
Chapter Four

Even though she knew it was coming, Eden still wasn't prepared for what she heard. It was the main idea of what she wanted to hear from the guy she wanted to hear it from. But this was all wrong.

Her first boyfriend was supposed to be a real relationship, not some fake one made up to prove to another girl that he could settle down. And while she was on that topic, how the heck did making somebody think you're in a serious relationship get them to sleep with you? Eden didn't get it at all.

And even though she could be in a relationship with the man she'd loved since they were kids, this wasn't the way it was supposed to happen. He was supposed to change his ways for her. Tell her he loved her. Kiss her sweetly. Never leave her side. Maybe she'd been reading too many romance novels.

Oliver had a lot more explaining to do. His proposal wasn't romantic at all. She would have thought he was joking if she hadn't know him so well. This situation was straight out of a comic. This kind of stuff didn't happen in real life, right?

But it did. Because it was happening to her right now. Eden was all too aware of how real she and Oliver were in this moment.

"Huh?" Eden finally managed. Very smooth.

Oliver laughed. "Sorry to spring this on you, but you're the only girl I could think to ask."

"Yeah, right. You could ask any girl and they'd be at your feet in a heartbeat.

"Maybe I should rephrase that." Oliver stared at an invisible spot behind Eden, thinking, thumb on his lip. Then he snapped his fingers and smiled down at Eden. "I got it. You're the only girl I can ask that won't fall for me or want a real relationship."

Eden couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but it didn't really sound like it.

'If only you knew,' she thought.

"Someone has a big ego," she said.

Oliver flexed. "What can I say? The ladies love me." He winked at Eden and she couldn't help but laugh.

Oliver shifted and Eden could tell that his demeanor had changed.

"Will you help me out? Please?"

"I'll have to think about it," Eden said, though she didn't want to. Not in the slightest. "You do know Saffi's in my chemistry class, right?"

"Sure do. That's another reason I wanted you to help me."

"Wouldn't that only make it worse? Everyone on campus knows I don't have a boyfriend."

"So we tell them we wanted to keep it quiet. Because you weren't ready to make it public yet."

"How do you explain going out to bars every night then?"

"Simple. Believe it or not, I DO text you to pick me up 90% of the time. I just say I was waiting for you."

"Who'd believe that?" Eden wasn't buying it.

"You'd be surprised. Besides, we already spend a ton of time together. It shouldn't be hard to convince people. Any other objections?"

Yeah. This whole thing is stupid.

"Do we have to... you know," Eden said, turning slightly pink.

"Do what?" Oliver looked confused. Then it dawned on him. "Oh, you mean... kissing?" he said, leaning towards her.

Eden took a step back. Oliver took two steps forward. She took three steps back. He took three steps forward. Eden took two more steps backwards... and ran straight into a tree. Oliver closed the distance between them.

"Oliver, what are you doing?" Eden asked, nervous. She had no idea what Oliver was going to do. She didn't want her first kiss to be like this. But she wouldn't refuse him if he tried.

Oliver put one hand on the tree and the other on the back of Eden's neck. He slowly leaned his head toward her mouth. She parted her lips in anticipation. His mouth got closer and closer until they were only inches apart.

At the last second, Oliver stopped. Eden could feel his breath on her face. Their faces were so close Eden could've stuck out her tongue and touched him with it.

"Like this?" Oliver asked.

From the single touch on the back of her neck, Eden could feel everything. She felt closer to him now than she'd felt all the times she'd practically had to carry him, he was so drunk. Heat rushed to her face, making her an honorary member of the fruit/vegetable clan known as the tomatoes. She could hear the roar of blood in her ears and her skin tingled.

Oliver chuckled, his voice husky. "Only if you want to."

Eden came back to her senses. She pushed him away from her. He was only messing with her. He didn't want her. He only wanted her help to get another girl.

"Oliver, don't joke about that," Eden said, voice low. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. "Don't EVER joke about that with me."

Oliver looked at her curiously. "What's wrong with you?" he said. Eden guessed he figured it out when his mischievous grin returned. "Eden, don't tell me you STILL haven't had your first kiss."

"I won't tell you then."

"You're so innocent. I love it." Oliver looked like he was about to crack up any minute. Eden wanted to punch him.

After a minute or two of silence, over which Eden gradually calmed down, Oliver finally got serious.

"To answer your question, we don't have to kiss. At most, it'll be a peck on the cheek. And only in public, of course." He reached a hand out to her but dropped it when she flinched away. "So, what do you say?"

Eden thought for a second. She wouldn't get a better chance than this to be with Oliver. Even if it wasn't real, she'd enjoy every second of it. She knew she would be the only one to get hurt in the end. But why not? After all, this wouldn't be the first time he broke her heart.

"I'll do it."