
I, The Lord Buddha, pay taxes at the start!

"I, the Supreme Lord Buddha, pay my taxes on time, I said!" a Golden Buddha statue was arguing with a man, he was heavily armed and on his shoulder, it said: IRS.

LordBuddhaAmi · Urbain
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The IRS are coming.

A middle-aged man was anxiously fast walking through the bustling streets of New York, he was making his way to a small but solemn Buddhist temple.

The temple's design was simple but gave off a strangely holy aura as if the Buddha himself was in the temple.

The man walked into the temple and what greeted him was an instant calming mood, it looked like all of the anxiety was a ruse, but that wasn't the case.

"My Lord Buddha, we are late on our taxes this month, the people from the Internal Revenue Service last time said-" He walked up to a statue of a Buddha and spoke.

"I know what they said, but what can we do, it's not like I can influence their decisions." The Buddha said calmly like he wasn't fazed by the IRS coming to his doorstep.

"Bu-but my Lord, we need to pay our taxes, don't forget our deal with the President, he said that if we pay our taxes, we would be left alone!" The man panicked and said in a stressed voice,

"The last time we didn't pay our taxes, we were thrown out and banned from entering China, do you want us to be forbidden to live in the United States as well?"

The last time they didn't pay their taxes, their deal with the Chinese Government was terminated and they are now banned from entering China indefinitely.

"Alright, Joseph, I know, when the IRS people come, I'll pay the taxes in person, it's not a big deal, don't worry about it, we can continue to live here in the US." The Buddha said to Joseph, who was calming down from the panic attack he was about to have.

And just as the Buddha succeeded in calming Joseph down, they heard footsteps from the temple door...

"The IRS!" They both nervously exclaimed at the same time.