
I Told You I Am Not Otherworlder

—--------- Lurra, the World where every single person has class as their main occupation. There are around 10% who don’t have it though. But still, even without classes, some people don’t dare to look down on them. Losing all of his capabilities on using mana as he was already one of the strongest mages in his country at the age of 15th with an enchanter class, He left his home to go to the far-away eastern country. Not willing trapped in his weakness he trained to use a sword instead. One of the famous school sword styles from the eastern continent. Turn out he is actually a genius as a swordsman, he mastered all his training in five years and become the youngest divine blade at the age of twenty even without any sword-type class to support his training. “Finally, time to realize my dream to become an adventurer. No mana? Heck who cares” “Kufufu, said someone who is five years ago blaming all of his misfortune on me” “Yeah, but I am already apologizing for that right? Partner” follow his story as he is not the main character of the world but still one of the strongest even without class art cover by Vina_Vanila —---------

Alisa_Vitarda · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

The Orc Warlord

"How is it Rieze?" Alex asked Rieze who is using tracking magic.

"Wait a minute, I'm looking for it," Rieze replied.

We used tracking magic on the large door that was in front of us. We knew that there was a dungeon boss in the room, but before dealing with it, we tried to find out the exact position of the captured villagers.

After hearing Alex's explanation about the pentagram symbol in Mura village, I can deduce what happened.

Under normal circumstances, whether or not, because of the rules of this world, dungeons were randomly generated in random locations. A dungeon has a boss that becomes the core of the dungeon. If the dungeon boss is defeated, then the dungeon will disappear. However, as long as the boss is not defeated, mob monsters will respawn again even after being defeated. Monsters defeated in dungeons would disappear after a few moments of being left alone, however, if a monster's corpse or body parts were taken out of the dungeon, they would still be there. This is what adventurers do, take a monster corpse or part from the dungeon and sell it. After all, only certain people could beat the dungeon boss. Therefore, a dungeon boss couldn't appear in the middle of the village and kidnap the villagers.

I explained to Alex that the summoning circle was used to summon high-level monsters at a certain distance. Summoning rituals using monster blood are usually used to summon the same type of monster. However, sometimes, even the same type of monster variant can also be summoned.

Alex said that the ritual pentagram circle was drawn using Grezled Boar's blood, which means this dungeon boss is a variant type of boar. And judging from his action of kidnapping villagers, this monster, most likely a type of Orc, is a pig monster with a big and strong body. They have a habit of reproducing using females of other races, including humans.

"Rean, what you said is true. Aren't the villagers also have men?" Alex asked while waiting for Rieze who is still focused on doing her magic.

"...You seriously ask that?"


"Khufufu, Alex, Orc cannot differentiate gender from humans and other animals. They are not smart enough for that because they only move on instinct. Of course, it would be different if it's demon king, but that is not the case now," Linda helped me answer Alex's question.

"Eh? So that means… even men would be…" Alex didn't finish what he was saying and just shivered at the thought. Linda just smiled a little when she saw him, while I smiled a little to see Linda smile a little. I mean, she's a beauty, so my eyes auto-focus on her.

"I found it! They are right at the back of the boss dungeon" "

"So what's the plan?" Alex asked his teammates and me.

"You guys fight, and I with my misdirection will sneak up behind him"

"then? You could not take all those villagers without being found out, right?"

"Isn't your job to keep the monsters busy -_-"

"I'm just worried that the monsters have certain skills that caught us off guard"

"(sigh) then… Rieze!? Do you know how to use teleportation magic?"

"Teleportation magic? Isn't that ancient magic? There's no way I would know. Even if I did, I'm not sure my mana capacity is enough to teleport that many people." Rieze answered me with a surprised face.

"You can use ~inferno annihilation?"

"Yes, I can use it"

"The required mana capacity is the same as using it."

"Wait a minute, the problem is I can't,-"

"Leave that to me, I'll draw the runes. You just supply it with mana"

"O..ok. I don't know why you can use ancient magic, but I will help as much as I can"

"That means sis Merinda and I will fight the boss of the dungeon," Alex immediately entered the conversation

"After the teleportation process is complete, we will help"

Alex and Merinda just nodded in agreement with this plan.

This seemingly lengthy discussion only lasted a few seconds, we then opened the dungeon boss's door and started our plan. I used misdirection and Rieze with camouflage magic to sneak to the back of the dungeon boss while Alex and Linda were going to fight the dungeon boss.


What an unpleasant sight in the eye. Several male and female villagers were lying on the ground in helpless conditions. Some were also in a state like it had forced them to have sex with the dungeon boss, while the rest just looked like they had given up and were waiting for their turn to be cooped up in a grate at the back of the boss room. That's what we see when we enter the dungeon boss room.

We did not remain silent and immediately carried out the plan according to our respective roles. Wasting no time, the first thing I did was activate the world's eye.


Name: Orc Warlord

Classes: -

Occupation: boss dungeons

Mana: S Strength: SS

Mental Strength: B Speed: A

Description: unique and higher version of Orc Lord.


"Orc Warlords!?" I said the monster's name out of slight surprise

"(orc warlord!? How did he know the name of that monster? I'm pretty sure this monster is an Orc Lord but slightly different, but I can't just call it by a foreign name that's not even in the books)" Rean who was carrying out his duties turned around briefly when he heard Alex mention the name of the monster. Of course, Alex didn't notice this as he focused on the monster in front of him.

<He probably has some kind of skill that allows him to see the enemy's attributes including their name>

"(some kind of status window like in manga?)"

<I don't know, the certain thing is that it's really interesting. Normal humans shouldn't have skills, because skills only belong to unique existences. There is one type of human that can be categorized as unique existence…>

"(hero!? lol so he's a hero? No wonder he has this manga main character vibe around him. Well, let's talk about that later. Focus, focus)" Rean repeated the word to motivate himself.

"Big sis, be careful. Its attack power is potent" I warned Merinda seeing that the Orc Warlord's power level is SS.

"Okay, what an annoying ugly monster" ugh, Sis Merinda's playful expression turned serious like when she was a knight.

She wasn't wrong to call this monster ugly. His face was like that of a wild boar with an immense body and about 2 meters tall. Not to mention, this monster is only naked with the bottom covered with cloth. As expected of a fantasy world. Even if it's a fantasy world, I won't forgive monsters who use humans as tools for reproduction.

I used the 2-on-1 tactic with Sis Merinda as the supporter and me as the attacker. I drew my sword from its scabbard and charged straight at the monster. When I'm right in front of the monster and tried to stab its throat, it immediately swung its right hand trying to catch me but Merinda's magic attack cancels its attack. Not wasting the chance I continued my attacks, but this time the monster used its left leg to kick me. It took advantage of the momentum when its right hand was attacked by Merinda. This caught me off guard but I still managed to raise the shield in my left hand to block its kick. Blocking this monster's kick directly would be fatal, that's why I only resisted the initial impact and used the essence of eight worlds one blade ~ 5th art ~ morning star to dodge it in the last second, taking advantage of its kick momentum. I spun in the air as soon as I dodged, not breaking the chain of attacks I flowed my blade with lightning magic and executed a long-range slash attack toward the monster's face. The reason I'm using my sword to channel my magic is that the sword I'm using is a magic-grade weapon that increases the activation speed and efficiency of magic, similar to staff except in sword form.

The attack hit the Orc Warlord's face, causing it to fall to the ground in agony. I was a bit surprised that my attack had little impact, at the same time cursing the world eye for not having any defense stat in its explanation.

Not lingering in surprise, I tried to slash the monster before it back to its feet. However,

"Alex! "

Merinda's scream made me aware of a gigantic sword suddenly appearing from my left side. I quickly shifted the direction of my sword to defend myself, but because of the overwhelming force of the attack, my sword broke. I linked up my defense with the shield on my left arm, but I'm still blown aside. I survived the sudden attack, but my left arm is broken. I immediately used a potion to heal it and returned to battle stance. Even so, I've lost my weapon. I saw the relieved face of Merinda in the distance and then looked at the Orc Warlord.

"What's the hell with this monster!?" I, Merinda as well as Rean, and Rieze who were already at the back of the boss dungeon's room were surprised to see the Orc Warlord's current form.

forgive me for the late chapter. I think ate too much last night and my stomach still doesn't feel good until now. please enjoy!

Alisa_Vitardacreators' thoughts