
I want to reach for the stars. (name may change.)

Icarus, 25 year old man who is lost in life, having no friends, leaving alone with no goals in life. Having a recurring dream of being in the skies among the starts, he yearns for he to be reborn in a fantasy world. In a night he suddenly bumps into a old man who so happens to share his goal. The demon , disguised as a elderly human, notices Icarus special soul and decides to use him as a meaning to an end. ** AUTHOR'S NOTE : My first novel, I'm clueless to what i'm doing. this is for fun. English is not my first langue, i will try to fix mistakes if i find them. **

GreyWhite · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


"Good bye Icarus, gave a good night."

"Good bye Ana, see you tomorrow, good night". I wave at my work college as i go to the opposite direction of her towards my house. As i walk through the streets, lost in thought, i gaze up to look in the skies and sigh. For some reason i keep gazing up as if i miss it, but miss what? . I bump in a dude while not looking, a old man to be exact. I quickly apologize and bow, to which the elderly person gave me a look before continuing to walk. Weird, whatever.

"Another tiresome day, man i need i break" i conclude as i finally reach for the door to open it. Now in bed, after a shower, i start thinking about Ana, she's really beautiful. A 5'7 tall, white girl who is her prime. I don't know much about her personal life, but i noticed a ring today in her hand, i guess she got a boyfriend. Not that i liked her, just wish i could have asked her out.. I guess i liked her...

"Whatever" i say out loud, getting up to turn on my pc. After mindless scrolling through social media, i decided to go outside for some fresh air. "Could really use a Isekai right now.." I gaze at the sky, its really clear and beautiful, full of stars.. I wonder what lies behind this universe, if there's something big out there, if there is any end to time, if anything has meaning or we're just casualties... Does anything really matters? I don't have anything in this life. I have no one. I just wish for it to end.

As i was busy having the usual existencial crisis and following depressive thoughts, i noticed a light as i was looking blankly at the moon. Strang, i scrub my eyes to see if I'm imagining things.

Suddenly my head starts hurting. I immediately crouch and hold my head while i grit my teeth. "What the fuck is going on.. AAARRHHH!!" i feel like my head is being crushed something, and the pain is slowly increasing. I screamed i lie down on the floor, confused about why is this happening.

"Greetings mortal, I'm here to offer something to which you desperately desire, a chance to be something great, a chance that will forever change your petty life. I know you're quite smart, i saw the entirety of your memories, i know your life and struggles, pain and happiness, and more importantly, your yearning for greatness."

"I'm a demon, and i need to leave this plane, I'm stuck here for personal reasons, but not if i have your help. I will use your death to move your soul into a world of magic, and through it, i will travel along side, using the passage that will open once i've done my ritual. But i need your cooperation."

I hear this man talking into my mind. Confused and terrified, i try to make sense of this ordeal. So first, demons are real, second, i'm definitely doomed. But i don't want to die. Do you hear my thoughts?

"Yes" . Okay, so, what do you need me to do? I'm supposing you will kill me if i refuse. "

*snort* obviously. Your soul right now is weak. In order to strengthen it, i will infuse other souls into yours. But do not fret, for this will make your soul more powerful, making you more prone to magic. Once your soul is strong enough, i will sacrifice left over souls to open the portal and move us into the other world."

"All you have to do is endure, for what i'm about to do is really painful , you will not faint , you must take it and endure or you will die." I'm finally able to look up and see the old man i bumped today pointing his finger at my head.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHH". "I hope this mortal resists, for i have waited for far too long for a special soul to be born on this mana-less planet. If this goes wrong, i might be forever stuck here, as i'm using the rest of the souls i have stored. I can't let myself die before i have my revenge. I will kill every single one of them, burn theirs souls after i'm done torturing them for a thousand years! ."

As the demon was planning for his future revenge, Icarus was experiencing the pain of having his soul expanding at a fast rate. His mind was chaos, memories of the souls of the demon were flooding his mind, but he was incapable of registering anything as the pain was consuming him. After the pain of having his soul was stretched, he relished, for only a moment to have all the pain and suffering of the souls memories. Scenes of murders, torture, he could feel all of it. He couldn't understand, why was this happening to him. Rage and violence soon took the wheels of his thoughts as he looked up the old man.

"You're done? finally. " The old man procedes to crush a light in his hand, quickly making signs and whispering in a foreign language that Icarus couldn't understand. All of that happened in a instant, leaving Icarus no chance to speak or act, before suddenly having his head roll in the floor. Both the man and demon vanished from this realm before riding the waves of reincarnation. But the demon didn't notice Icarus soul shining before the demon soul started burning in purple flames. The demon expressed his unwillingness by screaming before his soul turning into nothing.

"I'm sorry son, i'm really sorry..." a helpless mysterious voice resounded in void where the endless river of after life moved Icarus's soul along side countless others.