple and has yet to see outside world.

"Then don't sell me" she smile slightly but hide it quickly "that won't do my strength is not enough to control you or create contract with you on my own"

"That's simple I will take you as my master" as soon as he said these words various ancient ruin appear above their head the man behind her look at her with amusement in his eyes.

He realise that he has been tricked into sighing contract with her he regret his decision and glare at her.

Since he is an ancient sword her strength is far from enough to evoke the contract with him but it's total diffrent case if he do that.

"Now now mind to tell me where that treasure is" he turn his head away refuse to look at him she narrow her eye at him.

"Well well if want I can really make you into kitchen knife think when other swords get to know about it how will they think of you"

He was horrified at that thought there's no way he will let other see him in that condition he nervously look at her.

He saw that she seem to be happily looking at him he sigh "it's their" he point at the wall she look at him with deadpan face.

He widen his eyes and spoke "I'm not lying few months ago someone brag inside the temple rather then taking any treasure he/she hide inside that crack"

She look carefully at the wall and really saw a crack on the wall she was quite suspicious about his words she look at little venom.

He recive her signal and went toward the crack he look inside the crack and was surprise with the discovery.

He become excited "master master the real treasure is here" her eyes lit up she step forward as her wing appear on her back.

She fly toward the crack and look inside it but before she can reach something attack her she use her wings to shield herself.

She lower her wings and saw a 10th rank spider infront of her it seem like he is protecting the treasure she frown.

The spider strength is higher then her she can't win from him before she can think about anything the spider drop dead on the ground she was shock.

She turn around and bumb into warm yet hard chest she raise her head and found him looking straight into her eyes.

She gulp and avoid looking at his dark eyes which seem to be sucking her soul in them "now it's safe" she came back to senses by his voice she nodded her head.

She quickly turn head head she can hear her heart beating crazily she don't understand why this is happening.

She decide to throw this thought at the back of her head and head toward her newly found treasure.