
I typical fan-fic for our beloved AOT

I make this cuz I fell like making a crappy webnovel. Im not really putting thought or effort into it so don’t expect much. ———————————————————————— Mc dies and is confronted by a R.O.B, nothing special. 3 wishes aside from where he wants to go. He is born in aot 835, 10 years before canon and boom Budda-bop, we have el generic story.

Kyusi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


All these main characters are complete lyres! Saying they learned to crawl at 2 months, saying they started to walk at 3 months!

The muscles of a baby couldn't even do that. There not developed enough. Yeah, you may have the intellect of a 20-year-old, but that doesn't change the fact your residing in a month old infant.

Naki, for one, was having difficulties moving his limbs. Meanwhile, these "protagonists" where god damn ascending at the age of 21 month.

Naki had been practicing, moving his limbs and body, trying to get an early start.

'It seemed iv overlooked the challenges of being an infant'

He had been in this new world for what seemed to be a month. He couldn't really tell however, due to the fact he was stuck in a CRIP 24/7!

The only good he was fed was this weird Pirate that tasted like tortillas. He wasn't sure what it was but it was actually quite good.

The only problem, he had been eating it for a month straight, and it was starting to get boring.

'I wonder if Eric has reincarnated any others…'

It was a valid question, I mean no way Naki was his only source of entertainment.

That's be terrible entertainment! Who'd want to watch a baby try to flex his muscles 24/7?

Naki, like most people protagonists, was quite. The maturity he held as an introvert kept him silent for the full month of his life.

Not once did he cry, laugh, nothing. The doctors just rubbed it off as if he where just silent. A quite kid. And the fact they detected no disease with there off-brand technology, only enhanced that fact.

'I could go for some pizza right now…'

Although what they couldn't explain was why he had red eyes. Neither of his parents had any sort of hot-colored eyes and it was the same with his family.

'Who's the main character at this point… me, or eren?'

So they rubbed it off as some genetic mutation that was harmless. Not that they could prove it wasn't.

So combined, Naki was a mute kid who had a genetic mutation with red eyes, oh and was almost emotionless. Totally normal.

'I mean on one hand I was reincarnated into another world, which usually means I'd be the main character to a theoretical story, but I reincarnated into a fully developed world with a main character already in it'

These question bopped around in Naki's head quite often. He was more intelligent than the average person he'd say. Not genius though.

The only problem with this his mindset, was that it was quite easy to get distracted.

Naki still didn't have a plan on how to tackle this world. He wanted to just observe it but he was having second thoughts.

'I can't decide. Should I take the founding or not?' On one hand, he could live powerfully for another 80 years, or in the other, he could live super powerfully for 13.

'What would my titan even look like?' Naki couldn't even imagine. Would it be like a white haired, red eyed, eren titan? That didn't seem right.

Eventually, his mind answered off to unknown places.

Suddenly, Naki heard the door open and found his mother bringing in a bowl of porridge ready to be fed to him.

They'd come to wake him up around what he assumed was 10 to feed him breakfast.

After they'd take him and usually walk him around the city, they discovered through trial and error, that he didn't like toys or playing much. Instead, he preferred to explore the city, and everything around it.

'I should probably learn martial arts…'

When Naki said "they" he mostly meant his mom. His dad was always at work, working as a blacksmith.

She'd take him to naki's dad often, watch the people as they stared at the forge and gain there reactions.

Another thing they'd do often was go to the forest. His mom seemed to love nature. A lot.

Her name was Hakira, a good name if you asked Naki. She had bright silver hair, almost white, and bubbly light blue eyes. She was about 5'4, shorter than the average eldian, And usually wore some type of blous with an apron type cloth over it and a dress that covered her entire lower half.

His dad, was 6,1. He was a tall, strong man. He had a really nice a sweet personality despite his intimidating appearance. He had dark brown hair with shiny green eyes. Usually wearing the classic blacksmith outfit.

Naki was born with good parents, unfortunately, he was tiny. The doctors had told them he was probably going to be his mothers height if not smaller.

You could say this was good, I'd help avoid the Titans, thats what he kept telling himself at least.

'Yeah, I'll train in martial arts, and hopefully, I can convince my dad to make me a scouts sword replica. So I can get used to swinging that thing'

If not, than he'd be forced to steal a pair. His father was one of, if not, the best blacksmith in the city. He could definitely find the scouts hiring him to make them there blades and such.

As bad as it sounded, Naki couldn't wait for the attack on Shiganshina. I mean, that's when the fun really began.

Where the canon started. It all started there, with a single kick. Well, mostly at least.

But that's here the story mainly played in to action, at least from my part of view.


Yo! This be el authorita, ik it's short I'm just not in the mood rn ya know? Anyways, I'm here to ask y'all how long of a time skip there should be next chapter. Also, should they get the titan fluid?

Das it
