
Back again

I'm a bad person, i know i am…But i can be nice, i can be good.

Fuji walks along the pavement to school, his obvious manicured hands in the pockets of his black cargos and a cigarette between his lips, every now and then he takes a puff and blows out the smoke.

He's been suspended for two weeks and is finally going back. It wasn't the worst two weeks, it was actually kinda nice despite the work he still had to do at home. He still hung out with his mates and relaxed. He just did the work at night before going sleep because it made him tired.

Words out that there's a new kid joining in the grade below, grade 11. Once Fuji is out, he's going straight back to Japan. He can't stand being in America for any longer. Everyone knows his mates will pick on the new kid, they always do. It's not like little teasing, it's getting beat up, spat on, called names, humiliated. That's what they do. They find fun in it.

Fuji though?

Well…he joins in but that doesn't mean he particularly likes it.

Fuji walks through the school gates and up to the main building where he wanders through the halls and to his homeroom. He sits down at the back then a couple minutes later, his mates come in and sit with him.