
I transmigrated as a young bug catcher in Pokemon

Gray transmigrated to the world of pokemon. Armed with his newfound power and his past knowledge, can he survive this world? -beginner writer here -English is not my main language so pls criticize my work so that I can improve

BUG_TYPE_3L1T3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 2 Catching pokemon!

Gray quickly adapted to this type of life after a few days. He now knows everyone in his class, his teachers, and the neighbourhood. He is now preparing to capture his first Pokemon. Gray understands that, given his family situation, the first Pokemon must be easy to raise, or he won't be able to afford it.

To afford the items needed to capture my first pokemon, I usually go to the outskirts of Viridian Forest to pick Berry and sell it for money. Other times, I assist neighbours with tasks in exchange for a small pay. Finally, I was able to save a total of 20,000 poke dollars(¥). A Poké Ball costs 500 in the store, which is the same as the price in the game.

An ordinary Poké Ball can be used without external damage for 20 years, so the price of ¥200 can be considered very low. However, other necessities, such as Potion, cost ¥300 but can only be used once. However, this is the least expensive Potion, as other types of potions are more expensive and more potent. The monthly income of the average family is only ¥5000-¥6000. Most families can only raise one Pokemon at most, and some families don't even have Pokemon at all.

Gray's father can barely afford to catch and raise a pokemon for him, but if there are more, he will be unable to do so. Never mind becoming a trainer. Gray is really fortunate to have earned money for himself. Now, what pokemon should I consider capturing? said Gray.

Gray went to town and bought two Poké Balls, a bug net, Pokemon food, and trap items. He spent ¥3,000 on these, but to be prepared for the unexpected, he bought a little more. After the purchase, my heart aches because this is all of my hard-earned money. Gray and the other young bug catchers went to the viridian forest. Of course, I never dared to go deep, so we limited our exploration to the forest's outskirts. After all, only a gentle Pokemon can be found in the outer areas. You don't have to be concerned as long as you pay attention. The inner forest, on the other hand, is quite different. It is home to many powerful Pokemon and Pokemon tribes. You are nothing more than food to those pokemon if you do not have a strong partner.

You don't have to be afraid of the dangerous forest because you can go deep into it to challenge the powerful Pokemon and defeat your favourite Pokemon. All of these are the reasons Gray aspires to be a powerful Trainer. Gray's bug catcher entourage began to catch their own pokemon, the most common of which were weedle and a caterpie. Gray is ecstatic because he can finally have his own partner.

In my previous life, I fantasized about having my own Pokemon. It will be realized very soon. How could you not be thrilled? I'm quite excited to see who will be my first pokemon. I started to separate to explore a little more, and suddenly my eyes became itchy. I rubbed my eyes vigorously and continued on my way without thinking. Gray did not noticed the blue rays of light flashing in his eyes, and everything quickly returned to normal. There was a hint of grass Fragrance in the air as soon as I entered the Viridian forest, which made people feel relaxed and joyful. Every inch is bathed in warm sunlight. The lush and green tree in front of you. The grass, the earth's breath, assaults the senses.

Gray is now deliberating over which Pokemon to capture. To begin with, the best catches are Catterpie and Weedle. These two types of Pokemon are the most common and best for his current condition. Gray asked his Youngster Bug Catchers entourage for assistance in setting up a simple grass trap to catch Pokemon. They use pokemon food to entice nearby pokemon into the traps, then use the Pokeball to directly capture the pokemon.

Gray then went into the nearby bush and sat quietly. Gray remembered the conversation he had with his father the night before while waiting in the grass.

Gray's father, who was sitting at the dinner table last night, asked Hideshi, "Are you going to catch your pokemon tomorrow?"

Gray gives a nod. "I've seen that you like Pokemon a lot, and now you're at the age to have your own Pokemon. Remember to be safe tomorrow, and if you can't catch one, I can find someone to help you get one," his father said.

Gray's father took a stack of cash from his pocket and handed it to him. "Here you go, I'm sorry if this is all I can give you son, if only I had the talent to nurture a pokemon too, then I could give you more," he said.

Gray then responded, "It's okay dad, I promise you I'll become the strongest trainer there is and make our lives easier."

"I'm sure your mother in heaven is so proud of you right now," the father said, wiping his tears.


Gray's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden noise. He tried to find a gap in the bush and then noticed an injured Scyther.

He tried to approach the injured scyther quietly, but the scyther quickly noticed him. Blue rays of light are now shining back into his eyes. Then some text appeared in his mind.

Pokemon: Scyther - Mantis Pokemon

Lvl: 11

Type: Bug/Flying

Gender: Male

Potential: Blue

Moves: Leer, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Double Team(Innate Talent)

Holy Sh*t!

Holy Sh*t!

Holy Sh*t!

Holy Sh*t!

I have a cheat!

Gray can't believe what he's seeing right now, aside from his eidetic memory, he still has this kind of goldenfinger. He has no idea that the blue rays in his eyes have other abilities.

Back to the injured scyther.

When the scyther noticed the blue rays flashing in the trainer's eyes, he felt relieved and wanted to approach the trainer in front of him.

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