
Chapter 6(Awakening)

Booker awoke in a small room. The walls were blue with flower designs covering the wall. Booker realized right away he was not in his room at the mansion not from the sights, but the smell. This place smelled like a forest or more specifically a pine tree while the mansion had a distinct smell.

He sat up and looked at himself. He felt a great amount of pain as he sat up. His right arm was covered in bandages, his left leg also had bandages on it, and he felt a great pain spread all the way across his back.

He was wearing the same uniform he had on before. He noticed Lana was asleep on the couch that was a few feet away from the bed. He thought she looked peaceful in her sleep unlike when she was awake and her wild attitude shined through. In the corner of the room all of bookers supplies were on a table.

Booker stood up as quietly as possible and changed into the spare uniform he brought with him on the trip and his blue bowtie. His dagger was also in his supplies, so he hid inside his uniform. He examined himself in the mirror and saw across his back he had a large claw mark across his back. He knew it would most likely scar and it would be there for the rest of his life.

A few moments later he turned around to Lana woke up and rubbing her eyes. As soon as she noticed Booker was no longer laying in her bed she jumped on top of him and squeezed him.

"Holy shit you had me worried Booker," Lana said as she hugged him.

"Hey....your kinda hurting me," Lana let go. She clearly had been up for awhile she looked tired and her hair was messy compared to her usual neatly combed hair that she usually had.

"What happened and where are we?" Booker asked Lana. Lana explained about how after he passed out she put him in the back of the cart and made her way to Ueera and found a doctor in one of their boarder towns who patched Booker up. Booker figured he would have to thank the doctor later for his services.

Booker and Lana both made their way down to the dining room in the house where breakfast was already prepared for them. A man walked in who looked to be in his sixties with a long white beard.

"Ah I see your up young man. It's a pleasure to meet you, i'm the doctor who treated your wounds," the old man spoke. "Nice to meet you Sir, thank you for treating my wounds i'm sorry if I caused any trouble," Booker replied.

"Ha, well I am a doctor after so this is my job," The man laughed. Booker finished his meal with Lana and leaned back in his chair satisfied with his meal.

"So what is the cost of his treatment," Lana inquired. Booker figured the treatment wouldn't be free and was afraid it would take much of the money they brought with them to pay the price for supplies.

"Well I don't want money, but I would like to ask you all a favor for your payment...." the man said to Lana. "What do you need us to do?" Lana inquired.

"Well you see I heard your story about how you all held off dire wolves, and with the monster problems around this area I would like you all to clear out a nest of goblins. The reason being is that recently they have started stealing our livestock and our crops. I'm worried soon they will attack the village and sadly we don't have the defenses to defend against an attack from monsters," the doctor said.

Lana agreed to the man's request and an hour later Lana and Booker found themselves standing outside of a large cave.

"Hey you ready for this Booker?" Lana asked Booker. Booker nodded his head, his palms were sweating and his knuckles turning white as he gripped the spear he took from the village armory. It was a simple spear with a wood handle and a steel tip. He was told there were no enchantments on it.

Booker and Lana entered the cave. It was dark, damp, and smelled of blood. Lana used her flame magic to light the path as they walked. Lana explained goblins were weak but in numbers were a threat. She told Booker goblins are also known to poison there blades so Booker figured a long piercing weapon to keep them at bay was a smart choice.

"Right there!" Booker yelled when he saw a large group of eyes cutting through the darkness ahead of them. The goblins seemed to notice their detection and began to rush towards Lana and Booker. Booker used his spear to impale one of the goblins through the stomach. He kicked another in the face as it got near him. Booker flung the dead goblin off his spear smashing into the wall. Lana used her fire magic carefully not wanting to hit Booker in the small cave.

Booker finished off the one he kicked earlier and saw a goblin in the distance running away. Booker thought about how their may be more and that the goblin could warn the others of he and Lana's presence. Booker decided that he should try to stop the goblin so he picked up a good sized rock he saw near him and chucked it. It hit the goblin square in the back of the head and it collapsed onto the ground in a green heap.

"I suppose it's good I play baseball," Booker said to himself. "Baseball?" Lana replied. "Don't Worry about it," Booker said as he and Lana moved farther into the cave. As Booker passed the goblin he hit with the rock he stabbed it in the back of the neck to make sure it was dead. Booker stayed out in front while Lana stayed in back.

He heard something in the distance and told Lana to fire a flame in the direction he heard the noise. Booker heard screams as three goblins came out of the darkness while the other was burning behind them.

One goblin charged straight up to Booker. Booker kicked it into a wall and then stomped his head against the wall crushing it. Another lunged toward Booker who jab his spear into it's chest. Booker couldn't seem to find the last and it jumped off the celling. Booker didn't have time to dodge the blow, but Lana turned it into a charred corpse with her magic. Booker figured she must be quick if she was able to do the incantation and fire off the spell in time to save Booker.

"Thanks Lana," Booker said. Lana nodded and smiled as they continued to move deeper into the cave. They eventually came across what looked to be twelve cow corpses and a large amount of crops. Booker felt the ground rumble as a creature emerged from a corner of the cave.

"Shit a ogre!" Lana screamed. Wielding a giant club it swung downwards towards Booker. Booker jumped out of the way and narrowly dodged the blow. The beast walked towards Lana. Lana tried to back away but tripped on the ground. Booker chose to roll the dice and shoved his spear in the back of the ogres heel. The ogre toppled over to the ground and Booker drove the spear straight into the ogres throat.

"Don't worry I got your back," Booker told Lana as he pulled her up. "Thanks for that but your carrying the crops back," Lana said laughing. "Fuck you," Booker said laughing. Booker and Lana began to walk out of the cave.

They returned to the village with the crops. People thanked them and the doctor who they spoke with before told them they were welcome to stay in the village at any time. Booker and Lana prepared to leave the village.

Booker decided to keep the spear as he grew a liking for his new weapon. They departed towards the capital city to meet with the king of Ueera. They would arrive in three day's time if all went according to the plan. So off they went moving towards the capital.