
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantaisie
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84 Chs

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Installation of Magical Tools

A few days after making the magical tools for fire magic, when I went to Marcel-san's house, the stove, cooking stove, and kettle were already completed.

"It's already finished!"

"Yeah, it's not only finished but also registered. I was almost suspected if I really developed it, but as soon as I received instructions from above, it was registered immediately. Leon, do you have connections with the upper echelons of the royal palace?"

Marcel-san stared at me with suspicion.

I don't have acquaintances in the royal palace, and besides, the only nobles I know are the Townsend Duke's family.

Oh, come to think of it, Richard-sama is working at the royal palace, right?

...Well, I don't really know, but if it's registered, then it's fine.

"I'm not quite sure, but are they the Townsend Duke's family? But if it's registered, then it's fine, isn't it?"

"Wait! Leon, do you have connections not only with Frederick-sama but also with the Townsend Duke's family!?"

"Huh...? Didn't I tell Marcel-san? I was invited to their mansion the other day."

"Invited to their mansion!? That's..."

After that, Marcel-san muttered in a low voice, saying things like "If Leon's abnormality is the case, it's natural to be interested" and "Is Leon a useful talent for the Townsend Duke's family's influence," but eventually, he seemed to understand.

"Well, whatever. It's best not to think too deeply about Leon. Anyway, since the registration is done, I deducted the amount for the purchase of the stove and deposited fourteen platinum coins and five gold coins into your account."

I still feel uneasy about it, but if I say I'm not abnormal here, it won't be convincing, so I decided to stop.

"Thank you very much. I'll check it later."

"Yeah, do that. By the way, how are you going to bring the stove home? Should I lend you the cart I have?"

"If you could lend it to me, I'd appreciate it! I'll return it tomorrow or something."

So I borrowed a cart from Marcel-san and brought the stove home.

"I'm back! Dad, can you help me a bit?"

"Welcome back, Leon. What's wrong?"

"This is heavy, so can you help me bring it inside the house?"

"Sure, but... What is this?"

"It's a magical tool. With this, we can use it at home too!"

When my dad heard it was a magical tool, he was simply astonished. Magical tools are recognized as something that nobles use.

I actually want more magical tools in the house, but I can't install a cooking stove unless I remodel the kitchen, so it's impossible. They don't provide construction for installing magical tools in commoner's houses, it seems.

Neither flush toilets nor running water are available in this house because there is no sewer system like in the city center. The same goes for the bath. There's simply no space to install a bathtub.

Marcel-san's workshop has magical appliances, but apparently, they have a special exception where the sewer system is connected. It must be a substitute for a noble title. How enviable.

I thought about creating a purification magical device by imbuing purification magic into a magic stone, but when I asked Marcel-san, it seemed impossible. Purification magic consumes a considerable amount of magical power, and it's the same when used in a magical appliance. To clean a single toilet, it requires a magic stone that's filled with maximum magical power, and it needs to be recharged twice. That makes it impractical.

Using magical appliances in my house is almost impossible in this situation. However, a stove can be used anywhere, and it doesn't require any remodeling, so I can use it in my house!

I would love to make my house convenient with all sorts of magical appliances, but that's impossible, so I've given up on it. I'll have a comfortable life after becoming a government official. But if possible, I'd like to become a noble... It seems more convenient.

Just as I was thinking that far, my father snapped out of his daze and returned.

"Well, magical appliances are something nobles use, right? Why does Leon have one?"

My father asked me in a low voice. It's better not to let him know about the existence of magical appliances. There's a possibility they could get stolen. If I were to use them, it would be in the living room and bedroom.

"Because I'm on good terms with Marcel-san, so I got it from him."

I said that, and my father seemed to be convinced. It seems like he's gradually getting used to the fact that I know nobles. Both my father and mother have a tendency not to think too deeply about me.

"Well, let's bring it inside the house quickly then."


My father and I decided to bring it to the bedroom for now. My mother was also surprised by the magical appliance, but she seemed to be convinced by my father's words, "Leon brought it." I'm not sure if I should be happy about being accepted so easily. Well, whatever...

Marie didn't seem to understand much about magical appliances, but she was simply delighted to feel warm.

That night, in the bedroom, I taught my mother and father how to use the magical appliance and explained the imagery when charging it with magical power.

"When you charge magical power, imagine creating a small fireball about thirty centimeters above the magic stone."

I thought they would be able to do it easily since they both have the fire attribute, but their magical power is too low, and it doesn't work well.

"Leon, both your mother and I have very little magical power, so we can't even create a fireball in the first place."

I see... In that case, it might be difficult.

But if you practice exercises to train the concept of oxygen and your imagination, couldn't you learn to create it? I was able to reduce my magic consumption significantly with that kind of imagination.

I explained to my mother and father about oxygen and asked them to practice enhancing their imagination as much as possible.

"Did you understand it to some extent?"

"Well, I kind of understood a little, but will anything change with this?"

"I can't believe that this will make us able to use fireballs."

"Anyway, let's give it a try! It's dangerous here, so let's go to the courtyard."

And so, the three of us went to the courtyard. Marie seemed tired and fell asleep while we were talking.

"Then, try creating a fireball with the same imagination as before. Make a small one a little away from your palm."

Both of them were hesitant, but they tried creating a fireball. And both of them were able to create small fireballs.

Amazing! It's a great success!!

Imagination is really important after all... I feel like the strength of magic in this world will increase significantly with this method. But we have to be careful because there's a possibility it will also make the enemies stronger...

"Leon, you're amazing!! I can't believe you really did it."

"Thank you, Leon. It can be useful in our daily lives and for self-defense too."

"I'm glad we can use it now! I think we should try infusing magic power into magical tools when we go back!"

We returned to the bedroom, and both my mother and father were able to infuse magic power without any problems.

"Now we can sleep warmly anytime!"

"I'm truly happy about that. In winter, even when sleeping, I would wake up because of the cold."

"Now we won't catch colds anymore."

I was glad my mother and father were pleased.

"But it's better if people around us don't know about this. Not about this magical tool or how to use magic like we did earlier."

My mother said with a slightly serious expression.

"Especially about how to use magic, it seems to have a significant influence. Leon, don't teach it to others easily."

Yeah, I guess that's true. Maybe when the time comes and I can reveal all the attributes.

"Yeah, I understand. Can you keep it a secret too, Mom and Dad?"

"We would never do anything to endanger you, Leon."

"That's right."

"Thank you, Mom and Dad."

I think my mother and father have noticed that I'm different from before. But they love me unconditionally without saying anything. I'm truly happy. I'll also be careful not to put my family in danger.

With that, we ended our conversation and turned on the stove before going to sleep. The room and the futon were warm and cozy, and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Stoves are really the best...