
I Will Use My Mass Production Knowledge To Rule The Fantasy World

What do you imagine when you picture a fantasy world. Grand Mages using incredible magic posing a challenge to gods themselves, castles floating in the sky, mystical gigantic beasts whose mere sights will make a mere mortal tremble. Fantastical creatures like the industrious dwarves, the pure elves, and the virtuous heroes. At least that was what Max expected but what awaited him was a huge disappointment. Mages who could make fire with magic were homeless dying of poverty using their magic to fight with dogs for food. Dwarves who had to work as laborers just to afford a day's drink. Virtuous elves sold their young women to the brothel just so their people would not starve. When Max saw this his disappointment so intense that he fainted for two days, when he woke up the only words he could say was " What kind of shitty fantasy world is this". Follow along as Max works hard to improve the people's lives and maybe improve his too in the process.

MaxwellAreses · Fantaisie
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I Was Dead But Now Am Reborn

Max was now 22 years old, he was not an extraordinary man but not a common man either. He was not rich but he did well enough especially when you considered his age.

Now you would be wondering how did such a young man die for him to be reborn.

Well, It was not something particularly special, but first let's get to know Max.

He was your average man with average looks, but he did have a very strong work ethic, in fact, he had only graduated high school and instead of going to college he directly started working, he worked for a very man who had a lot of business, soon he earned his trust and learned the tricks of the trade, son the man started giving him the responsibilities of diversifying his businesses.

First into industrial goods then into consumer goods and then finally into international trade, in the end, Max had earned enough trust with the man that when he decided to go into business for himself he gave him the funding for the business, Max was very happy about this, he worked extremely hard and gave all that he had in making the business a success.

In only a year he made the business insanely successful, his life was good, but as they say, those who giveth taketh it away, the rich man's son had set his sight on Max's business, so he asked his father to get Max to sell him the business.

When Max heard this he couldn't believe this, but what happened after truly rocked his world view, he certainly did not expect to chide his son but he did expect that he would try to make his son understand the importance of this business to Max, and instead he could help him set up another business.

But instead, the man offered Max money to buy the business outright, he couldn't believe the money that the man was surely a lot when you considered the number of assets and the cash flow of the business, but if you calculated the human capital that had gone into building the business, then it was an insulting offer at best.

When Max refused the offer, he saw the ugly side of humanity, his shop started getting harassed by the cops, his customers started decreasing, his debtors started defaulting on their debts, in mere weeks the rich man had rendered his business worthless, Max realized that he didn't have any option left, so he begged the rich man to buy his business for pennies on the dollar, the man accepted but attached the condition that from tomorrow he would come to work for him again and he would work directly under his son.

This had broken Max, he had never felt as broken as he felt now, he wondered what was even the point of life, he would work his whole life as a slave working to make the rich man even richer until he could no longer work, seeing his state some of his acquaintances in his business offered him to throw him a farewell party.

That day to lessen his sorrow Max had alcohol for the first time in his life, he ended up overdoing it and ended drinking up so much that he couldn't even walk straight when returning home from the party, he needed up falling from a very tall bridge, as he fell Max gained a little sense that he was falling, he felt a subtle feeling of freedom as cold air stuck his face, he closed his eyes expecting to find peace, then came an intense pain as if his face had been struck by a rod, then it all went blank.


A butler ran through a very shabby castle's hall as if his life was depending on it, he was running as if his life was depending on it.

" I knew these amateur servants would be completely useless, especially for something as important as the lord's awakening ceremony, but what option did I have we don't have anyone other than me who can purchase supplies, and if we don't have supplies we won't even last week. Oh God, I pray that the lord has gained a decent ability, otherwise all of us are doomed." Thought the butler as he hurried to the lord's room.

The butler reached the lord's room and saw a short slight chubby man laying on the bed with three servants who were constantly changing rags which were placed all over the body parts which was getting extremely hot.

"One of you keep changing the rags with cold ones, and one of you go and quickly fetch cold water from the pond." said the butler

One of the servants got up and rushed off to get the water.

The butler pointed to the servant and said "You, tell me in detail what happened"

The servants started speaking up " Sir, the lord went to the alter as was instructed and performed the ceremony exactly as was written in your instructions, after he was done performing the ceremony, a white light shone and the lord suddenly fainted, seeing this all three of us were startled, two of us rushed the lord to his room and one of us ran to call you. After we rushed the lord to his bed, he has been passed out since then, occasionally he wakes up and mutters something before passing out again."

Now the butler had started to worry, the lord had always been regarded as very weak and lacking in any magical aptitude, perhaps due to his lack of magical aptitude instead of getting an ability the lord has been rendered paralyzed due to his body being too weak.

Soon time passed and night arrived, the butler was sitting beside the lord when suddenly the lord woke and started yelling " Am I fucking dead, is this heaven or is this hell or have I ended in some kind of purgatory, the god of death come before me and judge my life"

Hearing the sudden loud noise the butler woke up, he observed as the lord kept seeing nonsense. Oh, my has my worse fears come true has the lord been rendered an idiot, such a young boy. Wondered the butler.

Despite believing the lord had been rendered crazy, he tried to talk to the lord and see if he could at least calm down his lord.

"My lord, don't worry you are safe here, this is your castle, this is your castle, you are in your room and I am your trusted butler, please calm down my lord," the butler said with a soothing tone.

"What the fuck did you call me old man, lord," said Max

"Calm yourself, master, you are the Lord of this castle Lord Max of the house Willford, and the third son of Count Willford, the Count Lord of the Zesta principality of the kingdom," said the butler

It seems that the lord has suffered from intense amnesia, left invalid, now what is going to happen to all of us. Wondered the butler.

At the same time, Max wondered, what the fuck is this old man saying.

This is my new novel. Please give it a chance and comment if you have any thoughts.

Thank You For Reading

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