
Who is Mr X

More quests, more quests, this was what kept repeating in my head, a sad thought had suddenly risen in my mind " will I die before I go back to my world ",

" is there even a possibility I will go back ",

" why do I even care its not as if there's anything special for me there ".

With a deep sigh I had given up on all hope, suddenly Mr X says " don't give up hope yet, am sure if you give it your all you will survive, after all there are only 10 quests " , I finally regain hope, so only nine more to go.

Mr X then decides to give me a partner to help me with the quests from now on, it was a big blue furred wolf, I was really excited, now I can take things easy and after all it was the first pet I ever had so I guess it was a thrill for me. so I stepped forward and said " what other quest do you need me for " but he said " don't be in a hurry, you can go sleep, then tomorrow you get your quest ", I was confused, what did he mean sleep, am I not already asleep?, suddenly a house appeared right before me, it was like a mansion, I walked in and a thought popped up

" who is Mr X",

" Exactly what is Mr X "

someone who can penetrate into a person's dream, someone who can teleport a person, someone who can make things out of thin air, before I could turn around to ask him, he disappeared, " and someone who can vanish into thin air too ", the thought lingered in my head for a while before I just left it alone, I kept exploring the mansion but another thought still lingered on how I should sleep when am already asleep.

I peered outside the window when I noticed the scenario of just pure whiteness had turned into beach scenario with a sun and everything, I shut the window and went to the bed, it looked like all those expensive beds you see in the movies, i lie down and i want to fall asleep but I hesitate after all, see where sleeping has got me, after a little hesitation, I fall asleep.

I wake up and I noticed I didn't have a dream, well figures, since am trapped in one. I get up, grab my sword, pet the wolf to wake up, now I think of it, i and the wolf already have a mutual relationship.

we walk out to see Mr X standing outside looking at us with a weird expression, as his about to say something, I interrupt and say " who are you,


what are you"

his expression turns with a grin as he looks at me and answers " the curiosity of man is truly unfathomable but the only answer I can give you is....I am you, as for any other thing, well the less you know...the better ", as he proceeds with the quest we are to face, my thought still runs deep to what he says " what did he mean, he is me?" as he continues, I interrupt him again, saying " OK, as I slept, does it also mean a day has passed in my world? " he replies " please stop interrupting me, and no, the time that passes here is far more slower in the real world, like a day here, is a second there, do you get what am saying ", I nod and presses forward with the quest, our mission is to eliminate a giant snake and come back with its head but before we go on this dangerous quest, he advice's me to not get too attached to my wolf, I wondered why he said that but I guess he just thinks that if this wolf dies in battle it would devastate me, I guess cause he saw me all excited for the quest.

He teleports us to a swampy area filled with trees and leaves, this place really gave me a tropical vibe.

I and fang, yep I named the wolf ' fang ', so, I and fang went deep into the swamp, seeing really big spiders, we immediately kill them and continue on our way, until we see a really big brown swamp, we see signs of bubbling in the water, so we get ready but what we see come out from the swamp wasn't a snake but a giant crocodile!, with strong scales that shield the body like armour so I decided to call it the armoured croc, it swung its giant tail at me, I dodged swiftly, Fang jumps up and strikes forward at the armoured croc's back and hangs on tight, the more the crocodile shakes the more Fang's teeth digs deeper into it's skin, and the giant crocodile roars in pain, only to see me in front of it swinging my sword strongly at it, tearing the armour bit by bit until the crocodile was completely bare, I rose up with my sword to strike with full force, fang understood what was about to happen and hopped off the crocodiles body while I delivered the final blow.

Finally, after the battle, only bits and chunks of the armoured croc were left, with a deep breath, I stood up, a little tired, but apart from that I was okay, who would have known that the giant snake would pop out from the same swamp and swallow fang, it was like a flash, I was so shocked, " was the armoured croc just a diversion from the main enemy?!!", I slowly recalled the words of Mr X, when he had asked me not to get too attached, did he know this would happen, and I was just getting used to fang, but suddenly I see fang respawn back to the area from where he was eaten, then i thought,

" what the hell just happened!! "

" am i imagining things "

"why is fang still alive!!! ".