
I Want To Kiss You

She is stuck between her past and her present relationship. The question is, is she ready to let go of her past and build a new future when she finds out about his real identity?.

Christelle_Etah · Urbain
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39 Chs


In Australia,

At The University.

Harry is studying at the library when a girl approaches him.

Delilah: Hi. Can I join you?.

Harry: Sure.

Delilah: (Sits next to him) What are you studying?.

Harry: (A bit irritated) Excuse me?.

Delilah: I'm sorry (suddenly takes out her books to start studying, but she keeps staring at Harry instead, and he notices).

Harry: I'm sorry, but do you have something to say to me?.

Delilah: (Suddenly pretends to start studying) What?. I don't know what you're talking about.

Harry: I saw you staring at me. You know what?, (suddenly grabs his book and his bag to leave) I'm leaving the table to you. Have fun studying (walks out of the library).

Delilah: (Suddenly upset) Who does he think he is?. Some kind of Prince Charming?. Such a rude jerk.

2 Days Later,

Still At The University.

Delilah continues to follow Harry around. She stalks him at the cafeteria, library and even in class, but only from a distance.

At The School Cafeteria

Harry notices Delilah has been stalking him. He grabs his lunch and moves to Delilah's table.

Harry: Why don't you make stalking as your major?.

Delilah: (Pretends not to understand) Huh?.

Harry: I saw you follow you me around.

Delilah: (Suddenly defensive) I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't following you.

Harry: Really?.

Delilah: Yes, really!.

Harry: (Suddenly notices she might be a loner) Don't you have any friends?.

Delilah: I have friends.

Harry: So, why are you alone?. Shouldn't you be with your friends right now? (Delilah suddenly becomes silent. He feels bad and he extends his hand to greet her). I'm Harry.

Delilah: (Stutters) I'm... I'm Delilah.

Harry: (Grabs her hand and forces a hand shake) I'm a loner too (suddenly starts eating).

Delilah: (Stutters) So..., does that mean we.... can be friends?. I promise not to stalk you anymore. Besides, you were rude to me the first time.

Harry: (Smirks) I'm sorry about that.

Delilah: Friends?.

Harry: (Nodes in agreement) Friends! (Delilah smiles and starts eating as well).


Harry and Delilah continue to hang out with each other on campus, library, and the cafeteria as well.

At The Library

Harry and Delilah are both studying when she suddenly falls asleep. Harry pushes her hair away from her face and stares at her for a long time. Delilah suddenly wakes up and notices Harry staring at her.

Delilah: Sorry I fell asleep.

Harry: It's okay. You look tired. Why don't you go home and rest?.

Delilah: Are you sure?. I could keep you company.

Harry: I'm fine. I can study on my own.

Delilah: Okay (stands to leave when Harry suddenly grabs her hand).

Harry: I'll take you home. It's late.

Delilah: No need. I can go home on my own.

Harry: I insist. (Grabs his book and his bag in a hurry) Let's go.

Delilah: Okay (they both walk out of the library).

1 Month Later,

At Harry's Dorm.

Harry hears a knock on the door and goes to open it when he suddenly sees Delilah holding a cake.

Delilah: (Excited) Happy birthday!.

Harry: (Smiles and lets her in) Thank you. You really didn't have to.

Delilah: (Places the cake on the table) I made it myself, specially for you (turns to to face Harry when he suddenly grabs her by the waist and kisses her).

Harry: (Heart beating fast. Stutters) I.... I like you Delilah.

Delilah: (Heart pounding. Silent for a while and then she finally breaks the silence. Stutters) I... i like you too (Harry suddenly becomes shy and scratches his head. Delilah suddenly kisses him on the cheek and he kisses her back on the lips).