
3. What is suitable to be the the first enemies in another world? Slime!

In this world, the protagonist actually got Isekai-ed to another space of his own parralel world... whereas in his original timeline, the world got destroyed by a Big-G, the Faust!

You can call that as a Top-G of the darkness world!

He came! He Conquer!

that's why In his original timeline, he, the 'sword of covenant' lost.... all of it!

his lover got stabbed by a Gundam!

his goddes patted into a minced-meat by a Hammer

his best friend, lost to a 1v1 fight against a remnant of a noble family! Leaving a scar to his face, and his way of the sword!

everything he holds dear to him... got ravaged to the ground in literal sense!

and only he got saved by an unknown mean... (more like a space crack!)

Fortunately, I, Morpheme got transmigrated not into the protagonist main world....

else, his only option was to wash his neck and wait to die!

and according to the story, the protagonist, Ras Eclaire, will arrive in less than a month time...? I don't know, but Arky is definitely the first one to arrive in this world.

*slash! *siing! *siing!

Morpheme, with his wooden 'sword' slashed out against his enemies.... The Slime!

Arky: "what was that weapon! Morpheme! "

Morpheme: " This is called the way of the sword!"

Arky: "Sword! You! that is not even a sword!"

Morpheme: "It is! As long as I believe in it, it will always be able to slash against my opponent!"

"Slash!? indeed, but not with that wooden stick that you picked from the ground out of nowhere!" Arky sneered.

" at least it can slash!" Morpheme said while brandishing his 'sword' against another slime

"But is it useful!" Arky commented, after all, looking at the damage dealt towards the slime seems negligible.

Morpheme: "Not as useless as you!"

"Haiiaaa!!" Arky then jump, and pounce at Morpheme...


"Aaaaa! Arky!.!"

the two then proceed to fight on the ground!

a fur ball vs a human.... what an exciting thing to watch... will probably the two slimes thought who were watching this fight, right?

Instead, the slime then fly above the two... preparing to descend on the two creatures.

*Bang! *Fwoosh!

the red slime strike with gusto from the sky... and the other slime used its mouth to send a fireball (*Fire style! Fireball no jutsu!)

Arky and Morpheme become black as charcoal....

"You slime...! take this! Thousand blade!"

With a hard swing of his 'wooden sword' Morpheme created a sword intent of thousands sword slashes against such weak slimes!

Slime 2x: 'Nani! I tought you as a weakling, but you think of me as a boss!'

and so, the slime become a condensed slime core, which could be exchanged for Mora...

(Morpheme: Author... are you sure this is the game world I know??

Author: shut up!)


"Woah! what was that Morpheme!"


"Das was sum gud sit right there!" Arky had a glittering eyes while watching Morpheme

"No, why is your wooden branch not broken yet! is that actually a divine weapon!?"

Morpheme: " .... humph! that's why you don't want to mess with my eyesight!"

"Quit joking! come! teach me!"

The yound lad then look at the furball with a condencencing face.

'Teaching you? a furball? can you even hold a sword? what a joke!?'

Arky: "Why do I think you were thinking a bad thiought of me..."

"Indeed" Morpheme hummed.

Arky: " ..... I'll bite you to death!"

Morpheme: "Aaaaaa!!! Stop it Arky!"


Night - Wilderness

"So what do we get for dinner?" Arky, looking at Morpheme guy with water dripping from its little mouth

and the morpheme guy is cooking a steak with his stick.

"be patient, it's still raw"

Our Morpheme guy then proceed to pour the garlic sauce on top of the roasted steak, making it filled with tasty fragrance.

How to make a tasteful dish!

step one: cook some garlic on your cooking = deliciouso!

well, that's just how it is.. Just Kidding, it was just a shortcut into the Dao of cooking.... which is not good... but a shortcut nonetheless!

ofcourse that was just his own thinking....

After processing the lamb meat, and serving it on plate, Morpheme and Little guy arky finally have a meal after a whole day of hunting.