
I Will Never Forget you

In a world where power meets passion, two souls are bound by a love that fate itself cannot erase. William, the dynamic and powerful CEO of his father's illustrious company, is a man accustomed to control. Yet, three years ago, his heart was captivated by someone unexpected: Ash, a gentle and talented third-year university student majoring in drawing. Their love story, blossoming in the shadows of corporate skyscrapers and university halls, was the stuff of dreams. That is, until a devastating accident stole William's memories of the past three years, leaving Ash as nothing but a stranger in his eyes. Now, William believes his fiancée, a woman from his past, is his true love, while Ash is left grappling with the pain of being forgotten. With his heart shattered, Ash must navigate a world where the man he loves doesn't remember their shared moments of joy, laughter, and intimacy. Determined to rekindle their love, Ash steps back into William's life, hoping to reignite the spark that once burned so brightly. But as he confronts the walls around William's heart and the complications of a forgotten engagement, Ash faces the ultimate question: can love truly conquer all? Will William ever remember the beautiful tapestry of their shared history, or will Ash remain a faded sketch in the background of his forgotten memories? Join William and Ash on a poignant journey of rediscovery, where love must fight against the odds to be found again. Dive into this heart-wrenching and captivating tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of destiny. Follow their story and witness the transformative power of love that refuses to be forgotten.

Ella_Mathew · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 15 |why I love you More? | I will Never Forget You

After they went under the bedsheet for rest, William hugged Ash tightly . Ash was tracing his finger on William's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat."William?" Ash whispered."Yes?" William responded softly."I love you," Ash said with a smile.William chuckled lightly. "I love you more."Ash giggled, then repeated, "William?""mhm?" William replied, a hint of amusement in his voice."I love you.""I love you more," William answered again.Ash continued, "William?""mhm...?" William asked, knowing what was coming."I love you," Ash said once more."I love you," William responded, his voice tender."I love you more," Ash teased.William's heart swelled with affection. "Mhm?" Ash continued playfully."I love you," Ash said, looking up at him with sparkling eyes."I love you more," William replied, his voice full of warmth.This back-and-forth went on for a while, each "I love you" filled with more meaning and affection than the last. Finally, Ash turned around and looked deeply into William's eyes. "Why do you always say 'I love you more' instead of 'I love you too'?" he asked, genuinely curious.William's expression grew serious as he replied, "I love you not because you love me, Ash. Even if you didn't love me, I would still love you. When I say 'I love you more,' it's my way of understanding that I want to love you more and more every day. My love for you is endless, and you deserve all of it. So, 'I love you more' means that my love for you will always grow, and it will never be enough for how much you truly deserve."After this heartfelt explanation, William made a cute face and added, "So... I love you more."Ash's heart melted at William's words. He hugged William tightly, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and security. They stayed like that for a while, simply holding each other and letting the warmth of their love envelop them.As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, their love would guide them through. William's words echoed in Ash's mind, bringing him comfort and reassurance. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.The morning light filtered through the windows as Ash and William sat down for breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and scrambled eggs filled the air. Ash glanced at his watch and suddenly exclaimed, "We need to go early today! A new young professor is joining our university, and there's a celebration. I have to be there on time."William, who was about to take his first bite, looked up in surprise. "But I just sat down," he said, a bit amused.Ash quickly finished his breakfast and grabbed William's hand, dragging him towards the door. "Come on, we can't be late!" he urged.William stumbled after him, his movements exaggerated like a drunk person. "Alright, alright! Slow down, Ash. I'm coming," he chuckled, finding the situation amusing.As they reached the car, William slid into the driver's seat and started the engine. He drove slowly, causing Ash to tap his foot impatiently. "Is this a car or a bicycle? I could walk to the university faster than this!" Ash teased.William shot him a playful glance. "Why are you so excited to see this young professor? Is he more handsome than me?" he asked with mock jealousy.Ash rolled his eyes and laughed. "No, silly. If we don't attend the ceremony, they will cancel half of our attendance. That's why I'm rushing. Please understand.""Then okay," William said, his tone serious. He pressed down on the accelerator, and they sped off towards the university.They arrived just in time. Before Ash got out of the car, he reached into his bag and handed something to William. "Here, this is for you. Your breakfast," Ash said, giving him a sandwich.William took the sandwich from his hand, smiling. "Thanks darling."As Ash stepped out of the car, he paused, turned back, and walked over to William's window. "Thank you for dropping me," he said, leaning in to kiss William on the cheek. "Bye-bye, babe."William watched him go from the mirror, feeling a warm glow in his chest. He then drove to his office, thinking about how lucky he was to have Ash in his life.At the university, the principal stood at the podium, addressing the assembled students and faculty. "I am pleased to introduce our new arts department professor, Mr. Ethan Blake. Please join me in welcoming him."The audience applauded as a young, charismatic man stepped forward. Ethan Blake had an easy smile and an air of confidence that immediately drew attention. As he began to speak, Ash watched from the back of the room, intrigued by the new addition to the faculty.Later that day, as Ash was hurrying down the hallway to his next class, he accidentally bumped into someone. Papers scattered everywhere."Oh, I'm so sorry!" Ash exclaimed, bending down to help pick up the scattered papers."It's alright," came a warm voice. Ash looked up to see Professor Blake smiling at him. "No harm done. Here, let me help you."Ash handed over the last of the papers. "Thank you, Professor Blake. I'm Ash.""Nice to meet you, Ash. Are you an art student?" Ethan asked, his eyes lingering on Ash's face."yes , I'm Art student, I have a strong interest in art since when I was child," Ash replied, feeling a little self-conscious under the professor's gaze."That's wonderful. It's always good to have particular interests," Ethan said, his smile broadening. "If you ever want to discuss more about art or need any help, feel free to drop by my office."Ash smiled back, grateful for the offer. "Thank you, Professor. I might just take you up on that."Over the next few days, Ash found himself crossing paths with Professor Blake more often. Each encounter was marked by friendly conversations, with Ethan subtly flirting. Ash, however, remained oblivious to the undertones.One afternoon, as Ash was sitting in the university café, Ethan approached his table. "Mind if I join you?" he asked."Not at all," Ash replied, moving his bag to make space.Ethan sat down, looking at Ash intently. "So, Ash, what inspired your interest in art?"Ash thought for a moment. "I've always been fascinated by how art can express emotions and tell stories. It's a form of communication that transcends words."Ethan nodded appreciatively. "That's a very mature perspective. You must have quite the artistic soul."Ash blushed slightly. "I suppose so. I paint many picture and placed it on near art gallery ."" Really I'd love to see your work sometime," Ethan said, leaning forward. "Maybe you could bring some of your sketches to my office?""Sure, I'd like that," Ash replied, smiling. He didn't notice the way Ethan's eyes lingered on him, interpreting the interaction as merely friendly.A few days later, as Ash was walking down the hallway again, Ethan caught up with him. "Hey, Ash," he greeted warmly. "Heading to class?""Yeah, just on my way," Ash said, stopping to chat."Would you like to grab a coffee after your class? I'd love to hear more about your artistic interests," Ethan suggested."Sure, that sounds great," Ash agreed, not picking up on the professor's deeper interest.As they walked to the café, Ethan continued to engage Ash in conversation. "You have a unique perspective on art. It's refreshing.""Thanks, Professor. I really enjoy discussing it with you," Ash said sincerely.Ethan smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Please, call me Ethan. We're not in class now and I am not that much old""Alright, Ethan," Ash said, feeling more comfortable.As they sat down with their coffees, Ethan asked, "So, Ash, do you have any favorite artists or styles?""I've always been drawn to impressionism. The way artists like Monet capture light and movement is just mesmerizing," Ash explained."Impressionism is a wonderful style. It's all about capturing the essence of a moment," Ethan said thoughtfully. "You know, we have a few impressionist pieces in the university gallery. I'd love to show them to you sometime.""I'd love that too," Ash replied, genuinely excited.Their conversation continued, touching on various art-related topics. Ethan's compliments and subtle flirts went unnoticed by Ash, who simply enjoyed the engaging discussion.The days passed, and their interactions became a regular occurrence. Ethan often found excuses to bump into Ash, always with a friendly smile and a charming comment.Despite Ethan's growing interest, Ash remained blissfully unaware of the professor's intentions, interpreting his friendliness as nothing more than genuine academic interest.One morning, as William dropped Ash off at the university, Ash turned to him and said, "Can you pick me up in the evening?"William raised an eyebrow. "Why?""Nothing, just... I thought it'd be nice," Ash replied, a little shyly.William teased him a bit " Are you a kinder garden childe to drop at school in morning and pick up at evening?" and smiled.Ash took it personally and with serious cute face " Then don't come I have my own legs" William smiled at him at pat Ash head and agreed. "Alright, Alright. I'll be there. my stubbed baby. "In the evening, William waited at the entrance of the university, leaning casually against his car and wearing his sunglasses. He looked incredibly handsome, and a group of girls nearby couldn't help but talk about him, trying to find out his name and who is he waiting for.As Ash emerged from the building, he was chatting happily with the new professor. William's eyes narrowed as he saw them together. When Ash saw William, he waved and ran towards him, leaving the professor to follow more slowly." William, this is new Professor, that I told you. Professor, this is William, my..." Ash began."Boyfriend," William interrupted, extending his hand to the professor with a firm grip and a smile that didn't reach his eyes.The professor, sensing the tension, replied with a forced smile, "Oh, nice to meet you, William."Their conversation was filled with underlying hostility, with the professor making subtle jabs that only William seemed to catch. Finally, in a move that was clearly meant to provoke, the professor patted Ash on the head and said, "Study well, Ash."William's jealousy flared, and he clenched his fists. He barely managed to keep his composure as they said their goodbyes and got into the car.The drive home was tense and silent. Ash noticed William's grip on the steering wheel and the way his jaw was set. "What's wrong?" he asked softly.William didn't answer until they were inside their apartment. He closed the door behind them, then stopped in the doorway, taking a deep breath. "How can he pat MY Ash like that?" he finally burst out."Are you jealous?" Ash couldn't help but laugh. Before his laugh was end William turned to him, his eyes blazing. "You are mine, Only mine" he said fiercely. He grabbed Ash and kissed him deeply, pouring all his emotions into the kiss.Ash can't help but to cooperate with William The kiss quickly escalated, and before they knew it, they were making love passionately, their bodies moving together in a heated frenzy. They started on the table, knocking off a vase in their urgency. They moved to the sofa, their kisses deepening and becoming more urgent. It became night. Finally, they ended up in the bedroom, their love-making rough and intense, fuelled by William's jealousy and possessiveness.Afterward, as they lay tangled in each other's arms, their breathing slowly returning to normal, William kissed Ash's forehead, his heart swelling with love. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't like him, he make more advance in you"Ash, understanding what had been going on, smiled and stroked William's cheek. "It's okay. I Only love you, William. He just a professor. I thing We have mutual interest in Art that's why we are close. Don't do something like this over a possessiveness. you want to control yourself. just remember i am yours. Ash being serious.William didn't have a word against him and said with cute face "Sorry.""I just love you," William replied, pulling Ash close. Ash smiled. They held each other tightly, finding solace in their shared warmth and love. The challenges ahead seemed less daunting now, knowing they had each other to lean on.After the intensity of make love, William and Ash decided to take a shower together to wash away the sweat and relax. The bathroom was filled with the sound of running water and soft laughter as they playfully splashed each other.William gently lathered Ash's back with shower gel, his touch tender. Ash closed his eyes, savoring the feel of William's hands. "That feels nice," Ash murmured, leaning back against William's chest.William smiled, pressing a kiss to Ash's wet shoulder. "I love taking care of you," he whispered. Ash turn around and wrapped his arms around William's neck, their faces inches apart. "I love you," he said.William cupped Ash's face. "I love you more," he replied, and they shared a sweet kiss under the warm spray of the shower.After drying each other off, they walked hand in hand to the bedroom. Once in bed, they lay wrapped in each other's arms, the room dimly lit by moonlight.Ash rested his head on William's chest. "Thank you for tonight," he said softly.William stroked Ash's hair. "I love you, and I'll always be here for you."As they drifted off to sleep, William held Ash close. Their love was strong, without knowing somebody try to come between them.