
Ch 21

After sleeping for a while I was awakened by Lucoa kissing me.

Waking up Lucoa greeted me as I opened my eyes.

"Wakey wakey, it's time to check out Shouta baby." Lucoa

Hearing Lucoa I got up from the futons and started to look for my clothes but was stopped by her as she just puffed on her regular clothes onto her body and opened a portal throwing the clothes we wore yesterday in it while taking out some of my clothes from it as well.

Seeing her hand me the clothes she took out I put them on as she used cleaning magic on the room as the scent the room is releasing now is making the fox girl employees not able to work as they might enter into heat when they enter the room.

After changing clothes Lucoa and I left the room and headed to the lobby to check out and leave Konohanatei.

Once we check out and left for the bus station I opened an app called Supernatural Tourism App and opened the tourism pape for Castle Town to look for a restaurant near Amagi Brilliant Park as we hadn't eaten dinner or breakfast and I'm getting hungry.

Looking through the available restaurants on the app I found a place called Coffee Angel.

Finding it inserting as the comments about the cafe said that a fallen angel works there so Lucoa and I went on a bus that had a stop near Coffee Angel.

After entering the bus it took a while to reach the bus stop near Coffee Angel before heading there.

Once we entered Coffee Angel I only found a middle-aged man working and from the comments, I saw early, the angel is a young-looking girl in her teens so I was disappointed as I wanted to be served by an angel even if she was fallen.

Getting over my disappointment I find a table for us and waited for the middle-aged man to come and take our order before leaving.

After waiting for a bit the middle-aged man came to our table to take our order.

"Good afternoon guest, I'm sorry for the short wait, we are a little short-handed as my waitress had called in sick. With that being said, may I have our order?" Cafe Owner

Hearing him I was quite surprised as an angel called in sick for work.

It's quite unbelievable as angels can't get sick normally but I won't put too much thought into it as it's not my problem and I'm hungry.

"It's fine, I hope she can get better and I would like orange juice with two BLT." Shouta

"I will also have the same as him but I'll have milk cafe instead of orange juice." Lucoa

Hearing our orders the middle-aged man nodded his head before leaving.

Once the middle-aged man left Lucoa and I started to talk.

"Hugh, here I was thinking we'll be served by an angel by coming here." Shouta

"Fufu, Shouta baby, if you want I can serve you later tonight." Lucoa

"Yeah, that would be great! Will you also dress up when you're serving me?" Shouta

"Fufu, if you want then okay, I don't see a reason not to and it might be fun." Lucoa

As we were talking about possible night activities the middle-aged man who took our orders came back with our food and gave dry cough before placing our food on the table and said some words to us before leaving.

"Customers can you please not discussed such things in my cafe, it's quite inappropriate to say such things in public." Cafe Owner

Hearing what the middle-aged man said before leaving Lucoa and I dropped our conversation and started to eat our food but we kept on talking but this time the topic was about our stay in Konohanatei.

"How did you enjoy our stay in Konohanatei?" Shouta

"It was fine and I quite enjoyed the full-body bath and full body rub those fox girls gave me. It's been a while since I last took a bath in my true form and having all those fox girls gave me a massage while I was still in my true form was quite the experience and relaxing. Next time we go to Konohanatei let's bring Tohru, Kanna, and Kobayashi with us, of course, we'll be staying in a separate room from them." Lucoa

Hearing Lucoa I nodded my head in agreement as I'm biting into my BLT but her next words almost made me choke on my food after hearing them.

"Oh, should we bring mom and dad as well, Shouta baby?" Lucoa

"*cough* *cough* What did you just called my parents?" Shouta

"I called them mom and dad is there a problem with me calling them that? With how our relationship is along with last night's activities, I think there shouldn't be a problem for me calling them mom and dad." Lucoa

Hearing her reasons for calling my parents mom and dad I couldn't rebuttal and felt she was right, plus I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind her calling them mom and dad, my mom might even be excited about Lucoa calling her mom.

Not finding a reason to refute or a problem with her calling my parents mom and dad I just sighed helplessly and went back to eating.

Once we finishing eating our food Lucoa and I left Coffee Angel after paying the bill and started to walk to the bus station as we still need to go to Amagi Brilliant Park to help Latifa.

It didn't take us long to go to the bus station then ride the bus to the Amagi Brilliant Park bus stop.

Getting off the bus we walked to the Amagi Brilliant Park entrance and when we arrived a brown mouse, Moffle, was waiting for us along with a man dressed as a butler.

When Moffle saw us he was ready to jump on us but was stopped by the man next to him.

"Sir Moffle, Lady Latifa, and King Souichirou are waiting for our esteemed guest and you don't want Lady Latifa to worry about you again as you just returned and if you attack them once again I don't know where you'll fly off to." Butler

Moffle hearing the butler stopped his moment and snorted before turning around and walking away.

Seeing his actions the butler said nothing but turned his attention to Lucoa and I before speaking to us.

"Greeting esteemed guest, I'm Higgs a butler in the service of the Sakurada royal family. I was informed by Lady Latifa and King Souichirou to guide Sir Shouta Magatsuchi and Lady Lucoa to their location right away when you two reach the gates of Amagi Brilliant Park. Then if you two may, please follow me to Lady Latifa and King Souichirou location." Higgs

Hearing Higgs Lucoa and I started to follow him as he took us to the castle where Latifa lives in.

As we walk to the castle I noticed that the amusement park is filled with men in military armor and some people dress in odd clothing that I can only guess are part of the supernatural world as no normal person will dress like them unless they are suffering from 8th Grade Syndrome.

Higgs seeing me look around answered my doubts about the sudden increase of people in the park.

"King Souichirou has come with his family to the park and for safety reasons, King Souichirou has brought part of his private army and station them in the park today." Higgs

Hearing Higgs, I felt it was responsible as the safety of the Royal Family is a top priority in most places that are still ruled by a monarchy.

As we walked I felt a little bored so I tried to talk to Higgs as this might be the only time I meet this guy.

"Higgs when you said the King brought his whole family does that mean we'll meet the Queen along with all the Princesses and Princes as well besides the King today." Shouta

"No, I'm afraid not Sir Magatsuchi, other than King Souichirou and his wife, Queen Satsuki, the rest of the Royal Family are exploring the park right now thinking they are on a vacation. King Souichirou and Lady Latifa don't want them to get involved in their messy affairs but if the King and Queen wish to they can induce you to the rest of the Royal Family at a later date." Higgs

"Okay. Oh yeah, can I ask you something, Higgs?" Shouta

"Sure, what is it Sir Magatsuchi." Higgs

"Is Princess Akane a pervert?" Shouta

Hearing my question Higgs stopped walking and turned to me with an unhappy expression before talking to me with a dissatisfied tone of voice.

"Sir Magatsuchi, what made you say such a thing about our pure Princess Akane." Higgs

Hearing his dissatisfied tone of voice I answered him thinking we might have a misunderstanding.

"Sorry, if I offended you somehow but the news I saw yesterday was going about Princess Akane exposing her panties every couple of days so I had to ask because it seems she seems to expose her panties way too often for it to be accidental." Shouta

Hearing me explain myself Higgs just sighed and started to walk once more as he continued our conversation.

"Okay, I understand, to you outsiders Princess Akane does look like a pervert when they see reports about her accidental panties shots. I should tell the king to stop the tv reports from reporting on Princess Akane's accidental panties shots. Princess Akane might be labeled a pervert her whole life if this continues." Higgs

Seeing him feel helpless I stopped talking ending our conversation as we continue to walk to the castle.



Coffee Angel is a location in Gabriel Dropout: Manga/Anime

Souichirou Sakurada is a side character of Castle Town Dandelion: Manga/Anime

Satsuki Sakurada is a side character of Castle Town Dandelion: Manga/Anime