
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

the girls meet

At this moment, I'm in the process of changing the enchantments on my uniform since, in my opinion, they are quite useless. These three are 'Protection against magic,' 'impact softening,' and 'stab-proof.'

So, I decided to improve them a bit. I took my magic staff and used the 'Disable Magic Effect' mode to erase all the enchantments it had and replace them with the ones I prefer.

I started thinking about the best enchantment options for this situation, also trying to recall the ones Shin had used in the original anime. "If I'm not mistaken, he had written 'Absolute magic protection,' 'Automatic healing,' and 'Cut resistance.'"

I could only shake my head because, although they were good choices, I have better ones for my case. After some time, I decided on the enchantments to use, and these were 'Absolute nullification,' 'Absorption,' and 'Refraction.'

With absolute nullification, I don't need to worry about any attack. Unlike Shin's absolute protection, every attack won't even touch me since all magic will be nullified once it reaches a certain distance from my clothes.

I don't need healing since I already have very effective healing abilities, so it's unnecessary. However, I had the idea of creating a form of time reversal since that can sometimes be more effective than healing. Unfortunately, I lack the necessary knowledge of time to apply it.

Refraction will only occur when there's an attack so strong that it couldn't be completely nullified. To avoid any damage, the attack will be automatically refracted.

Finally, with absorption, I don't need to explain much since its function is obvious. If an attack is so strong that it surpasses the two previous protections (which I personally doubt will happen), the uniform will absorb that energy and transfer it to my body so I can analyze and use it.

As I gaze at my super new uniform, I can't help but feel proud. I also thought about fixing the girls' uniforms since I don't want them to have any accidents if something happens when I'm not around.


Today is the day of the entrance ceremony for the magic school, so we're heading there in a carriage. However, this time, our grandparents will accompany us because they want to be there for the speech and this important day.

"We have arrived at the institute," said the carriage driver.

As we got off, a large crowd started surrounding the grandparents, but I didn't pay much attention to it and went straight to the location of the entrance ceremony.

When I entered, I quickly noticed a beautiful girl with a curvaceous body and prominent features, wearing a lovely ring on her ring finger, and her hair was a pretty shade of orange.

When I saw her, I couldn't help but be startled by how beautiful she had become over the years, so I didn't waste any time and decided to approach her.

"Good morning, beautiful lady. Why are you all alone?" I asked.

When Yuri heard me, she quickly turned around and jumped to hug me. "Ryu, I finally found you," she said happily.

"It's been a long time, Yuri. I can see you've become very beautiful," I honestly complimented her.

"Where have you been all this time? I even thought you wouldn't show up," she asked.

"I arrived just before the exam, and I also looked for you, but I didn't know where you lived," I said, although it's a lie, as I wouldn't want to tell her that I was out on dates with my other girlfriends; I don't know how she'd react.

"Ahem... Brother, who is she?" Suddenly, Shin's voice came from behind me. When I turned my head, I saw he wasn't alone but accompanied by his strange friend (and sort-of-boyfriend) August.

"Let me introduce you, the one with the semi-purple hair is my brother Shin, and the one beside him is his not-yet-official boyfriend, August," I said as I introduced them.

"Are you still going on about that? I've told you a thousand times that I have a fiancée," August said.

"Brother, is she one of the three girlfriends you have? Nice to meet you, I'm Shin, his younger brother," Shin said with a smile, but it was a smile of revenge and mischief, and August quickly understood what was happening and matched his expression.

"HAAA... I must admit, I envy you for having such beautiful and permissive girlfriends," August said with a hint of regret, but you could tell he was laughing inside.

"Hehe... It seems what you wrote in the letter was not a lie... Care to explain?" Yuri exclaimed with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

I won't deny that I felt a bit of sweat running down my back, but just as I was about to explain, I heard Shin's damned voice again.

"Oh, those are not your two girlfriends... Maria, Cesily, come here, this is Ryu..." Shin said loudly, sharing a knowing smile with August.

"They're not his two girlfriends... Maria and Cesily are the daughters of Count Claude and Messina. You're very lucky, Ryu," August responded with a smile similar to Shin's, enjoying the drama.

I couldn't help but look at both of them with annoyance since they put me in a difficult position. I vowed to myself that this wouldn't stay like this. But well, there's not much I can do now. It's better to deal with it sooner rather than later, and they would meet each other the next day at the latest.

"Ohh... It's time to take responsibility for my actions," I thought disheartened.

"Oh, Shin, Prince August, Ryu, and... Yuri, what are you doing here?" Maria said.

"Ryu..." Secily said softly, already having a hunch.

"Um... Maria, Secily, she's his sister whom I told you about a few days ago. She saved me once a while back, and we've known each other since then... Yuri, these are the sisters I mentioned in the letter... I met them a few months after leaving your house," I explained.

As I spoke, the atmosphere became stranger. I noticed Shin and August had big smiles on their faces; they were quite pleased to see me in this situation. However, I wasn't going to let them get away with it. So, for now, let's change the subject...

"I know you all have many questions, and I'll answer them later when we're alone. Also, I owe it to you and your parents to introduce my family, so let's wait until the ceremony and classes are over to talk calmly... Even though I know you wouldn't do anything wrong, I remind you that each one of you is important to me, so you shouldn't have any conflicts because, in the future, you'll stand shoulder to shoulder to support each other," I said seriously as I looked at them.

All the girls nodded, understanding that it wasn't the right moment to discuss these matters. They also blushed a little when they heard they would meet my family and about the promises I made to them.

Seeing me temporarily resolve the situation, the guys couldn't help but unconsciously admire me, as not anyone else could have such a thick skin.

"What do you mean by fighting shoulder to shoulder?" Shin asked.

"It's understandable that you don't know, but things in this southern part of the continent aren't as peaceful as you may think. There are many kingdoms out there, and many dangerous situations can arise, maybe even in a few months from now," I calmly responded.

"What do you mean?" August asked, as he knows there are some tensions between kingdoms but is unsure of what I'm referring to.

"I'm not entirely sure, so I don't want to talk about it, but something similar to what happened a few years ago might occur," I said in a mysterious tone.

"Something similar to before... you don't mean..." August stopped himself at the end, as it was a sensitive topic. Not only he understood, but everyone caught the message and became serious.

"You're right, but there will be some changes compared to the past... but it's not certain yet... So don't worry too much," I added.

"How can we not worry if it's something like that? And how did you get that information?" August, who has always followed his father's footsteps, quickly found two important points.

When I heard his question, I just smiled and didn't talk about the matter.

"Let's go, the ceremony is about to start," I called the girls as I spoke, and when people saw us, there was a lot of envy and jealousy from those around us, which I decided to ignore.