
I see your heart!

hello everyone, my name is Martina and I am the female lead of the book 'I SEE YOUR HEART' firstly I want to thank all those who are interested in knowing my story because you are the reason I am born. secondly I want to address a few things about my book. The first thing being that unlike other books I will not be introduced properly at the first chapter but later on around the fourth and fifth chapter which automatically means that my partner will be introduced later on but needless to say I can assure you that you will not be bored because the story leading up to my introduction will be quite interesting. The second thing is that the description of people and things might not be extremely detailed to the core so you can open your mind and let your imagination run as wild as it possibly can. The third things is that for a girl like me the romance is going to be like a wild ROLLERCOASTER RIDE

alexa18 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

CH1: who are you??

"dad..no..dad..pls..you just stay awake, I'll call an ambulance right now" Amanda cried in panic as she shivered.

she had gone mountain climbing with her father when the accident occured and he slipped, she had wanted to catch up with her father after he returned from the US with an attempt on climbing the highest mountain on cityZ.

"hello...is this the police?" there was a storm that night so the network was unsteady, Amanda cried and cursed at her badluck

"why..did..there..have..to..be..a.. storm..today"she mumbled as she clasped her hands as an intern doctor herself she had tried to stop her father from bleeding but the situation wasn't getting any better.

"hello this is the police how may I help you?" an officer asked the call pulled through.

"hell..llo my..my..my father" Amanda said as she cried shivering.

"Ama.. amanda, dear calm down, stop shaking you are a doctor...breathe" Jamie, Amanda's father spoke holding his daughter's hand as he held back his pain.

"report the situation in details as a doctor should" Jamie spoke calmly after noticing that she had calm down a bit.

"hello" amanda said on the phone again, but this time her voice was calmer.

"the patient is 60years old, he fell down the mountain in cail village, he..he..has a broken leg, three.. broken ribs.. the patient has currently lost a lot of blood from his body and head as well..we will require medical help immediately" amanda reported as tears rolled down her eyes, what was she going to do, what should she tell her mother, her siblings.

"ma'am you are currently very far away from the city and the nearest hospital is located fairly two hours from your location, so if you and your patient can hold on I'll call the hospital and make the fastest preparations, thank you"

"no...wait" "fuck" Amanda screamed, she had so much to say but her phone just had to run out of battery right now.

today was definitely the worst, there was no shelter around to block them from the rain, there was no medical equipment, she had nothing, her dad is injured severely and now her means of communication was gone, what was she to do now.

she had completely lost, she had nothing left to do, so she cried her heart out

"could you keep it down, your noise might end up killing him before his health does"

amanda looked up, she was shocked, someone was there and she just spoke to her

"wait what is she talking about and why is she pointing at dad" amanda thought as she looked at the strange girl

"so you can be quiet" the strange girl spoke again but this time she was touching Jamie's body

amanda was stunned, for one she hadn't even realized that she had stopped crying and two, did the strange just speak to her sarcastically... nevermind' she sighed as she composed herself

"who are you??"...