
Chapter three

                                  CHAPTER 3

I stumbled back a bit after hearing what he said,

 The hurt and shock were visible on my face, but as I looked at him there was no trace of remorse or empathy in his expression 

I felt tears building up in the corner of my eyes,

"Don't cry I consoled myself" using my finger to lightly dab the corner of my eyes

Norbert casted me a fleeting smile at me, before releasing his grasp on my waist

I was still debating In my mind whether to follow him or not, as I pondered this dilemma

His father came up to me and offered to dance, I nodded my head as a sign of approval and he started the dance 

The silence between us as we danced was unbearable, I was hoping that he would break it and say something 

"Uhm…Don't mind my son's behavior, you will get to know him better  soon" he said, I started wondering how I would get to know him better

In the few hours I have spent with him, he has been behaving like an ass

"All this is new to him", his father trying to justify Norbert's ill behavior

Like all of these aren't new to me, like I wanted to get involved with him in the first place I thought to myself feeling a bit angry with what his father said

" Am not trying to justify him or anything but he had his fair share of things" he said with pure hurt evident in his eye

Still wondered what he meant by what he said 

"With time if you can't put up with him, dear you can always leave him.

As much as I was happy to hear the word  "LEAVE HIM" I was still heavily confused why his father of all people 

Would suggest that? Is he that terrible that his father suggested that I should leave him, I thought to myself 

I wished leaving him as his father said wasn't possible because my uncle would kill me, plus I was paying off my debts with this marriage 

"What makes every lady strong is her ability to keep her home," he said then smiled before he left  

I was already tired of dancing before I could leave the dancing area

I heard a voice, a gentle one and I felt I had heard it before " May I have thisdance"? That was when I realized who owned the voice, Zack!

"Yes" I smiled at him as I gave him my hand, he put his right hand around my waist and started dancing, he wasn't so good at it like Norbert and his dad but he wasn't bad either 

"You Look tired," he said, yes a little bit I replied "Do you want to rest," he asked looking a bit worried 

No, I think I can go a little more round I said, I would be bored outta my mind if I went and sat down

For some reason, he found what I said funny and he laughed "Okay then" he said 


"You know Norbert has to be the most fortunate person, he messes around and still got the most beautiful girl as a wife," Zack said 

My cheek turned light red as I heard what Zack said

"How long have you known him," I asked "Uhm since childhood," he said 

Zack doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who talks a lot, yet he had this friendly aura surrounding him and I liked that

He was handsome but nothing to be compared with Norbert

Norbert was beautiful, really beautiful if that was the right word to describe him with 

I wanted to ask him about Mika and Norbert's relationship but he beat me to it " Mika owes you an apology but let me do it on her behalf " 

No, you don't have to I told him, not like it's only her fault Norbert didn't care too, so it's not entirely her fault

He nodded in agreement to what I said, I looked around the hall to see if Norbert was around 

But he was nowhere around as I was about to turn my head I caught a glimpse of him, with a particular someone MIKA

The song to the dance ended and everyone left the dancing area including Norbert, turns out he was busy dancing with Mika

"Would you like to join us at our table?"  Zack asked drawing my attention from Norbert and Mika

I don't think so, I hesitated then remembered that if I was alone Norbert's mum would take me around and introduce me to all her friends

I was tired from all that dancing so I gave in

"Yeah sure," I said, he led me to their table and helped me with a sit 

West and Kim were on their phones, when I arrived but later dropped it off when they noticed my presence 

"Soo gist us," Kim said looking all happy, About? I asked looking helplessly confused 

"How did you guys meet? Where? And most of all how did you get him to agree on the wedding? Kim asked 

The question drew West attention to me, they were both expecting an answer from me, Kim only tho because West went back to pressing his phone and Zack seemed unbothered

I guess they already knew the answers to kim questions, Kim was still looking at me waiting for her incoming gist, her words not mine

I didn't know what to say or tell her about I and Norbert cause even I don't know anything I thought to myself looking a bit worried 

"Leave her alone, she is already tried Kim, and if you want to know why don't you ask Norbert yourself," Zack said coming to my rescue 

I flashed him a smile, he understood it and smiled back

"You know if someone sees the way Norbert And Mika are tangled up they would think that she is his bride," Kim said and laughed 

I turned to Norbert's table and realized what Kim said was true, anybody would think that

"Are they always close like that?" I asked everyone stopped using their cell phone and stared at me like I asked some stupid obvious questions 

"Close is not really the word" west side, trying to decide on the word to use

"She's just doing what she does whenever she's around Norbert" Kim said 

And what's that i asked 

"Hoeing  around him," West said and Kim laughed out  loud, which drew some attention to our table 

Zack couldn't help but laugh too.

It was getting a bit dark and the guests were all leaving, Kim already left and I was a bit sad because I had fun talking with her, we vibed a little I guess 

It was just Zack and West at the table with me when the director came And whispered to me that Norbert wanted to see me 

I was a bit happy he was finally paying me some attention instead of that "wanna-be wife Mika"

I excused myself from Zack and West to meet Norbert 

The director took me to the back door, she said I was to meet him there

When I got there I saw Norbert standing at the door of the limo, he didn't know I was already there and God knows that he looked so perfect 

It was already dark but the lights that were beautifully decorated around the area helped me to see him clearly

"Do you plan on standing there forever?" he asked 

As he looked at me

I moved towards the limo and he opened the door and motioned me to get in

But I haven't said goodbye to your parents and others I said that's not necessary he said and I nodded My head 

I wished I told Zack that I was already leaving but it was late, I couldn't leave the limo now

The driver hasn't started the car, are you waiting for someone i asked Norbert

Before he could answer the door opened and someone got in

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting," the person said 

I could recognize that voice from anywhere 

What the Fuck is she doing here?