
4. Dog!

New day, new me!

'and this time! I will achieve even more than what I do previously!'

Morpheme, looking at the vast expanse of grassland filled with Monster smiled gruesomely...

"I finally have my revenge! Muahahahaha!!"

Blue furball: "Muahaha"

Morpheme: "Now arky... I choose you!"

"eh?" The blue furball look at Morpheme in dismay, wandering, why his new boss calling him for the job....

at this time, wasn't it supposed to be his boss beating all these monsters in a badass-way??


"Not eh!, shoo! go! and defeat them!" Morpheme in white shirt and trouser made a shoo-ing motion with his hand.

"But...." Arky wants to complain.

Morpheme raised his 'wooden sword'

The Blue furball nodded fearfully

"Arky! uses Henshin! and bite 'em!" Morpheme heil-ed his hand towards the vast expanse.

Our furball expression was as if he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, afterall, his gestures are just like a Villainous Boss.

"I'll give you more grilled meat later!"

and Arky didn't even knew what henshin was, but upon hearing the last sentence, he knew it was his time to shine!

"Wauuuuu!!" Arky jumped from the cliff and went towards the first group of monsters in lightning speed.


Seeing this scene,Morpheme just nodded in appreciation.

"As expected of my pet, this kind of enemies are piece of cake!"

Reminicing of the past when he used to wait until Arky bar to the fullest, he felt a little bit relief...

'Fortunately, there's no need to use energy bar when using arky in this world... else... I would really feel this world is a game'

And for defeating all those enemies..... even a full week of gaming is not enough QwQ



All Arky abilities today are displayed to the fullest!

'It seems this time around, arky is still indeed in a state of 2 star'

The difference between a 2-star arky and a higher star Arky is in the way of Attack, and also in the way which it can 'Henshin'!

but for now, in this peaceful state, a 2-star arky is the best Arky!

in the game, for each time using Arky the energy cost needed is too much for him to handle, that's why when other used higher level pet, he either used a 4-star Arky, or other pet in the area.... even though he's already reached his limit in level, equipment, and Combat Power (especially in survivability).

Another reason for not upgrading Arky is that, Morpheme needs a sustainable DPS, and not a Burst one which only a one-time use in a combat Stage, though it dealt a high damage, and give a defense break to the enemies, but it's not consistent with Morpheme way of character!

Defense break is only for a few moments!

but Consistent Damage is for life!

And once he upgrade Arky, there's no turning back...

That would be really unfortunate.



Arky howl-ed to the sky, Announcing his victory.

"Good job Arky! Catch!"


Arky catched the stick in mid-air

"..." The furball stood still for a second.

Arky felt like a dog

"HEY! Morpheme! I'm not a dog!"

"Ok!" said Morpheme while giving an OK-sign

Arky: "....."