
Chapter 7: Memories!

She glanced at this tall guy who was drenching and had drops of water falling from his hair strands that was swept away by him brushing through his hairs.

Zienne gleamed inside,"Damn! He could melt my heart right away!"

Alex knew what she was thinking.

He said, "Yes! And I could take your heart away as much as I want"

Zienne was shocked and exclaimed with excitement in her tone, " Oh my God! What are you talking about? I ... I mean... "

She couldn't even complete her statement when Alex pulled her close to him by grabbing on to his waist and just pushed his face against hers.

Zienne quickly reflexed back by keeping her palm in between his face and hers.

Alex looked at her and just laughed.

Zienne now understood he was just playing with her.

She quickly pushed him away and gave him a pat on his back and said, "Don't think you won okay!. I am way cooler and I could take your heart away before you could take mine!"

After which she placed both her hands on the either sides of her waist claiming her new born confidence.

Alex looked at this cute little gesture and smiled with a smirk and thought , " You already have won!"

"By the way, what's your name?"

She looked at him and said, "Zienne!"

Alex felt a tingling sensation and said,"Alex! "

They both smiled and laughed at this little dramatic play that took place in their school on a dark cloudy day.

Zienne quickly gasped out of her thoughts as soon as she opened her eyes of a good sleep.

She saw there were marks on her thighs that Alex gave to her earlier that day.

Zienne almost teared up and said, "Alex... Why are you doing this?"

She slept on her bed with tears falling off from her eyes.

After few hours, some footsteps came towards the side of the bed.

It was Alex standing.

He looked at her with burning sensation in his heart.

He loosened his tie and threw it on to the bed.