
I wish to meet you again

just_a_mere_human · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

episode 4. fire of hell guild (part 1)

{previous chapter}

I follow him into his room, what a mess does this guy clean even clean his room? "Okay what is that was so important that you need to bring me to this stink room." I said crossed my arm and lean against the wall.

He sat on the couch and look at me with dead serious "you know the fire of hell, guild right?" He ask.

"Of course you fucking idiot."

"One of they member come to me this morning and give me this money." 

"reason? They would never give anyone money just like that there must be a reason for it."

"Believe it or not but they told me to find an awakener, remember yesterday the break gate."

"yes, what about it?"

"They sense someone just awakens on that area but due to the situation they can't look for the person so they pay me to find that guy... Or ma'am" 

"hmm.... Why would they pick you?"

"I was curious about that too! Like there were so many people on this city but they pick me"

"weird..." Remember something "you think we already done about him staying at my room!!"


I woke up next morning on the couch cause Luke sleep on my bed, why he was sleeping on my bed you may ask? It's because when I got home last night after I beat that fatass, I see him sleeping on my bed, I'm trying to wake him up but he won't wake up, so I give up and sleep on the couch.

"Hah, my back hurt." I got up and smell something delicious "hm...? Where this smell came from" I look at the kitchen and see that Luke it's cooking on the kitchen, well that's explain it. 

"Damn it's smell good, what did you cook anyway?" I get my way to the kitchen.

"food." he say, not taking his gaze away from the pan, he seems serious when it comes to cooking.

I sit in the table don't wanna bother him no more "....." I look at him cooking with a blank expression.

After a fe- I mean hour he's finally done, it's seriously smell amazing, "just put this a little bit..... And it's done!" He smile as he look at the art he just made.

I look at the food, with a confuse expression "it's just a food, no need to put so much effort into it." I say, I look at luke and i jump in horror when I see his face, it's scary than ghost! It's a face of a devil man not a ghost anymore!!

I never been this scared on my entire life "d-dude calm dow-" before I even could finish my sentence he suddenly pull me by my collar.

"Just a food you say?! You piece of shit don't understand how important the looks of the food!" He yell at me.

"W-well, after all the taste that matter not the looks." I say trying to defend myself.

"well tell me would you eat a food that looks like a shit?! No you won't!" He yell.

I push him off "O-okay! Geez, it's not that big of deal." I say.

"You son of a bitc-" just before he could finish his sentence, someone knocking on the door, I don't who that was but whoever is it, thank you!

"Gotta answer the door!" I rush into the door I could hear him scoff as I get to the door, I reach the doorknob and open the door "who is it?" 

A cute short girl with a pink hair with a staff on his hand, stare at me.

"May I ask who are you?" I ask with cold tone

"A-ah! I forgot to introduce myself I'm sorry for my careless!" She say, ohh I see she's that nervous cute type of girl

"You didn't answer the questions." I look at him with a cold stare making him more nervous 'damn I like this.' I thought.

"M-my name's is erela!" She say in nervous tone.

"Erela huh? Okay then erela may I ask what your looking for in my apartment?" 

"U-uh I'm from fire of hell guild and I got assigned to check everyone house."

"Well as you can see this is not a house but a apartment so why don't you fuck off?"

"n-no need to be rude!" She scoff and leave.

I close the door and go back to the table, "I don't that was too easy." I say as I sit down at the chair i could feel a cold gaze, oh yeah! I forget luke he was still here.

"Who's on the door?" He ask.

"Just some random short girl." I answer, I stare at food.

"Are you gonna eat or what?" 

{After breakfast}

I sit on the couch watching tv while luke doing his own business "oi luke." I got no answer "oi luke!" I yell.

"what do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanna bother ya." I smirk.

"Son of a bitch." 

A loud knocking could get hear from the door.

"Who's that?" Luke ask.

"Don't know." I get up from the couch and go to the door "I'm coming, I'm coming geez my door would break if you don't stop!" The knocking stop. I reach the doorknob and open the door I see a tall man wearing a formal suit in the door. 

"Hello sir i need you to come with me." the man say.

"may I know the reason?" I stare at him.

"you'll know when we arrive."

"Well I ain't going if you not gonna tell me." I close the door as fast as I could but I don't it would hold him long, I run as fast as I can to luke, I grab him be his collar and jump from the window.

"What the fuck are you doing?!!"

"Shut up!" We landed on the bushes, I get up as fast as I could while Luke still trying to process what just happened "c'mon you idiot!" I grab by his hand and run.

"w-what the hell is going on?!" 

See a car without anyone in it, and the key is still attached to the key hole, "just in time." I run towards the car, I quickly get on driver seat while Luke sitting next to me.

I turn on the the car, I see a black car chasing me from behind "shit I know it."

"Oi you owe me an explanation." Luke say as looking at me with confusion.

"I would tell you later." I drive the car to the forest. After a while the black care finally nowhere to be seen, but the real problem is that we lost in the middle of the forest but thankfully it's still daytime.

"Wow you really got us lost!"

"Well is not my fault, I was focus in runaway and not paying attention to where we going."

"what was the reason we are runaway anyway?!" He yell.

"my ear hurts from your yelling."

"Well that's your fault for not telling me what the is going on!" 

"Okay, okay Stop yelling. Remember the black car that was chasing us?"

"of course I remember, duh" 

"He's from hell of fire guild." My face become more serious.

"And how you know that?" He leaned his back at the tree behind him.

"He literally has it on his suit don't you see the tag it's written hell of fire and then in the bottom that's his name." 

"Do you see his name?"


"You're an idiot you know that."

"Fuck you."

"Well anyway that's not important now, we need to find a way to get back to the city."

They both drown at their own thoughts forgetting about the world, and their surrounding, without they realize it's already dark.

"Wow time sure flies fast, huh?" Luke say.

"... Fuck, it's getting hard to find the way out."

"And who's fault is that." Luke say in mocking tone.

"We not gonna get lost if you not screaming like a girl."

"Oh yeah! Well it's normal for me to scream, it's your fault to not tell what happened earlier."

"You were lucky, I take you, you know, you should be thankful, I save your ass from being spank."

"You son of a bitch."

"What you wanna fight, c'mon bring it on you Coward." I get on my fighting position.

"You take that back!"

A fight about to happen but we get interrupt by a lot of footstep coming towards us, we don't know what it was, but we know sure that is dangerous.

"Shit" I grab luke hands and run to the bushes.

"How bad can this day be?!!" Luke shout as we both running away from whatever it was

_end of the chapter_

:) It's not that good but I hope you guys enjoy it! See you next week, have a great day.