
I wasn't ready for this

This is a fantasy story about Nive and Cade. They have been best friends since Secondary school. One day, when they arrive at Nives house, the front door has collapsed. When Cade takes a look at the house, something happens to Nive. From there they get stuck in the whole thing that is happening. Along the way, they have to find out what the secret world of Osmium is, who the Speaker is, and what Nives dad has to do with this. The more time they spend with each other, the more their relationship evolves. The story isn't finished yet, but I am trying to find time to keep writing :)

KyojuroRengoku_mha · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Slide in the light

There was even a silence. Cade looked at Nive. Nive looked at a map. Osmium's name was on the card. This had to be stretched out on the map. Her eyes scanned the map until they reached a castle. There was also a drawing of a courtyard on the map. There was one large lamppost in the courtyard. It was the same as they had seen in the hexagonal perfect room. They cringed at the thought of being back there again.

Cade watched Nive look at a map with a sullen face. He was still sitting on the desk chair, his hand resting on his stomach. He was afraid that if Nive didn't get him to a doctor soon, things wouldn't end well for him. It was a scar for sure. He could still see clearly in front of him how it had happened. How that Brownfield pierced his stomach with that knife. That sucks! Where was that? "Hey, Nive! Where did you leave that?" Cade said. "On the side table. Why?" Cade stood up convulsively and was already stumbling toward the hallway. Cade! What are you going to do?" Nive called out. But Cade had already turned the corner. Nive watched Cade. I could tell from the way Cade walked that something was wrong. They looked back at the desk and pushed aside some cards. Under a book with a title in a completely different language, there was another book. It was in her language and she could read the title. "Slide in the light. By Mabel Lee." Nive opened the book and began flipping through the descents. The book was full of drawings, instructions for use, and foreign words. There were pages written in her language, as well as in the other language used on many other maps. Osmium language. Nive sighed and opened the book on the desk. She looked at the opening, but Cade hadn't returned yet. However, the book was left open on one page because it was used the most. Nive looked at the page and her eyebrows for the first time. There was some kind of spell on it. In another language, the translation is below.

Hear me, the voice of light

Be open and not closed again

I have the jewel, as blue as sapphire

Now I ask you, take me away from here

I am descended from your daughters and sons

Let me come somewhere else

I beg I beg, the voice of light

Be open and not closed again

Nive didn't know what to make of this. Where would it go? Voice of light? Which of what was that again? Again Nive sighed. Everything seems to have nothing to do with each other. But it had to, right? She didn't know what language the spell itself was written in, but it wasn't Osmium's. It was a completely different language. Cade came around the corner with difficulty, knife in hand. "Found!" he said. Nive looked at the book. The knife was red with Cade's blood. "Let me see," she said, already holding out her hand. Slowly, Cade walked over to the desk, the knife in Nive's hand. It wasn't as heavy a knife as you'd expect. She sketched it over and saw that it had some text on it. It was written in her language. "Property of Aaron Brownfield," she said softly, putting the knife on the table. "Brownfield?" said Cade, looking down at the knife. "He stabbed me." Nive sighed in exasperation. 'I know that. You checked that like five times." She dropped her head into her hands. Cade was about to retort when he saw something hanging around Nive's neck. It was a blue jewel. "Hey, Nive? Where did you get that?" and he pointed to future ones. Surprised, Nive looked up. They count on the huge jewel and ripped it off her neck. It was attached to a silver cord. 'This? I got this from my father when I was the best youngster. He has the same." Quickly Cade walked over to the desk. "That's just the jewel Larkson had too!" "Really?" said Nive. They see the jewel well, but could not notice anything out of the ordinary. "Are you sure?" Nive said doubtfully. "It doesn't look very special." Cade held out his hand to her, and Nive handed the jewel to him. 'Very sure. Maybe there's something in those books about jewelry?' He came to stand next to Nive and looked intently at the pile of papers on the desk. 'Not really. Only in this book." Nive guessed that the book they had just flipped through and found the page with the strange spell on it. "Here," she said, laying the book open on the desk. "There's a spell here about a doorway. I think.'