
Chapter Two: Memories

Zienna had to keep her composure before she entered to her new office. She was sad , compared to how surprisingly cheerful she was that morning.

She moved ahead to the door that had written on top of it "Silverado".

She opened the door and went ahead. She saw people running hither and thither. All the papers were lying around. She picked up those and recognized it as a manuscript that was declined by superior.

Justin who was the Chief Editor saw her standing over there and called, "Hey Rookie!!! Come here!"

Zienna for a moment glanced at the words "Rookie" and looked at the direction where Justin sat. His hairs all black and messy, with shady glasses and dark circles surrounding it which seemed like he didn't get enough sleep, tall and lean with great build, his face was almost covered with his long grown front hairs which seems like he hasn't cut in a long time.

Glancing at his appearance Zienna wondered, "I am going to be alright, right??? "

Justin shouted, "What are you zoning out for?"

Zienna quickly went ahead and stood in front of Justin. He saw her for a moment and asked, "Are you Zienna Timber?"


"Okay.. Well from today you will be working under me as an assistant editor! Got it?"

"Yes sir"

"Also this job demands time and late nights. As a woman are you okay with it?"

"Yes sir"

"Good. I hope you show this enthusiasm during deadlines as well!"

"I will do my best"

"Today we have a delivery of White Fang. So I need you to set the toner on the manuscript. I hope you have the necessary skill set. You can ask Jones for help if you want."

"Yes sir."

"Also one last thing! I don't like if it, if you take your personal calls during office hours. If it's an emergency it's fine."

"I will take care of it sir"

"Get to work, Rookie"

Zienna quickly went ahead in search of Jones while Justin stared at her as she went along.

"So she is the one. No wonder why he was hunting for her so long!"

Zienna found Jones in a trash of manuscripts immersed and tired.

"Um.. are you Jones?"

".... "

"Excuse me.. ?. Jones ?"

"... Ye .. es...!"

"I am Zienna Timber . I am the newbie around here from today. Justin said I need to help you set the toner for White Fang"

".. uh.... okay... You can find the toner and the manuscript on that desk beside. That's probably going to be your desk anyway. Please be careful while cutting and pasting the dialogues."


Zienna wondered, "Why do all look like zombies here?"

Just then a loud shudder of noice appears as the door opens.

It's him again.

Everyone stands up as soon as they see him except for Justin.

His eyes glances around in search of someone.

Justin looks at him and smirks.

Alex understood, "The prey is here."

Zienna shivered as she stood. Her eyes were staring at the ground and praying that it better be a dream.

Alex asked Justin , "I want the newbie in my office for interrogation!"

Justine yelled,"Zienna??!!.. You heard that right!"

A cold shiver ran through her spine as she heard it.

She moved forward slowly as Alex stared at her.

Alex called her to his cabin.

Zienna moved with him while the rest of office people stared at her as what could make the Director himself come down to interrogate the newbie.

Zienna shut the door behind her.

Alex stopped for a moment and grabbed her hand and forcefully took her to his cabin.

He slammed the door shut.

He loosened his tie up and banged the door beside her.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

"How many years it has been you know that I was hunting for you?.. 5 YEARS!!!!... Yes... 5 Years!. And look at the fate. You have fallen right on my lap."

Zienna with cold voice shivering called," ... A...l..ex!"