
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

MMT (Bonus Chapter!)

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"Are you really gonna help me find the Soul keeper?" Xen asked and hearing that, Niko nodded, "But I won't help you with anything else!"

He said and Xenia seemed to have agreed, "Then we leave first thing tomorrow, we have to get prepared though but I've already thought everything through so we will be fine!"

Xenia said and hearing that, Niko nodded as he helped her up and they made their way back to the underground house.


"You are really gonna go with the princess there find the soul keeper?" Zara asked ass she was a little displeased by Niko's decision.

Hearing that, Niko nodded and she then voiced out, "This is unlike you, you've have never helped anyone before especially if it has something to do with the soul keeper but what's with the Change of mind so suddenly! Tell me, what are you going from this?"

Zara protested, "I'm not gaining anything and anyway, I've also been thinking of going to meet the soul keeper so it's just like killing two birds with one stone!" Niko said but Zara wasn't still convinced.

"I don't know what you are planning in that skull if yours but I'm not gonna let you out of my sight, once my brother gets back... I'll join you and the princess and keep her safe in case you try anything disgusting!" Saying that, Zara turned around and left.

But walking in was Giji and Xenia as he then handed over to Niko a old map, "What's this?"

Asked Niko a little confused and hearing that, Giji said, "That's the map you will need if you have ti locate the soul keeper. Seeing how you have lost some of your memories, I've already marked out the safest places to pass in other to get to the soul keeper so be careful Lintin and keep the princess safe!"

Giji said as he patted Lintin on his shoulder, "Don't worry! I'll be Fine. So...is there anything else that we'll be taking along with us?" Lintin asked.

And just then, Fiji walked in with a nice red bag which looked like it had be smashed my a car by how flat it was.

"What's that?" Niko asked and Fiji responded, "It's were your things will be. This is a magical bag, it Looks small but anything can enter and it's weightless too so it won't bring you guys much stress."

"I've placed your kill book in it and some other things and snacks too and the most important, your 'MMT'." Voiced out Fiji.

"Huh?!" Niko said confused, "What's a MMT?" he asked and hearing that Xenia rolled her eyes as she said, "It's more like a money transporter. Instead of carrying your money everywhere you go, you use the ''Magical Money Transporter' and your money where ever you kept it will teleport to your hand or wherever and you use it for whatever thing!"

Xenia explained and hearing that, Niko nodded in understanding, "It's more like an ATM!"

"Huh?! ATM? What's that?" Fiji asked and hearing that, Niko realized that this wasn't his old world and he wasn't even side if tooth brush even existed.

"It's nothing..umm...How are we gonna leave hellborn, If I'm not wrong, since you escaped... Zygot must have tightened the security so we won't be able to leave from the gateway, so how are we gonna leave?" Niko asked.

"Don't worry, I already have that sorted out, we will leave by boat at the other side of hellborn so Zygot won't be able to stop us for don't word!" Xenia said and hearing that, Lintin felt more relived.

Going by boat would mean that they had to pass the Depths River which is one of the most scariest river in the Demonic realm.

It consist of different annoying and terrifying creatures and spiritual beings who are usually at Level 25-27 so it won't be easy but she could do it. All she just needed was reciprocate he'd spiritual force and she will be fine and ready to go on the search to find the soul keeper!

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