
I wasn't able to afford the game so I got reincarnated into it

txl33b · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

[1] I got the new game for free

The new MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) "Dragons and Dungeon" or in short "DAD" is going to be released tomorrow.

Matsuura Michio, a guy who usually spends his days playing games and watching anime aka a total loser who has no social life and while everyone at his age have something going for them, he is trying to find every single penny he can find so he can buy the game


Oi you're not suppose to talk to the author and besides who are you to question how I write my story. I am the author and I can do wha- AHHHHHHHHH

*Gets stabbed by the protagonist* *dies due to bleeding*

"Alright then, now that he's gone I'll be taking over this"

So... I guess since I'm going to be telling my own story now I'll go into first person and stop using speech marks. Anyways, let's start with a better introduction, I'm Matsuura Michio, 19 years old and work at a local store. My family usually change locations due to my dad's job so I decided to live on my own as it was just too stressful. If you were wondering about my relationship status, I'm happily single

"Y-you just don't h-have the skill t-to get o-one"



Ahem... *cough* *cough* Moving on, as mentioned before a new game was getting released and I heard it was gonna change the whole gaming industry, that's how good it'll be. However it was said to be extremely pricey as well and unfortunately, I didn't really have the required money to buy it so I decided to wait until they restocked the game as I was pretty sure that the game would be sold out in a few hours after releasing.

In the evening, while returning from buying a good old chicken supreme pizza, I met a enigmatic person who told me he knew that I wanted the DAD and added that he could even provide me with a copy if I completed an errand for him. Having said that, it wasn't even the most suspicious part, the thing he wanted me to do was to just deliver a letter to an address which was not even that far away from my flat. Infact it was in the same building. Even though I had my doubts I still agreed to do it since there was still a slight chance that I may be able to get the game for free. The letter was in a black envelope with golden borders and had some foreign writing I didn't recognised l, it somewhat reminded me of those Greek letters but a bit more ancient. Upon reaching the destination I noticed that it wasn't just close to my flat but instead it was literally my place. I got so spooked and baffled by it that I froze there for a while until I forcefully got my shit together and determined to open the door. As soon as I opened the door and entered my apartment everything turned white, like being in space but inside of everything being black it's white. Then out of nowhere I started falling which caused me to panic and started turning around all over the place hoping to find something to latch onto but it was just a void with me endlessly plummeting. After a few minutes of this neverending drop I accepted my fate and shut my eyes waiting for my confirmed death.

"Wake up..." *Whisper*

[End of chapter]