
I was reborn as the 3rd prince

main character, who lost his life due to cancer, finds himself in another world, in another body. Moreover, his new body is the 3rd prince of the Asina kingdom. Ethan does not understand why he came to this world, but he aims to make better use of his second chance and become a king who will go down in history. But it wouldn't be that easy. He would fight to achieve his goal in this world of magic and all kinds of mysteries. Let's see if our character Ethan can get to the top. "The R18 scenes will start after the first 50-60 episodes."

Terlik · Fantaisie
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89 Chs

chapter 22: Aurendale city


2 years later

School times had passed swiftly. Ethan had managed to get quite close with Ulric, Nemora, Anna, and Aphrodite at the academy. Since the others besides Ethan would stay at the academy for two more years, it was time for Ethan to bid them farewell. As the carriage with the royal emblem approached, Ethan hugged each one of them. They agreed that Anna's brother and Ulric's family issues would be sorted out after they graduated from the academy.

When Ethan hugged Aphrodite, he noticed her sadness and held her for a while longer, whispering softly, "Don't worry, we'll meet again." Aphrodite replied, "I hope so," and they parted ways. Finally, when Ethan hugged Nemora, she gave him a black bracelet.

Nemora said, "If you ever come across my tribe, show them this, they'll treat you well," and she explained where her tribe was located. Ethan felt rather gloomy as he boarded the luxurious carriage. 'I guess I've grown more attached to them than I realized,' he thought as the carriage set off towards the palace. It was time for him to return to the palace and start governing his fiefdom as a prince.

Upon arriving at the palace, Ethan noticed that the sun was about to set. The magnificent walls and towering spires of the palace gave him a sense of peace, yet there was a tinge of melancholy within. The friendships and experiences he had gained during his years at the academy had left him feeling somewhat lonely upon his return to the palace.

He entered his father's study and after knocking, stepped inside. "Welcome home, son. I've heard you've done exceptionally well at the academy. As a father, I am proud. Now that you've grown into a man, I'll tell you about your region," his father said. His mother joined them upon hearing her son had arrived and embraced him. After some conversation with his mother, he asked his father about the whereabouts of his fiefdom.

"I'll assign you to Aurendale, the port city in the south. Remember, it won't be easy there. The crime rate in the city has risen. What I expect from you is the development of the city and stabilizing the crime rates. Apart from that, you already know your duties, don't you?" Richard asked his son.

Ethan nodded, "Yes, I do, and I will do my best." When a prince turns twelve, he is sent to his fiefdom to gain experience. This fiefdom duty allows the prince to develop skills in governance. A prince who manages his fiefdom well can gain favor with the king, nobles, and government officials. The assigned fiefdoms are usually territories of fallen or declining nobles, so it is crucial for the prince to revitalize these areas.

In addition to these duties, princes, like other nobles, must pay their taxes and are obligated to join the army with their accompanying soldiers in times of war. Richard stood up and patted Ethan's back, saying, "Also, it would be wise to take care of your betrothed."

Eleanor would accompany Ethan to Aurendale. After all, there was a chance she could become queen, and she needed to gain experience as well. As Ethan left the room, Luciana turned to Richard and said, "Although I don't like your decision to choose Ethan's bride, I understand why you did it, but still..." she clenched her fingers, looking towards the door through which their son had exited.

Richard wrapped his arms around her from behind, "Don't worry, after all, he'll have a harem of his own choosing. Didn't I meet you like this? And I am quite happy now." he said, nibbling on Luciana's ear.

Ethan stood in front of a door contemplating what to say. He soon knocked on the door, and Eleanor quickly opened it. Eleanor looked different from the last time he had seen her. 'I guess she's grown into her adolescence well,' Ethan thought, noticing Eleanor's scrutiny of his body, causing her to blush.

Finally regaining her composure, Eleanor asked, "Can I know why you're here?" as she entered and sat down on the couch. Ethan replied, "Is there a reason for me not to visit my betrothed?" looking at her as if what she said was absurd. After a moment of silence, Ethan started talking.

Ethan said, "We'll be leaving soon, so I wanted to inform you." "I was aware, but thank you for telling me. So, where are we going?" Eleanor asked.

Ethan replied, "To a port city called Aurendale; I've heard the weather there is quite pleasant. I learned about some natural healing lakes there; these lakes can be very beneficial to people, especially pregnant women," he said, looking into Eleanor's eyes.

Eleanor couldn't help but shudder at the mention of pregnant women. After they talked for a while, Ethan stood up, approached Eleanor, kissed her on the cheek, and then left. Shocked by this kiss, Eleanor couldn't help but curse after Ethan had left.

When it was time to leave, Ethan bid farewell to his mother and then set off with Eleanor in a dozen carriages. The journey would be quite long as Aurendale port was located near the northern border of the old Moritan kingdom. In this world, most people's only means of transportation was horse-drawn carriages. So, Ethan tried to engage in conversation with Eleanor, thinking the journey would be long. Surprisingly, chatting with Eleanor turned out to be enjoyable.

Two weeks later, as they wound through the mountains and approached the outskirts of the city, they stopped to admire the view. Ethan and Eleanor looked around in awe as they beheld the city of Aurendale before them. The city's landscape adorned with shades of blue and green mesmerized them. Ethan noticed that the city's planning and building designs harmonized with nature, which impressed him greatly.

The carriages drove towards the entrance of the city, and Eleanor leaned closer to the window to get a better look around, carefully examining the surroundings. Eleanor realized that Aurendale was not only beautiful but also filled with warmth from its inhabitants.

One of the things that caught Eleanor's attention was the city's small shops and marketplaces. There were stalls selling different handicrafts and local products on every corner.

As evening approached, the carriages stopped at a mansion just outside the city and close to the beach. The mansion, white and somewhat weathered, greeted them. As Ethan stepped out, an elderly, well-dressed steward and several young servants approached the carriage, bowing their heads and saying, "Welcome, Your Majesties," in unison. When they entered, they noticed that the interior could use some renovation. The steward directed Ethan to the largest room.

It was even bigger than Ethan's room at the palace, with a large bed and well-appointed wardrobes. There was another door inside the room leading to a simple study. Ethan was quite pleased with his new home and sent the servants away before retiring to bed. For now, another room was arranged for Eleanor, as she was not Ethan's official wife yet. Eleanor entered the room, noticing that only Ethan's room was extravagantly furnished, and lay down on her bed.

Aurendale city seemed to promise Ethan