
The truth of chi

A/N: I'm thinking of doing commissions, what are your guys thoughts and would you be interested? Not now of course, but sometime in the future

During the trip I soon realized that benders can't bend the whole day, and that led to a problem. Even with all the tribes people being benders, they couldn't power it the whole day. It took two people to get the craft moving at all and they lasted an hour at most. This led to some experimentation.

Over the course of my life I gained the ability to see pressure points that shine like little dots. Hitting them causes a change in the body and also moves around the other pressure points. This leads to the tricky problem of trying to find which combination leads to the desired results and which doesn't. While running I managed to get really good at figuring out what does what.

If you hit multiple pressure points on the heart the heart collapses. Hit pressure points in a line from the heart to the brain, you start to think faster. I always attributed this to the blood flow changing in the body. I was mostly right but I forgot a key part. It wasn't just blood that mattered it was chi, and it just so happens that chi flows along the blood vessels.

In hind sight it was obvious and it made me that much closer to achieving the fist of the North star, but as cool as that was that wasn't my main concern. I was focused on how to increase chi or at least how to recover it. I was stumped for a while until I tried it on my self. I tapped my pressure points from my heart to the palm of my hand. This had the phenomenon of causing a strange feeling to arise in my body and follow the routed path. I performed it a few times on my self to get a better feel for it, but I felt it was to soft. So I decided to be dumb.

I hit numerous pressure points on my heart till I felt like coffing out blood then tapped it along the lines of my arm to the palm and thats when something worked. In an instant pure force shot out of my palm and then my arm exploded. Blood scattered in all directions horrifying my Uber drivers. Handling it like a chad I shooed them away with my hand and went back to thinking about what I felt.

Why I wasn't worried about my arm. Well over the course of running from Bamba I gained a healing factor thanks to the tough environment and jombie. Never forgot jombie. So using my new found knowledge I used pressure points to direct chi to the new wound. Of course it didn't heal right away, but it sped up the healing process.

Within an hour my wound closed then by hitting chi points I forced my flesh to grow back in the shape of an arm. It was still a useless lump of flesh at that point, with no bones and stuff, but by hitting the parts of my arm I managed to grow a spine like bone in my arm. It wasn't the same but it was usable again. If anything I thought it as better cause it allowed me to use it as a normal arm, but is more flexable. Maybe I should blow up other parts of my body.

Any way with the secret of regenertion and body altertion at my disposal I continued with my experiments. I could now feel chi and control it partly in thanks to pressure points, but that didn't solve the problem. I soon realized I need to be able to see chi, or at least find a way to measure it, before I could do anything at all. So back to self experimentation.

This time I directed chi to my eyes and it worked for enhancing my eye sight, but not what I wanted, so a week went past after my arm exploded and my epermientation, and I was at a loss. One day while everyone was resting I and I was directing chi to my eyes, which I no longer needed pressure points for, I suddenly saw. My God it was beautiful.

Imagine a world of black and white filled with colors, then you will begin to imagine what I saw. I never knew there were so many colors or that the world had all this underneath. It was so beautiful I wept as if I finally got to see for the first time in my life. Words won't do it justice and when I tried to explain to the tribes men they looked confused. It is a true pity that no one got to see this.

For the next few days I spent all my time looking at everything and anyone. The world was fantastic, but in my observations I noticed some similar things. I noticed there were dark lines all over everyones bodies, though I quickly learned that the lines were blocked chi path ways and that you could clear them over time with continuous use of pressure points to dislodge the blockage.

I did this to all the tribes men and noticed they managed to bend longer after each session. This helped speed up the process of travel and the more I did it the faster travel was. I also noticed the tribes mens' chi was all similar color to the earth' chi and that my chi was basically transparent. This led me to my next finding, the difference between benders and non benders.

Benders had attributed chi, similar to spirit roots in cultivation novels. They had an innate attachment to their native element where as I was a blank slate. This revelation opened a lot of doors for me, if I found a way to change the color of my chi then I could bend, or I could change the color of an objects qi and have control of that after all chi slowly blends and mixes with things near it.

Chi blending wasn't the only interesting phenomenon. Chi also resonates with one another. If chi has similar colors ie attributes. Then they create a resonace that strengthens both objects. This is why the moon affects water bending, the moon's chi is similar to water chi and consequentially water benders chi. However for the moon to reach that far it has to have an enormous amount of chi, you can't just have a glass of water one mile away strengthen a water bender, there just isn't enough chi for that.

The last thing I noticed is that chi is affected by ones thoughts as well as there emotions. If I am angry, my chi gets angry, or if I'm hurt my chi gets hurt. This led me to create meditations to speed up chi recovery. I made them for earth benders and observed them. Over the course of a few days there chi was slightly more colored to the earth as well as a more plentiful.

After the creation of chi cultivation techniques I also made chi pills, cause my god the journey is boring. Chi pills are made using the process of chi blending and resonace together to get stronger chi. One one ingest the pill the chi is slowly spread around the body and assimilates with it. Using this I can take a bunch of earth chi pills I'll get earth chi or maybe get serious poisoning, who knows.

Now with all the advancements I made to bending, despite not being a bender, my group and I were spreading through the earth kingdom at rapid pace, but we still had about a day and a half before we reached the city, it was called Gaoling or something, but with my bordem at an all time peak I decided to watch my chi when I'm drinking Jombie, and my god was I not prepared.

You see jombie's chi is unattributed like mine, it's clear and transparent. What I didn't expect to find was the change that happened within my body after consumption. My chi basically floods all my chi pathways and for the next two hours my chi is changing it's shape and color around my body depending on what I think. If someone else could see chi I would look like an ever changing blob of rainbow.

This really helped me understand how jombie truly works. The same way I regrew my arm is how jombie works. It spreads chi all around your body and is shaped by your thoughts and emotions. You think about healing, your chi turns to healing chi, you think about strengthen you get strength chi. I wanted to study more about the link between jombie and chi, but we arrived at the city right after my final test and I learned cactus juice is considered an illegal substance in cities, thanks to my Uber, and had to dump it.

Any way I have money to be made as well as faces to pulverize, time to fraud people into thinking I'm an earth bender.