
(Experiment on humans)

There was a young man around 20 years old with a pair of horns on top of his head, Haruto, a Demon King of the demon realm. One day, there was one hero, Miyu, came to slay him to order stop him from entering Miyu's world. So Haruto was killed. As the time goes by, the demon king has reborn and look for a revenge.

(Demon Realm)

"My king, I have completed your request," one of Haruto's minions said.

"Good.." Haruto respond.

One of the 10 demon lords, Jika, a Demon of the Thousand Blades with two levitating blades behind him. Jika ask. "Your majesty, there is a place which full of humans, it appears to be a village. What you would do?".

"Hmmm…... I will destroy it...as I want to conduct an experiment of my powers." Haruto gladly accepts.

"Yes, your majesty," Jika said.

(a few moments later)

A 10cm black ball appears in the center of the village. One of the villagers, Miki, was curious so he quickly grabs it. Out of sudden Miki's hand has cut into pieces.

"AHHH! MY HAND!" Miki screams in pain.

The black ball transforms into a black door and then something came out. It appears to be Haruto and Jika.

All villagers were afraid something that they couldn't describe a creature as they couldn't remember who it was.

"Good morning everyone! I am one of the 10 demon lords" Jika shouted.

"You couldn't be a Demon, You should prove it" The villagers shouted at them.

"You shit little humans" Jika whisper with his smile on his face.

Jika was losing his temper and patience, Haruto quickly taps on Jika's shoulder and Haruto nod.

"I will show them!" Haruto said.

Haruto was looking around the area as he looking for a guinea pig to test his power. So he looks at Miki clawing away from him.

"Perfect, " Haruto said.

Haruto cast a spell "Dark Void", a black mist came out from Haruto's body and black mist consume entire Miki's body from existence.

"Help me!" Miki shouted before he consumes by the black mist.

All the villagers heard Miki's voice as they got goosebumps after hearing it.

"Don't tell me, did demon came back from 100 years?" a female from the villager said.

"HAHA!, Now bow to your demon king!" Jika shouted.

"Dem-on King….Demon King is back!" The villagers shouted and started running for their lives.

Jika was pissed as they run like a little insect, so he smacks his foot to the ground as if he wanted to squash them.

"You just do whatever you want, my job is done here.." Haruto calmly respond.

"Yes, Your Majesty" Jika replied.

Jika called his thousand blades at his bay and summons a giant Demon swordmaster that equips with two edge to edge sword on his hand.

"Kill them all!" Jika shouted.

Jika brings his arm at 90 degrees angle and the levitating swords fly past by him like the speed of sound.

As the levitating swords stab into villagers' body, Jika's body became redder while his blades did some stabbing into them. His ability called "Blood Blading".

"Blood Blading" the ability works on stub into a human body and sucks human blood which gives him 10 times more powerful than he was.

"Hahaha! Served you right!!!" Jika exclaimed with joy and looks at Demon swordmaster which is on idle.

"YOU! Demon swordmaster kill anyone who ever escapes!" Jika ordered.

Demon swordmaster dash out of the village and looks for a kill. At the corner of his eye, it appears to be a child and female.

"Arghh!!!" Demon swordmaster shouted angrily and stomp as like ground shakes able to feel from afar.

"Run Saki!" One of the villagers, Aika, who was the mother of Saki, the child. Aika shouted.

"Mom! Nooo" Saki continue.

"I don't want to leave you, Mom," Saki said.

As the Demon Swordmaster got closer and closer to Aika as soon as right behind her.

"I love you!" Aika shouted and pushes Saki away from her, this will leads to her final moment of her life.

Demon Swordmaster brings his sword up to air and gives a swing into the ground. "Bang" the ground shake like an earthquake.

"MOM!" Saki shouted and cried for his mother.



"Arghhh!!" Demon Swordmaster shouted into the air and felt more happily as he got the first kill.

Saki heavily cried into tears, as his mom crushes into pieces which only leaves Aika's blood on the broken rocks. The more Saki look it, became felt more hurting and this would lead him to despair. So Saki immediately crying and stood up with fierce looking eyes like looking for revenge.

As Saki begin quickly ran towards Demon Swordmaster foot and smacking with his bare hands.

"This-your fault!" Saki shouted angrily.

"This is your fault!"

"You kill my mom!"

"Die!, damn it!"

Saki suddenly stopped smacking because he realizes he couldn't hurt it at all. As the Demon Swordmaster look at Saki and he thinks that will be the next kill for the day. "Arghhh!" Demon Swordmaster shouted and brings his sword to attempting swing towards him.

"That's enough!" Haruto shouted from afar

"Arghh!" Demon Swordmaster shouted angrily and tried to swing at the child.

"sigh… One of Jika fails creation" Haruto whisper to himself.

Haruto cast a spell "Death or Die", the sky turns into millions of black moss on top of Demon Swordmaster and came down to be eaten alive.

"arghh!" Demon Swordmaster shouted in pain and trying to swing around in the swamp, unfortunately, Demon Swordmaster flesh has gone in few seconds which only leaves the bones. As Saki quickly ran away from a danger.

Haruto calmly walks towards to Saki and tried to grab his hand but Saki was too afraid to hold Haruto's hand because what he just witnessed from a few seconds ago.

"Hold my hand," Haruto said.

"NO!!" Saki screams in fear.

Haruto force Saki to grab his hands and he told. "I don't do any harm".

Saki heard from Haruto as he thinks that Haruto, not a bad person after all, so he felt calm and trust.

Haruto performs "Source Detector", Haruto's hands became blue color like fireflies but in blue. Haruto look at Saki's hand, it appears to be a 5cm ball in the center of the palm. It was called "Source spirit".

"Hmm.. Interesting.." Haruto said.

Saki kept quiet as he listens what Haruto says.

"Come, join us! Your fate will lead you!" Haruto said.

Out of nowhere, Jika interferes with his levitating swords and hit to ground close to Saki.

"Te-ch, missed" Jika whisper.

Jika came down from the rooftop and walk towards Haruto.

"Your Majesty, What are you asking him to join," Jika said.

"Why, not?" Haruto calmly respond.

"But, Your Majesty, he is a Human!" Jika exclaimed.

"This boy was different than other humans. The only person able to fought your fail creation," Haruto said.

Jika became speechless for a moment as Jika felt so humiliating because Haruto did not praise his work but to a human.

"You! Little human! better listen to the orders or else I kill you!" Jika said fiercely.   

"Yes!" Saki quietly respond.

"One more thing," Haruto said,

Haruto quickly cast a spell "Blood Bath" and snip his fingers. In the blink of the eye, the village became coated with blood and weird creature roaming around the place.

"Let's go!" Haruto calmly said.

The black gate appears in front of Haruto, which opens into the demon realm. Jika, Saki, and Haruto walk into the demon realm, it appears to be a throne, as Haruto quickly sat on it.

"I. THE DEMON KING IS BACK!" Haruto shouted.

"Yes, your Majesty!" Haruto's minions reply with pride.