
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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234 Chs


The albino clenched his fist so hard that his bones cracked. The attacker swallowed hard. He knew what was coming wasn't fun at all.

Lincoln stood face-to-face with the person who couldn't move out of fear. Lincoln was breathing very hard, building tension until he spoke.

"Nobody...nobody ever... touches... my... Leni" Lincoln hit him so hard in the face that he knocked out several teeth and lifted him into the air, sending him spinning. The force of the turns was so intense that the criminal's pants, shirt, and mask came off, leaving him in his underwear until he crashed into a billboard hanging five meters away and finally fell face down on the sidewalk.

The Louds were shocked by Lincoln's punch. They already knew that he knew how to fight. But they never imagined that he could deliver such punches. But now they have another problem. The giant wolf was slowly approaching them. The Louds locked themselves in the truck, but Lincoln stayed outside.

"Lincoln! Come quickly! Let's get out of here!" Rita screamed at her son as Mr. Loud searched for his keys to start the car. But he remembered that these were in a bag that had been dropped on the ground.

The wolf was already face-to-face with Lincoln. The monster bared its teeth and then pounced on the boy.

The Loud family had different reactions. Some covered their eyes, others screamed, and Mr. Loud fainted. But what followed was something no one expected.

"Hahahaha, no, haha, enough. Hahahaha. It tickles." Contrary to what he expected, the monster was not attacking him. He was licking him.

The family couldn't hide their faces of astonishment. So much so that their jaws touched the ground.

The wolf got away from Lincoln and sat down in front of him, panting. For his part, Lincoln wiped the drool off his face.

Lincoln touched the face of the great wolf, who seemed so docile before the boy. After a moment, a smile lights up Lincoln's face. "White-Flame?" The wolf howled and licked Lincoln again. "White-Flame, it's you!" Lincoln hugs the large animal, licking his face and leaving his bangs up. "It's okay, girls. Mom, Dad. Everything is all right. "You can get out"

The door opened, and she slowly and cautiously stepped forward into Lincoln.

"Lincoln... what is this thing?" Lori asked.

"He... is... a wolf?" Rita was terrified, like her family, but she also felt a little confident seeing her son so calm next to the monster.

"The Loud Family, I present to you White-Flame. White-Flame, they are my family."

The wolf looks at Loud and then at Lincoln.

"My family"

The wolf walks towards. When they saw the animal approaching, they almost ran, but Lincoln stopped them with a hand signal, meaning they shouldn't move. White-Flame walked in circles around the family and smelled them one by one. From oldest to youngest.

Finally, he approached Lily. The wolf spent more time sniffing her, until he gave her a lick that, like Lincoln, left her with her hair standing up from the drool. He then proceeds to lick Lana.

The girls laughed at the flurry of licks they received from the great wolf, who was acting so docile.

"He seems to like you," Lincoln said upon hearing his sisters laugh.

"Lincoln... you have a lot to explain," Rita said, looking fearfully at the large wolf.

The Loud headed home with the giant wolf running after the truck. They had to take long routes and alternate routes so that no one would see the animal until they reached their destination.

In the newly renovated Loud House.

The Loud family were talking to Lincoln in the living room. They had to do this on their knees around the coffee table as White-Flame rose onto the sofa, and because of its sheer size, it occupied everything.

The little ones who caressed White-Flame. "Okay son. Now tell us... What the hell is this thing!?"

Lincoln took a sip of his tea and responded. "He is White-Flame, father."

"Not, what is his name? What is he? Where did he come from?"

"Its structure and physique do not match any wolf species recorded by biology or paleontology. We could be encountering a new species that has not yet been cataloged," said Lisa.

"Why is he so big?" Lana asked.

"He's so soft." Lily rubbed her face and hands against the wolf's fur.

Lincoln took another sip of his tea and replied, "Okay, I'll tell you. White-Flame is a waheela."

"What?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"The waheela is a wolf-like cryptid. They inhabit the Nahanni Valley and northwestern Canada. Although there have been sightings of them here in Michigan, the people of Canada consider them a ferocious beast or spirit. On the other hand, cryptozoology believes it is a rare species of extinct wolf bear. Although its existence has not been proven yet"

The Loud was surprised by the description of the animal. But there was something about it that they didn't like very much.

"Lincoln... did you say... ferocious?" Lori feared for her family's safety, but her brother reassured her.

"Don't worry, Lori. He's very docile. Otherwise, he would have eaten us all by now. Ha ha ha ha" Lincoln's words, far from calming Lori down, made her feel even more insecure about the matter.

"And... how... did you meet him, bro?" Luna asked.

"Well... that's a long story" Lincoln took a sip of his tea, followed it up with a sigh, and proceeded to tell his story. "It all started a year and a half ago"

"That year, we had the biggest snowstorm seen in years. For a month, there was no choice but to stay home and wait for the storm to pass. But in the second week of the storm, Grandpa had a very bad fever."


Albert was sitting on the bed with a cloth on his forehead. Lincoln was next to him, feeding him some soup.

"Come on, Grandpa. You barely took three spoonfuls."

"I'm sorry, son. I don't have much of an appetite."