
I Thought He Was Mine

After the sudden disappearance of the moon goddess, every werewolf clan was left in chaos and confusion. Once a werewolf turns eighteen, they are meant to find their mates, but it became impossible when the moon goddess vanished. The Elders tried to find a solution to the problem, reaching out to Seers with connection to the moon goddess, but their efforts were to no avail. Sydney Hart was among the last of the werewolves to find her mate in the town she used to live in. Thanks to the moon goddess turning her back on them, no one wanted to be with their mate anymore. The tradition was gone with the goddess' disappearance and with it ushered in a new era; The wolves could now be with anyone they wanted. The others who had found their mates before the moon goddess's sudden disappearance couldn't keep up with the bond of being together forever, seeing it as a heavy burden and punishment when the others could have as many females as they want. So to satisfy their selfish desires, they had to dump their mates just to have the freedom and know what it feels like to hang out with lots of females. Sydney was among the victims when her mate, Barry Grant, decided he was tired of her. It didn't help the fact that her parents disliked him a lot because they are leagues apart and tried many ways to separate them. Unfortunately, Barry had enough and dumped her. He gave up on their mate bond and their unborn son, breaking her heart. Thanks to that experience, she closed off her heart until Arthur Bruce, a mere human comes around and makes her feel things again. But then, just when things are going well between them, Barry comes back and now he wants to be given a chance to correct the hurt and have a chance with his son again. They could be one big happy feeling like in the past, he promised her. Now, Sydney is torn out between both men. She still feels things for Barry, after all he was her chosen mate and the father of her child. But then, she can't seem to give up on Arthur either! ~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm pregnant, Barry, I have our baby so you can't leave, please don't do this to me," Sydney thought letting Barry know this will make him not go ahead with the awful plan of abandoning her. She even had to go down on her knees just to convince him to stay. "I'm sorry, Sydney, but I don't want it. You can get rid of it, it's not too late". Would Sydney give Barry a chance and kick off their once happy relationship or would she start anew with Arthur?

Lil_Amore · Fantaisie
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104 Chs

He Made Her Do It.

Teresa came to my house in the evening. I was dressed casually in blue jeans and a loose black shirt. My hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. I did not want to draw attention to myself.

"Let's go." I said to Teresa.

We hopped in her car and drove to the club where our seniors were throwing the party.

We walked inside the club. My attention was drawn to the smoke and the loud music. I had never been to a club before, so it was a whole new experience for me.

"Let's go out and have some drinks." Teresa remarked, pulling me along with her.

I saw that practically every popular student in our school had attended this party.

Suddenly, I saw Ethan conversing with someone.

"I am coming right away." I said to Teresa before walking up to Ethan.

We were not strangers; we were family friends.

I approached him and came to a halt behind him.
