

Imagine a world where anime steps off the screen and into reality. The story follows Lin Nian, a visionary director with a knack for the impossible. He takes the entertainment industry by storm with his groundbreaking live-action anime. We're talking legendary actors like Ju Jingyi and Bai Lu transforming into fierce warriors from Fate series or Demon Slayer. The story dives into the electrifying world of these hyper-realistic anime, showcasing epic battles, emotional moments, and everything in between. It's not just a movie, but a future. ------ Disclaimer: all right to original content belong to respective creator. I'm translating this novel just to make it easier to read.

SpicyBanana · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

You gonna have a baby together?

After Xiaobai ate and drank, Lin Nian and Ju Jingyi took her to try on Anya's costumes in the play.

Lin Nian took it upon himself to transform Xiaobai.

[Ding, the host has turned on the top makeup artist mode!]

With the support of the system, Lin Nian skillfully created hair and makeup for Xiaobai.

Ju Jingyi, who was watching from the side, was taken aback by the skillful and advanced techniques.

"Lin Nian, do you still have haircuts and makeup?"

Lin Nian kept moving his hands, "A little bit."

Xiaobai's foundation is not much different from that of Anya. After some processing by Lin Nian, he put on the little black skirt that is the logo in the play.

The three-dimensional Anya, which is almost exactly the same as the previous anime, was born!

Lin Nian nodded in satisfaction. According to the standard of cosplay in the previous life, this belongs to the restoration of God.

Xiaobai stared at himself in the mirror with wise eyes, touched the two black-horned ornaments on his head, and said:

"Should I play the black buffalo? This one I'll..."

After she finished speaking, she opened her mouth and yelled twice, "Wow..."

Lin Nian: "You bark like a wolf, that's not how a cow barks."

It doesn't look very smart, but God has restored it

Ju Jingyi was so cute by Xiaobai, she stared at Xiaobai, and hugged Xiaobai, "Haha, this is too cute, Lin Nian, you are too amazing, I imagine that Anya in the script is It looks like this!"

After the role of Anya was settled, the remaining leading roles were Loid and Yor.

Ju Jingyi coughed and asked:

"Well, Lin Nian, do you have any candidates for the remaining starring roles?"

Lin Nian thought for a while and said:

"I plan to try the role of Loid myself, but I also need to try the costumes. If it doesn't suit me, I won't act."

There is no one in this world who understands the role of Loid better than him.

Although he looks too youthful now, with the blessing of the system, it is very easy for him to change his temperament.

Ju Jingyi looked at Lin Nian with piercing eyes, "Well, Lin Nian, can I try on Yor's outfit?"

Of course Lin Nian knew what she was thinking, she wanted to play the role of Yor.

However, to be honest, Ju Jingyi, a young and beautiful girl, is really not suitable for Yor Forger.

But Lin Nian still wanted her to give it a try: "You go and try it."

Ju Jingyi smiled happily, and ran to the room to change.

She also knows in her heart that she is not suitable for this role, but this does not prevent her from wearing a killer dress, right?

Who doesn't love beautiful clothes for girls?

ten minutes later.

Ju Jingyi blushed, moved her steps, and walked out of the changing room.

It was the first time for her to wear such a sexy dress in front of Lin Nian, so she was a little shy.

Lin Nian looked up and down, and finally focused on the middle...

Sure enough, it was still a little small.

Ju Jingyi asked cautiously:

"How about it?"

Lin Nian looked away from the gentleman, and said honestly, "It's pretty, although it doesn't have the mature temperament of Yor, but it has another kind of youthful and beautiful beauty..."

Ju Jingyi blushed even more, "It's...that's right."

Xiaobai raised his head, looked left and right, "Is big brother sister going to get married and have a baby?"

Lin Nian almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and Ju Jingyi also became a hot girl, "Xiaobai... who taught you this, you can't talk nonsense in the future..."

Ju Jingyi changed the subject again:

"Lin Nian, don't you want to try the evening dress? Go and try it, I'll show you."

Lin Nian nodded, turned and walked into the changing room.

The evening attire is more normal, just a smart suit.

Lin Nian got dressed and took a look at herself in the mirror.

He patted his face, combed his hair up, and finalized it.

The system beep sounds again:

[Ding, the host activates the super-explosive acting mode, playing any anime character, there is a feeling of being possessed...]

In an instant, Lin Nian felt his youthful sense disappeared, his brows were full of heroism, and the feeling of a cold secret agent overflowed.

When Lin Nian walked out of the room, Ju Jingyi rubbed her eyes, thinking that there was something wrong with her eyesight.

How did her sunny and gentle boy suddenly become a handsome mature man?

Ju Jingyi said in disbelief

"Lin Nian, it's suitable, it's so suitable, I almost didn't recognize you, how do you act like something?"

Lin Nian's expression relaxed, and the youthful feeling returned, "Just as long as it suits you."

The capability of the system is still impressive.

Now it's just a simple wave, and it smells like that.

When it's time to formally set the makeup later, He would dye his blonde hair and put on some makeup, it should work.

The two leading roles in "Spy × Family" have been settled.

Next, only the role of Yor is left.

The next day, Lin Nian was selected Yor's actresses from the list of first-tier and second-tier actresses.

He couldn't make a decision right away, so he simply picked five more suitable actresses among them, and planned to let them come over to try on makeup.

Among them, there is an acquaintance.


Lin Nian carefully looked at her cast information, recalled her appearance, and found that she was quite suitable for Yor.

Bai Lu is a beautiful woman, but she is different from a young and beautiful girl like Ju Jingyi.

She is already a third-year student, and her body parameters are quite suitable...

The most important thing is that Lin Nian looks like she is occasionally cute and a bit naive.

This feeling is something that ordinary actresses don't have.

Anyway, let's see how they feel when they put on Joel's killer dresses tomorrow