
I will achieve freedom

Some things will be the game and some changes but I want critical criticism so I can get better like for action scenes and r-18 scenes (no fake reviews) (Bitch ass gabby will die) Maybe some plot holes

Yamiya · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


Mikasa looked at eren as he slept peacefully on his in the grass instead of doing the wood that his mother Carla had assigned him to do.

Seeing his eyes flutter signaling he was awaking she moved back as she was too close..:

Opening his eyes eren saw Mikasa not far from him looking at him and just rubbed his eyes from drowsiness….

"Mikasa, when did I fall asleep here," Eren asked as he stretched his arms out and got up...

As he eren got up something shook him and made him fall back into the soft grass where he previously laid at…

"Mikasa do you see this??." Said eren as he pointed at a blue transparent screen in front of his face…

Mikasa looked at eren and to where he was pointing and saw nothing except the green field they were at…

"You still must be tired or something eren. There's nothing there.." Mikasa said as she helped him back up...

Eren however didn't pay attention to her anymore and focused on the screen in front of him, and looking at it didn't tell him much. Eren and Mikasa were not walking to get the wood his mother Carla had asked for and while they eren decided to mess with the blue screen to see whether he was hallucinating or not.

Touching the blue screen he could feel it like it was there, as he touched the screen there weren't any other options only one which said(stats) seeing this eren pressed the stats button and then he was shocked as it showed some options..:

{Host: Eren Yeager}







Eren seeing his supposed stats couldn't help but cringe 'aren't I too weak then' thinking this even wondered if he put a point would it work…

Eren looked at the system and then whispered 'put 1 point in body ' As eren said that the Point disappeared and instantly he felt a strain on his body which wasn't painful but wasn't easy either…

Mikasa peaked at eren Since he's been quiet for a while now and he's usually talking, peeking at him she's him with a pained expression and this made her concerned for him.

eren are you ok??." Mikasa asked seeing that expression...

Looking over eren saw Mikasa looking at him with a worried expression and answered to make her not worry...

"Yea I am"

Was all her said as he walked in front of her and continued walking to get some wood…

Picking up some wood and putting them all together eren felt a difference and it shows as it was usually he would need mikasa's help since he wasn't as strong as he her but now he could do it on his own.

Mikasa was surprised seeing eren doing this himself as he usually needed help...

While picking up wood eren decided to see if he used all of his points would he be stronger…

'Stats' eren quietly whispered

{Host: Eren Yeager}







'Put 2 into body and 1 in endurance' eren thought he should save at least one point just in case…

{Host: Eren Yeager}







Instantly eren felt stronger and he felt his body become sturdier, this made eren excited for more.

Eren wanted to feel more of this rush he wanted more power and to do that he needed more points and to get those points he needed ' wait I don't know where to get these points from anyway's.'

'System how do I gain system points' eren asked curiously as he needed more…

{To gain more points the user must slay titans}

Seeing this almost made eren who was carrying the wood fall into the floor face first…








{I understand my writing is bad but give criticism so I can better myself thanks 🙏}

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yamiyacreators' thoughts