
I Slept Too Long!

Follows a 19 year old Hugo Desanto's adventures after he woke up in the 22nd century wherein the world as he knew was already forgotten.

Hazuko_Zibiru · Romance
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Episode One: The City Of Dreams

"Where the hell did the negative two come from!?" I screamed while facing my computer

I was in the middle of my differential equations online classes in the evening when I lost my sh*t.

Ever experienced that event wherein everything was supposedly running smoothly and you have everything captured in your mind while listening to the teacher and when you suddenly blinked your freaking eye, everything seems different and now you are lost.

"Mr. Desanto It seems like your microphone is working just fine, I thought it was broken just like what you said earlier?" My eyes widened when I heard my name on our meet

I'm f*cked right now!BIG FOOKIN TIME!

I was immediately removed from the session due to my present actions and was sent an email immediately to bring my parents next friday for a counseling and discipline.

I just groaned and laughed at the same time.

I live all alone at this small crappy house that my dad left to me as his heirloom

Then I turned my computer off and looked at my watch

The only thing that reminds me of my mother

She bought me this watch when we were attending an event because I broke my old one recently that time

And just like Dad, she left.

I'm not sad that they left, I mean they gave me money just enough for me to survive ten years and that includes college fees and other things that I need to pay for.

I somehow felt lonely but that's fine for me as long as I have money.

I then turned off the lights and proceeded towards my bed

I sat for a bit and proceeded to head towards dreamland.


I woke up as I felt the heat of the sun blaring in front of my face

My vision was a little blurry that time but I managed to stand up and head towards the window to close it.

I grabbed the window handle and my eyes widened when I realized that a person is flying towards me face first

I dodged out of his way and saw him collide with my semi closed window face first

I saw blood splatter everywhere with the person's brains scattered on my now broken window

I was about to puke when someone hovered at my window, in there I saw a man that was equipped with a gun

He stared at the body then at me

He laughed menacingly and suddenly aimed his gun at me

"Any last words boy?" The man said and I saw his gun heat up like a blaster

Out of reflexes I surprisingly dodged his bullets and managed to break out of my room

When I got outside, I felt different

the air is both cold and hot, and the buildings and other structures are not familiar

There were cars but they don't look similar to the cars I saw just a few days ago.

I was still standing confused on the streets when I suddenly heard the hovering of a machine right above me

That's when I remembered that I was hunted by a weird looking guy

"Ohhh you little sh*t!Come to Papi!" I heard him as he blasted his gun at me while lowering his vehicle that looks like a surfboard but has the ability to fly

I ran away as fast as I could dodging his bullets and finally entering the crowded part of the city.

There as I ran I saw different people- or creatures I guess

I saw man with tentacles for a hand, I also saw a dude that almost came from the movie Terminator

I was so confused and scared at the same time but as of now I needed to get rid of this guy.

I saw a trash bin just outside a somewhat Chinese restaurant and decided to hide at the back of it

I saw the guy that was chasing me stop in front of the restaurant in hopes of finding me but he saw nothing and cursed to himself and blabbered about me escaping and how he would torture me when he finds me as he disappeared into the crowd.

I sighed and slumped on the floor realizing the exhaustion I was hiding due to adrenaline

That's when I felt a cold object touch my throat

"Welcome to the City of Dreams, Kyber City mi amigo" A voice appeared above me as I look up to see a man with futuristic goggles smiling with the object I learned as a knife was touching my neck.

I just chuckled and was met by his fist in the face and was knocked out of the heavens.

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