
Chapter Eight




Eden met Gus at the local movie theater at 5 o'clock. She was still unsure of what to do. She didn't know how Gus would receive her. Would he be quiet all night? Or would he go back to normal?

She got her answer immediately.

Gus greeted her right away. They went inside and bought their tickets like normal. But then Gus surprised her by buying the popcorn. Normally, they split it. Normally, Oliver was here.

Just then, it occured to Eden that this was the first time she'd hung out with Gus alone. It was the first time she'd hung out with a BOY alone.

Eden was flustered. She had no problem hanging out with two boys. That was normal. But hanging out with a guy alone? That was something totally different. Something she wasn't used to. Why hadn't she realized before that it would just be her and Gus tonight? She was such an idiot!

Was this a date? Gus had said it was a date earlier. But he was just using an expression, wasn't he?

Suddenly, Eden didn't know what to do with herself.

"You alright?" Gus asked her.

"Ye, yeah," Eden replied. She was nervous. Why was she so nervous? It was just Gus. They'd hung out plenty of times.

"Let's go in then."


Eden followed Gus into the dark movie theater. They found their seats as the movie started. But Eden could hardly focus on the movie. She could only think about how close she was to Gus. How their hands kept almost touching while reaching for popcorn. How dark it was in the theater. How no one would notice if he reached over and...

Eden shook her head. What was she thinking? Gus would never do something like that.

She kept repeating that in her head throughout the rest of the movie. It helped her calm down, but only a tiny bit.

When the movie ended, everyone got up to leave. Eden and Gus followed their example. Eden trailed Gus until they got outside. He was waiting for her there.

"Let me walk you home."

"No, you don't have to do that," Eden stammered. "I can do it my-"

"It's okay. Your house isn't far. Besides, I want to talk to you about something."

Eden stopped resisting. She had a feeling Gus was going to walk her home whether she wanted him to or not.

The first few minutes were walked without any talking. Eden sure wasn't going to talk first.

"How'd you like the movie?" Gus asked.

"It was good." How should she know, she couldn't pay attention.

"What'd you think of the fight between Allistair and Rumanov?"

"Yeah, it was pretty cool."

"How about the car chase? Were you expecting that?"

"Oh, no, definitely not. That really snuck up on me." She was doing so well. There was no way Gus would know she barely watched the movie.

Gus stopped walking. He stopped Eden with a hand on her elbow and turned her to face him.

"Are you okay, Eden?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Why was he asking her that.

"Did you even watch the movie?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I-"

"There was no car chase."

What? Then why had Gus asked her about a car chase?

"The fight between Allistair and Rumanov lasted two seconds. Rumanov had a one-hit KO. It was pretty sucky," Gus continued. "And the movie itself? It was terrible, Eden. We wasted money. Well, I guess you didn't even watch it so..."

Eden turned away from him. She was blushing too much. Why was her heart beating so fast? She'd never felt like this around Gus before.

"Eden, I like you."

Eden turned back to Gus in shock. Did she hear him wrong?

"What did you-"

"I said I like you. I have for a while now." Gus was the one to turn away now.

Gus liked her? Since when? She'd never noticed anything. But even as she thought about it, she remembered times when Gus had been nice to her for no reason. When he hung out with her when she was sure he'd rather be doing something else. The way she sometimes caught him looking at her.

Eden couldn't believe it. She was speechless.

"About Homecoming..." Gus said.

Right. Homecoming. Wasn't that what she'd been so worried about all day? And she'd forgotten it.

"Will you go with me? I know you told Oliver you'd go with him, but he can find someone else. It'll be easy for him."

Eden's heart pounded. This was it. This was the time to make her decision. But now she had a whole different outlook on the situation. Gus liked her. But she liked Oliver. She didn't want to encourage Gus. If she said yes, she would only make things worse. Gus would get the wrong idea. She'd end up hurting him. That was the last thing in the world that she wanted. Gus didn't deserve that.

She knew what her decision was.

"Gus, I'm sorry. I already promised Oliver that'd I go with him."

"But you can change your mind," Gus sounded desperate. "Tell him you'd rather go with me."

"I can't do that."

"Why not? It'll be easy. Just tell him you thought it over and you don't want to go with him anymore." Gus put a hand on her shoulder. "Go with me, Eden. Oliver will be fine."

"I can't lie to him," Eden said. Gus was getting more agitated. She had to end this conversation. "I'm sorry, Gus. I would love to go with you, I really would, but I'm already going with Oliver."


Gus' grip on her arm had become painful. Eden took a step away from him.

"Why?" Gus said again. He sounded heartbroken.


"Eden, don't lie to me. Do you like Oliver?"

Eden stared at him. How did he know? She'd hidden it so well, hadn't she?

But looking at Gus, Eden knew either answer would hurt him. If she said yes, he would feel bad. But if she lied to him and said no, he would feel awful.

"Yes," she finally answered.

Eden could see Gus's face fall. He stared at the ground. Eden didn't know what to do.

"I'd better get going," she said. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Gus said, continuing to stare at the ground.

Eden left him there, dejected and alone.