
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantaisie
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84 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The First Carriage

The next day, I woke up in the morning and prepared eagerly to go out. It was because today was the day I would go to the downtown area.

First, I changed into my newest clothes, trying not to look out of place in the downtown area. I put on the leather shoes I wore when going to the forest.

They were better than the worn-out patched clothes and grass-woven shoes. People around here tend to use things carefully, so even if their clothes tear, they mend and continue using them. They keep using the clothes until they become too worn-out to be used as rags.

That's why clothes without patches are valuable.

Wearing that precious outfit and the leather shoes, I tied a small hemp bag around my waist, containing all my pocket money.

Though it was just a few copper coins, equivalent to a few hundred yen in Japanese currency, I thought it was better than having no money at all.

Alright, preparations complete! Let's go quickly!

It's still early in the morning, but I can't help but be excited.

Even if I arrive too early at Mr. Marcel's place, I can think about magical tools.

With that in mind, I decided to go to Mr. Marcel's place.

"Alright, Mom, Dad, I'm going! Marie, I'm going too. Take care of the dining room, okay?"

"Be careful now."

"Take care!"

"Big brother, tell me about it when you come back!"

"Sure! I'm going!"

When Marie heard that I was going to the downtown area, she insisted on going together with me. However, when Mom said that today's lunch would be strawberry pancakes, she suddenly changed her mind.

Marie sometimes acts mature, but she's still a child after all. It warmed my heart. I should buy her some souvenirs if possible.

While thinking about such things, I arrived at Mr. Marcel's house.

As usual, I tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked today.

I might have been too early after all...

I knocked on the door and called out in a slightly louder voice.

"Mr. Marcel! Good morning!"

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and Mr. Marcel came out.

"Leon, you're too early."

"I couldn't contain my excitement..."

"Sigh, well, I can relax over there anyway, so it's fine."

Mr. Marcel sighed as if he were exasperated.

"I thought it would be fine to take the noon bell's carriage, but there's a carriage leaving a bit earlier. Can we take that one? We're going right away, is that alright?"

"Yes! It's better to go right away!"

"Just wait a moment."

Saying that, Marcel-san went back into the house. Perhaps he wasn't ready yet.

A few minutes later, Marcel-san came out wearing considerably finer clothes than usual.

The fabric seemed soft and of good quality, and the colors were vibrant.

Seeing him like this, I could understand that Marcel-san was a quasi-noble... Though he usually just feels like an ordinary old man.

But I can't say such things to him.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Marcel-san peered at my face with a puzzled expression.

"Leon? What are you lost in thought about? Don't tell me you think it doesn't suit you."

"N-No, that's not it! I just thought you really look like a noble..."

"This attire is the lowest among the nobles. Even wealthy merchants among the commoners wear something better."

"I see..."

Thinking that way, my house must be quite poor. Well, I guess it's better than the countryside since we live in the capital.

"Alright, let's go. The carriage stop is near the square."

"Yes! Ah... How much does the carriage cost?"

I realized that I hadn't thought about the carriage fare at all, and I asked hesitantly.

"For a ride to the city center, it's about one copper coin."

"One copper coin!?"

What should I do? I've already exceeded my budget. I only have a few small copper coins...

As I panicked and pondered on what to do, Marcel-san noticed and said in an exasperated tone.

"Leon, there's no way I would let you pay. You don't need to be so flustered. Besides, I'm planning to pay for everything today."

"Eh!? That's... really kind of you, but is it okay...? I'm just a stranger..."

"Don't think of yourself as just a stranger. If I thought that, why would I bother bringing you to the city center? I'm not married, so I don't have children or grandchildren. When I look at you, I imagine what it would be like if I had grandchildren. It makes me happy."

Marcel-san... What a wonderful person!

I'll definitely repay Marcel-san's favor. Let's think hard about a magical tool! And maybe I can talk to Marcel-san about my attribute...

With that thought, I felt a little relieved. It's tough not being able to tell anyone, after all.

For now, let's enjoy the downtown area and talk when we get back.

"Marcel-san! Thank you very much!"

When I said that with a big smile, Marcel-san turned slightly shyly.

"It's not a big deal. Well, we're almost there."


The shared carriage stop was located a little away from the square, closer to home.

There were several carriages, apparently heading in various directions. The coachmen were holding signs indicating which way they were going, but it seemed like they also shouted for those who couldn't read.

Since we were going to the downtown area, we headed to the carriage bound for the downtown.

"Can two of us ride?"

"Yes, one person, one copper coin."

"And two copper coins for this one."

"Thank you very much. Here you go."

It seemed that we could ride the carriage after paying the money.

The carriage was covered with a cloth-like canopy, and there were two horses. It seemed that we entered from the back of the carriage.

Inside the carriage, there were long wooden benches on the left and right sides, and there were a couple in their forties and a woman in her late teens sitting inside.

When Marcel-san and I sat down on the chairs, the couple started talking to us.

"Hello, are you sightseeing today?"

"We have some business to attend to."

"Oh, I see. We're going sightseeing."

"Well then, please enjoy yourselves."

The wife and Marcel-san were having such a conversation.

There are people who can go to the city center for sightseeing. But indeed, the couple's attire is neatly dyed, without any patches or stitches. They are wearing clothes that are slightly inferior to Marcel-san's.

They must be wealthy among the commoners.

On the other hand, the other woman riding with me seems as poor as or even poorer than my home.

I'm wearing a single set of clothes without patches, but this woman is wearing clothes full of patches to go to the city center.

I wonder why she's going there when she's so poor?

As I was looking at her with curiosity, she noticed and our eyes met.

"You, what do you want?"

"Uh, well... I was just wondering why you're going to the city center... Sorry for staring!"

The young woman seemed a little annoyed, so I hurriedly apologized.

"You don't have to apologize. I'm going to look for work, it's nothing unusual. There aren't many job opportunities around here, so many people go to the city center to find work. There are plenty of jobs as servants for nobles and merchants."

"I see... Thank you very much."

As I somewhat expressed my gratitude, the young woman suddenly turned her head away. Did I offend her mood...? Maybe it's better not to talk to her anymore.

By the way, there seem to be so many people going to the city center to find work. She mentioned working as a servant for nobles, but it must be a tough job, dealing with unreasonable nobles and all...

I'll definitely work hard to get into the Royal Academy.

While I was thinking about such things, it seemed like the carriage started moving. It's my first time riding a carriage, so I'm excited!

However, I could only think about such carefree things in the beginning. The carriage ride is so uncomfortable!!

It's shaking so much, and my rear end hurts! It's unbearable for me who has experienced comfortable cars.

But everyone else is riding calmly, so I can't complain!

Please arrive quickly!!!