
Chapter four

                           Chapter 4

Mika entered the limo and sat opposite Norbert, Heaven knows that am not one to hate but I have grown a strong hatred for this girl within the few hours I met her

She was talking and laughing to Norbert, who in turn wasn't having it. He was so engrossed in his phone

He paid little attention to her and for some reason that made me smile and a little bit down because he was responding to her with little gestures.

Norbert didn't ask if I was comfortable with Mika in the car, he didn't care at all, I knew he didn't like me but at least I deserved some respect I thought to myself

Mika suddenly moved so closer to him, not so close she covered up the little space between them and pushed her breast on his shoulder, a gesture that mirrored what had transpired at the wedding hall

Was she trying to repeat what happened at the wedding hall? And as expected Norbert acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary

I felt a sharp sting of pain in  my heart  as I watched both of them, this is the kind of life I signed up for, if only my parents were alive I thought to myself as different shades of pain hit me like a storm

"So where are you from Haliey", that was Mika

she asked with a disgusted tone. I hope she seriously wasn't expecting an answer from me

I looked at her, furrowed my eyebrow, and frowned at her

Already made up my mind not to answer her 

"The cat cut your tongue?" Mika asked as she narrowed her eyes and glared at me 

"Last time I checked I don't see how that's any of your business I said with a tad bit angry written all over my face, this girl pisses me the fuck off 

She raised her eyebrow and scoffed "You know it's not your place to tell me what's my business or not" She said still glaring at me in such an intense manner

I looked at her, guess it was my turn to give her a fake smile "Yeah you are right", my eyes blazed into hers.  "Why don't you ask him where I am from, he would be the right person to answer, he is my husband after all". 

It felt kind of weird and good to call norbert my husband in front of Mika, and I could swear I saw a flash of anger in her eyes

Mika scoffed with clear irritation in her eyes "I don't think so darling". she said and narrowed her annoying evil perfect eyes toward me

"He barely knows your name talk more about where you crawled out from" she smirked 

My breathing suddenly became hard, my lips pressed together firmly, and I furrowed my brows as I looked at her

She had a smirk playing on her lips with one eyebrow raised in a challenging manner, knowing her words got me. I looked at a nonchalant Norbert hoping he would say anything or react in any way but there was none, he looked like he would rather be anyway than in the limo with two fighting women. 

I don't know whether I was hurt and angry because Norbert didn't care or because there was no lie in what Mika said.

I know I mean nothing to him, I was a play to him but I can't let Mika look down or insult me. I refuse to let happen

I looked at her with the same smark playing on my lips " he doesn't know where I crawled out from? Right I said nodding my head in agreement with what she said, she laughed and looked away 

"At least he knows who is the wife and slut wannabe wife I said with a smile.

Mika sharply turned her head towards me "What did you just say, she asked with anger evident on her face, "you heard me right" I said innocently.

"Enough the both of you," Norbert said " Hailey get out". The limo had already come to a stop, I guessed I was too engrossed with my little banter with Mika that I didn't notice 

The door to my seat had already been opened by some men standing outside, as I was about to step down I turned and noticed he wasn't getting down

"Aren't you stepping down", I asked him

"If I was I would have, now get down he said, "Are you going somewhere?" the curious side of me kept taking over

Norbert ignored me and signed for one of the men, he came and he whispered something to him and the man nodded

Mika glared at me  through the half-wined glass and smirked, with that the car zoomed off

I stood there still shocked looking at the slightly disappearing figure of the limo

I held the edge of my gown tightly, trying to fight back the tears building up in the corner of my eyes, sure I wouldn't want to give my virginity to someone like him

But seeing him leave with Mika, Mika!! Of all people hurt me so much 



"We have to leave, you are getting cold," the man dressed as if he had just attended a burial said, trying to draw me back to reality.

I looked at him and just like Norbert he had blank eyes

As we were going further into the mansion, the man was pointing out places in the mansion but I was so lost in thought that I barely paid attention.

We finally arrived at the mansion's main gate, where an old lady came out to welcome 

"Mrs brooks here will take you to your room ma'am"

"What's your name?"  I asked him as he was about to leave 

"Charles Ma"

"Thank you for showing me around," I said to him even tho I barely paid attention to him

"It's nothing ma'am" he smiled and left with the others

Mrs brooks showed me to my room and I did the first thing that came to my mind

Take my bath and sleep, because I had a long day


I woke to an amazingly unfamiliar beautiful room, still puzzled about my environment, I looked down and saw a blue gown 

That was when it all hit me at once. I am married to an asshole and all other events of yesterday

I lazily got up from my bed and went to open the window, the curtain was unexpectedly soft and long it took me a while to open it

The sun's rays from the sun hit the room, enhancing the beauty of the room, I looked across the window and saw the limo 

The same one that I and Norbert was in, this means that he is back I thought to myself 

I had so many questions I wanted to ask him, I needed to talk to him

I heard a gentle knock on the door

"More in," I said across the room


"Good morning ma," Mrs brooks said

Oh good morning I smiled warmly at her, "Hope you slept well ma" she said 


Yes I did, I replied almost quickly

I wanted her to say what you came to say quickly because I wanted to be alone 

"Ma, sir called you for breakfast," she said calmly

Norbert called me for breakfast. I asked again to be sure because that didn't sound like him at all

Okay I will be down in a bit I said, After she left I hurriedly what down not minding my environment

When I got to the dining table, I saw him there eating so peacefully at the same time sluggishly

"You know sometimes you act like a creep," he said harshly still eating his food, I felt hurt and bad 

The first thing he could do this morning was to insult me

I guess he wondered why I didn't reply to him because he finally looked at me 

His cold beautiful eyes stop at my chest, if I didn't know him I would say he was eye fucking me

He was staring intensely at my chest, oh shit! That was when it hit me, I hurriedly came down to see him forgetting that I was putting on a see-through nightgown 

The material was a weightless see-through and my boobs pointed directly at it. His eyes which wer always blank and cold now looked hungry, filled with obvious lust

An unreadable glint momentarily appeared in his eyes and I knew it wasn't good because he started walking towards me.