
I was King

In a realm where treachery runs deeper than blood, King Datura Lucas Adri Devereaux lies dead, betrayed by those he once trusted. But death is not the end for him. Resurrected by a mysterious divine force, he awakens with newfound abilities—a power that defies the laws of mortality. As Datura claws his way back to the throne, he encounters the cunning and deceitful creature known as Sera. She is both foe and ally, her motives veiled in shadows. Her true identity, like a hidden constellation, eludes even the keenest eyes. Whispers in the court speak of her past—a past woven with secrets and half-truths. Together, Datura and Sera unravel a web of deceit that spans generations, threatening to plunge the kingdom into chaos. As the traitorous kin conspire against him, Datura descends into the abyss, determined to seek vengeance. But in this deadly game of thrones, trust is a luxury he cannot afford. Will Sera be his salvation, or is she the architect of his downfall?

Cassiopea_Black · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 14—The Retribution

The dusk lingered on the horizon, the sun's last rays defiant against the encroaching twilight. Yet, for him, the light did little to quell the dark tide of vengeance swelling within. Visions of retribution played out in his mind's eye, her pleas for mercy echoing unheard. He had longed for this moment, the end of his torment, the silencing of the nightmares that had kept him in a vice of agony.

But as he beheld her, any trace of malice seemed absent from her demeanor. She conversed with the other as if their past deeds were but whispers in the wind, her laughter a melody that knew no sorrow. And then, without thought, he acted—conjuring a blade from the very smoke around them and sending it hurtling towards her.

"Caelun," she greeted with a grin that split the tension like a blade. "Long time no see. Miss me?" Caelun responded not with words but with action, his hood falling away to reveal a scar—a silent testament to their shared history. "This time, Seraphine, you won't escape me," he vowed, his voice a low growl of promised retribution.

Her laughter was a spark that ignited his fury, prompting a guttural sound of frustration from him. With a commanding gesture, he summoned an ethereal menagerie from the smoke at his feet. Bears, wolves, horses, and lions took form, their essence woven from the night's shadow. With a breath that bore the weight of his wrath, Caelun animated his spectral legion. They surged forward, a tide of darkness aimed at Seraphine. Yet, she was not unprepared; flames danced at her fingertips, a fiery retort to his challenge. But as the beasts descended, their target shifted to Datura, who deftly evaded their assault and retreated into the safety of distance. Seraphine's pursuit was cut short as a dagger sliced through the air, its blade a prison barring her escape.

Her smile was a catalyst, igniting a familiar rage within Caelun. He narrowly evaded a torrent of fire aimed at him, retaliating with a knife thrown in her direction. Seraphine, ever the adept, tilted her head in a fluid motion, dodging with ease. His scoff was a testament to her infuriating confidence, her smile an unwelcome reminder of their past.

"Reveal your true nature, you fiend," Caelun demanded, the ghosts of his nightmares surfacing once more. "Why unveil yourself now, in daylight's embrace?" She questioned, sickening sweetness lacing her words. "The sun's presence is irrelevant," Caelun retorted, her calm infuriating him further. Indeed, he was at a disadvantage; his strength was born from the shadows, from the cloak of night. In a desperate bid, he hurled a volley of daggers, aiming to blind her momentarily as he advanced with blades at the ready. But Seraphine was no easy prey; her talons flashed, deflecting the metal storm, and she countered with a swift kick as Caelun aimed for her core. The force sent her tumbling, yet she recovered with feline grace, springing back to her feet.

Caelun pressed on, conjuring a sword from the darkness, targeting her vulnerable neck. But Seraphine's reflexes were quicker; she ducked, unleashing a searing blaze upon him. His eyes betrayed his shock—a lapse in his defense. Bracing for the inevitable, he concentrated his smoky essence to mitigate the impending burn. The fiery onslaught erupted, sending him hurtling into a tree with such force that it splintered. Pain lanced through him, but survival instincts prevailed, and he rolled clear just as the timber crashed down where he had lain moments before.

The madness of the moment was palpable, her strength unfathomable, as if she harbored the might of deities within her very being. Caelun's side, though warmed by the blaze, remained unscathed—a testament to the protective shroud of darkness he had summoned in the nick of time.

With a thought, he manifested a pair of hatchets, their edges glinting with lethal intent as he hurled them towards Seraphine. Her smile never wavered, a silent challenge as the weapons sailed harmlessly by, missing even a single strand of her hair. But it was a ruse, a feint within a larger strategy, and realization dawned on her just in time for her to evade the real threat—a barrage of needles, whispering death as they sliced through the air where she had stood moments before.

"Caelun, ever the trickster," she remarked, her tone laced with a mix of admiration and mockery. As the last word left her lips, she sprang into action, her form a blur as she raced to escape the deadly rain of needles, her speed a blur against the backdrop of their lethal dance.

Lucas, unversed in the art of war, had only known the comfort of castle walls and the hollow routine of practice—never meant for battle, but for the idle passage of time. His admission was clear: combat was his Achilles' heel, the very reason he needed the ferocity of Seraphine by his side. Yet, even she could not shield him from the inevitable. As the shadow bear lunged, he leapt aside, his footing lost and quickly regained. No moment to ponder as the boar charged; his blade cleaved through the smoke, a futile gesture as it reformed unscathed.

"Ydric, how do I kill this beast?" Lucas cried out, desperation seeping into his weary voice. The toll of relentless skirmishes and sleepless journeys was now his adversary as much as any creature of shadow.

"Channel your royal gift, King of Adri," Ydric's voice echoed within, a guiding presence in his mind. "How?" Lucas questioned, his grasp on his own power tenuous at best, guided more by instinct than knowledge. A surge of energy beckoned for release; he focused, attempting to direct it into his sword, but to no avail. His frustration tangible, he met the oncoming horse with a defiant slash, yet it remained undeterred, its smoky form recoiling only to deliver a punishing blow to Lucas's frame.

Sent sprawling, he tasted blood, a crimson stain upon his lips. Rising, he conjured a barrier of thorned vines, a temporary refuge from the relentless assault. The horse was no mere phantom; it wielded a force that suggested broken bones beneath his flesh. In this moment of respite, Lucas knew he must gather his strength, for the battle was far from over.

In the penumbra of conflict, Lucas stood, his breaths shallow, his ribs a cage of pain. The shadows around him seemed to pulse with life, a silent predator lurking just beyond sight. Then, from the darkness, a pair of eyes gleamed—a creature of smoke and malice poised to strike. "Shut, I'm done." Lucas's curse was a vibrant splash of color against the grim tableau of his impending doom. "Harness your power, King of Adri!" the voice urged, a clarion call amidst the chaos.

As the shadow lion sprang, a conflagration erupted from Sera's outstretched hands, reducing the beast to ashes. Lucas's relief was a fleeting whisper, snatched away as a colossal shadow hand emerged, seizing Sera in its grasp. Yet, she was not to be undone, her fiery might disintegrate the appendage to mere vapor.

The shadow master was an enigma, his power rivaling that of the witch, perhaps even surpassing it. Lucas, clutching his side, could only watch as Sera vanished from view, pursued by the scarred man. The shadows did not wane but grew more formidable, multiplying with a ferocity that chilled the blood.

With resolve, Lucas focused his energy into his blade, willing it to become a vessel for his royal essence. As the shadow tiger leapt, his sword burst into radiant light, and from its edge dripped a viscous, sizzling liquid. The poison met the tiger's form, and it roared—a sound fading into silence as it dissolved into the wind. Lucas regarded the substance that now coated his blade—a pale purple poison, familiar in its deadly art.