
1. Start From Abyss

*click! - *click! - *click!

"You bitch! (female-dog) why don't you just Die!

it's been 3 fokin' hours just to defeat your first stage! but you actually got another stage beside this! fak!"

Morpheme, his in game name in the game that he played now, already hitting the max level cap on his account and just trying to defeat the last Abyss level boss before a new update.

Although he's not competing in top 100, but he's an elder(old) - level figure in his top-1000 Guild, a nasty one at that!

While others in the clan busy with their clan-wars, he's busy fighting a dragon for a chance getting high-roll-equipment!

While others busy with defeating world bosses, he's busy getting awakening material for his character...

in short! He's an all-out PVE! (Monster-oriented)

It's not that he doesn't want to help his guild-mate in Guild War, or any Player Vs Player stage....

it's just that... he can't!

Nearly all his equipments are Trash!

80% of them!

When other player enchantment on their Equipment goes on attack, he goes on defense!

other got speed, he got effect resistance instead....

one time, he asked the forums:

'How the hell am I supposed to win this stage with this epic-level equipment:

hp: 570

def: 1020

effect resistance: 120%

Attack: 3%

pls help"

and the comments were:

"woah! nice ER! I'm sure your Arena defense gonna be 100% win rate!"

"WTF, 1020 defense! is this guy for real! weren't the maximum def were supposed to be in two hundreds!? "

"Ah, this master is just low-key trying to show off!"

"Are you sure you are not trying to tank em to death!?"

And so he did, and got a record of 2 hours on the stage while other only spent 5 minutes to have either victory or defeat....

And when he share them his experience on the forums, all were stunned speechless....

"relax, just believe in Your next RNG epic enchantment roll!"

Morpheme (OP): " ..... "

RNG my Arse!

if you were in my position, you would already rage quit this game from the moment you fought the first area boss!

becouse he already collected many epic equipment, but all rolled on HP!

at first he was happy, but then realised something was wrong!

atk: 60

hp : 25000

def: 1080

were his stats back then....

while the boss in the first area status were:

atk: 102

hp: 5000

def: 80


he just felt like crying!

other only spent like 10 hit to kill you K.O

while I spent dozens of turn just to defeat the minions...

("T-T) *sad noises!

----. ----. ----. ---

those were just him, recounting of the old event... afterall the next patch update will have some re-balanced! especially on equipment enchant!

in his deliriousness, he spent 3-days,2-weeks and 1-months, just to climb down the abyss...

and now that he already spent a total of 5 hours on the game "last boss"

he finally made it in the end!

looking at his team with critical hp, he breathed a sigh of relief,

"fortunately I didn't waste these 5 hours on nothing! now... where the "stage-clear" logo's on the screen?

Masaka! (*could it be)

Disconnected! no! looking at the full wifi coverage in his status, he felt strange.....


° You cannot exit the battle! °


° You cannot exit the battle! °


° You. cannot exit the battle °


And with his last word, he sucked into a space-time turbulance!

Morpheme, got Isekai-ed