
I Will Be the Strongest with My Slayer System

April was sure he died after getting assassinated on his way home from school. He wasn’t expecting to wake up in an orphanage, in the body of April Frost, in a parallel world. The world resembles his old one, except the supernatural is not just a story, although hidden, and he has some connection with it. Bad news though, he’s supposed to be twenty but he’s stuck in the body of a thirteen year old, both mentally and physically. It’s not all bad though since he has a system that supports him; the [Slayer System]. The more enemies he defeats, the stronger he becomes. One day, the orphanage April lives got involved in a territorial dispute between demons and vampires and became collateral damage. The only survivors were him and two others; Sylvia and Klint. *** “I will make them pay. I will become the strongest and I will make them pay!” *** April, Syril and Klint, ends up under the care of one Sakura Tsuchimikado, the famous Witch of the East. Under Sakura’s care, April and a few others investigate cases revolving around the supernatural, providing April with plenty of enemies to fight making him stronger and closer to his goal. But just as he and his comrades got into a rhythm, problems arise which involves the higher echelons of the supernatural and at the very center of it is April with his mysterious power. Will April become the strongest just as he desires? ******* A/N: This is an original fiction story. Although a few elements may seem familiar, it is still a fact that the events in this story came from the author's imagination. Also, I welcome honest and helpful reviews, comments and power stones. And feel to stick around. P.S. Cover was found on google and edited on Canva. Xoxo, Bai_Wu_Yue

Bai_Wu_Yue · Fantaisie
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102 Chs


Turns out Hiiro-san is right. Judging from the malevolent auras from the three demons, they're the ones that did all the killings.

So what's with the little demon that they seem to be having fun in beating?


Name: Licht li Paimon

Age: ???

Level: ???

HP: 1000/18700

Title: [Prince of the Night] [??? Candidate] [???]


>Strength: 246

>Intelligence: 190

>Agility: 250

>Stamina: 240

>Defense: 210

Skill List:

<Ariadne's Thread>



Eh? This is the first time I'm seeing such a status window! And his stats! It does not fit his HP! What kind of hardship did this little demon went through?

His skills though. Although some are obviously locked, the two are impressive.

How did a demon get skills related to prominent figures from Greek Mythology?

And his age, I'm very curious about his age. As well as his level.

[Warning. Individual Licht li Paimon is under a curse.]

What kind of curse?

[Licht li Paimon is under the [Curse of Depravity].]

That… sounds scary. What is the [Curse of Depravity]?

[[Curse of Depravity] is a curse where the ones affected by it have their stats reduced to 10% of their original stats, their recovery rate is impeded, and their HP decreases at a fast rate and increases at a turtle-paced rate. Most of their skills are also locked until the curse is lifted. An instance where it can change their form is also possible.]

No wonder his stats do not match everything else. And there's a possibility he's not actually a little demon? Does that mean he's being corrupted?

The demons are suddenly thrown away and I can feel a scary but powerful aura rise in the area.

Hiiro-san is pissed. And I think I should stay put of the way as he works on beating up the bigger and more dangerous demons.

As for me, I should probably check on the little demon.

At a closer look, the demon looks like a kid that's a few years younger than my physical body. He has navy blue hair and a pair of gold eyes. He's thin and his skin is filled with cuts, bruises and wounds. Not to mention he's bleeding badly.

Is it because of the body he possessed? Or did something happen to both the body and the demon?

"Hey, are you okay?" I call.

He only stares at me with tears in his eyes.

Hey! Why are you scurrying away from me? I'm only trying to help you!


Hiiro-san just used something called shikigami to bind the demons. Well, it's not like they're going anywhere since they're already unconscious.

As expected of onmyoujis, I guess.

"How is he?"

"He's bleeding but he won't let me or Nik get close to him. Hiiro-san, he needs treatment."


"Hiiro-san why don't you give it a try?"

"Huh? Me? He won't even let you guys near him, do you really think he will let me near him?"

"Well, he did mark you, you know."

I let that fact sink in and was glad to see a look of realization on Hiiro-san's face.


As expected, the little demon let Hiiro-san get close without hissing and clawing at him.

"Makes me feel a little jealous." I hear Nik whisper beside me.

I feel you bro.


It's official. The little demon Licht doesn't like me.

No, he probably hates me.


He's been glaring at me the entire time. From the area where we found him all the way back to Plum Blossom Mansion.

Yes, we brought him to Plum Blossom Mansion. Sakura-nee was the one who suggested it and with the little demon's current condition, I don't think he's in any way a threat to us.

Of course, everyone became wary when it was revealed Licht is a demon. Well everyone but Himeko-nee-san since she finds him cute.

Seriously that woman. Her obsession with kids is dangerous.

On another note, he's not really going near anyone else but Hiiro-san. I guess it's the mark Licht left to him?


I never pegged Hiiro-san to be good with kids.

I'm quite curious about the [Curse of Depravity] that Licht has. Maybe I should study more about it. Slayer only gave me a few details about it, not the entire thing.

"Hey you."

"What do you want little demon?"

What? He's being rude.

"What is your relation to the Xenos Family?"

"Who the hell is the Xenos Family?"

"You don't know?"

Would I be asking if I did?

No, I'm not going to say that.

"No, I don't."

"Oh." and he walks away.

What is his problem? One second he asks me something and next, he's gone back to Hiiro-san like nothing happened! It's seriously frustrating me.

Calm down April. Calm down.

Days later, Licht is still distant to everyone. He's either in Hiiro-san's room or by himself in the garden soaking up the sunlight.

Are demons even supposed to do that?

Well, he's usually alone and he would've probably already gone after Hiiro-san in his workplace if Sakura-nee did not stop him. He doesn't really have a choice but to stay with us while Hiiro-san is not home.

He ended up hanging out with me, Klint and Sylvia the past few days since we're the only ones left at the mansion.

He has become tolerable at least but he still obviously does not like me.

"What's your problem with me?" I ask the little demon who's standing in front of the store Sylvia and Klint entered moments ago.

We're currently out in the streets sightseeing and familiarizing it. It was Sylvia's idea and well, it's really boring getting holed up in the mansion so we just agreed to go. Surprisingly, Licht was allowed to go with us but I bet there was some sort of arrangement made so he could come.

"What do you mean?"

"A kid I helped find and save always glares at me. A kid under the [Curse of Depravity] is ironically always on a good mood with Hiiro-san, has started opening up with the others but is still quite apprehensive at me. Do you know how weird that feels?"

He has started talking to the other residents bit by bit but he's only hesitant with me. He always avoids me if or just plain ignores me. It's seriously getting on my nerves.

"So… you're jealous?"


"N-n- Of course not!"

This kid. Okay, maybe he's not really a kid, but I can't help but see him that way because of his size.


I just realized I'm in the same boat.

Is this how others see and feel when they interact with me?

Now I feel stupid.

"I'm just… I'm just… a little upset at that."

"Hn. What a child. That's called being jealous."

You're the kid.


He sighs.

"Fine. Since I'm a mature person I'll give you an answer."

Wow. He's the mature person?

What about me?

"You… you look a lot like someone I know and despise."

Did I hear that right? I resemble someone he despises? It's the reason he doesn't like me?

You have got to be kidding me. That's it?

"I know you're not that guy but I can't help it. You… resemble him too much and it makes me uncomfortable."



I give up.

"Was that the guy that gave you the [Curse of Depravity]?"

Why is he looking at me like he wants to eat me alive?

"How did you know that?"

Right. He never did mention that to anyone. It's illogical for me to know of it.

"I… err…"


Crap. We got trouble.

Hi! I changed Licht's last name to fit the setting I have planned. I hope you don't mind.

Bai_Wu_Yuecreators' thoughts