
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Isekai Thumb Wrestling

Clattanoia's POV

"You also want to go to another world?"

What the hell are you talking about? Wait, I need to stop the urge to laugh. Damn It, I can't stop! With that, I burst out laughed like an idiot.

"I don't know why you're laughing honestly. I'm serious about It. I want to go there."

All of a sudden, the air about her changed. I'm supposed to be laughing hard right now but honestly, I don't feel like doing It anymore. To her words filled with density, I also replied without any laughter left on my lips

"Then, let's wait for Clutter to come back."

At my words, she just nodded softly and took a seat on the grass beside me. But why does Paranoia want to go there though? Is she just curious?

Hinata's parents are also just there, sitting beside the house. Maybe I should tell them the truth already. It's been so long since we came here, keeping them in the dark would be just rude.

With that, I stood up from the grass and slowly approached the couple. Both of them are sitting at the wooden plank of the house. As I slowly approach them, the Father took notice of me and immediately raised his arm to shield Mother.

I took a deep breath within my lungs and gathered the words I'm about to say.

"Father, Mother, I have something to tell you."

"If you're going to say this is just a surprise party, I won't buy It!"

As expected of Father! He won't buy a stupid excuse such as "surprise party"!

"The truth is... this is a world different from yours."


Hinata's POV

All right! I've stated the duel! Now, to see their reactions... Euclius looks at me like I'm the lowest scum on Earth but his opinion isn't valid. I don't care about his opinions at all.

The Commander just stares at me curiously, the same with this Clutter guy. Both of them stare at me as they've never heard the word before.

"Pardon me... but... What's Thumb Wrestling?"

Yes! I'm right! They've never heard of It! Glory to my kingdom! Now, I just have to over exaggerate everything!

"You see, Thumb Wrestling is a sport in this world where you'll use all of your strength to topple each other's thumb. Something like this..."

I grabbed the Commander's hands and formed how Thumb Wrestling formations are made.

"You'll grab each other's fingers and the remaining thumb will try to take down the other thumb."

"I see, such a fascinating sport, you have here."

All right! He's hooked! Something new will always make the human mind curious! That's one of our natures as human beings. That also applies to people from another world!

I released the Commander's hands and the moment I did, that guy called Clutter whispered something to him.

"The hell are you thinking?! Asking a Commander of a duel and such a petty game at that!"

By the way, Euclius also whispered in my ear. Why are you so negative? You cling too much to me, they could mistake you for my escort!

After shoving Euclius away from me, the Commander approached me once again and slowly removed his armor. Starting from his chest plate to his leg armor. He removed It one by one

Now that he removed the armor, his arms appeared bigger and buffer. Wait, why did I choose Thumb Wrestling again? My thumb will get destroyed here!

"I accept your duel, King Of The Other World..."

I can feel an intense aura from him right now... Euclius help me! I pathetically clung to Euclius for help but he rejects me for some reason. Aren't we friends?!

"You're the one who said I cling too much, I'm just putting some distance."

Euclius, you damn traitor!

"King Of The Other World, before we begin, I ask that you state your name"

"Well, It's Hinata... Hinata Tasuke..."

"Hinata Tasuke, was It? An unusual name indeed. But unusual people are the most interesting, isn't It?!"

Oi, oi, oi! Don't pull a shonen-styled line just like that, you damn Commander! Looks like I have to take responsibility for what I just said to him.

With that, we grabbed each other's hands and left thumbs. This Clutter guy suddenly approached us and started raising his hands, and chanted some weird-ass prayer. What the hell?

"For the gods of war to bestow me the power to oversee this duel. Whoever wins the fight will carry the dignity of the world and everyone's willpower. Anyone who cheats his way at a promised fair and square duel will be eradicated by the gods. Without leaving any dust and life form behind... Now, begin!"

What a creepy prayer! It sent me chills down my spine... I'm still not finished thinking and I suddenly felt an immense pain coming from my left thumb... Don't tell me...

"Looks like I win this... Sir Hinata"


What power! The bones at my left thumb didn't break but to feel that kind of pain just at Thumb Wrestling. This is a pain you'll only feel If your fingers are being crushed by a heavy object!

"No! The rules of Thumb Wrestling states that you should count from 1 to 4 before taking the win. If the knocked thumb still hasn't risen from that countdown, you're the winner."

"Is that so?"

Euclius explained that rule for me, that saves me the trouble. You let down your guard, I already removed my finger from yours. But I'm lucky I never explained the rules fully.

Now, I already have a gauge of how strong this Commander guy is. It's monstrous! But It's still not impossible to win! While he's still not paying attention, I raised my index finger and curled It to his thumb! This immediately got his attention but It's too late!

"Wait, isn't that-"

Euclius is probably thinking the same thing. I used this cheat countless times to Clattanoia after all. The Snake In The Grass!

The Commander seems surprised by what I did but your reaction is too late! I immediately smashed his thumb that was tangled by my index finger.


Wait, I'm still not even finished pronouncing the One... Are you kidding me?! Judging by Euclius's reaction, It looks like I'm not just hallucinating when I saw that.

"He removed his thumb with sheer strength..."

Euclius is right. My index finger was tangled to his thumb, plus I smashed It with mine. But even with that combined, he still... got his thumb out... Shit, I'm sweating bullets already...

"What's wrong? Sir Hinata... I kind of liked this sport you recommended... Is that all you've got?"

I might have picked the wrong game for this duel...