
I Saw That One Ghost

A best friend; that one friend who knows you wholesome, who loves you and who you love, with whom you think of doing everything together- from the baths in kindergarten to being your partner in crime. That one friend becomes the most important being in your life. Amila, a young girl, wants to avenge that one friend's death. She has a perfect plan, a perfect partner to perform it with but with many unexpected events coming across her. Will Amila be able to hold onto her plan? What if someone finds out her plan... will Amila be safe? Will her parents support her? Moreover, can Amila actually be successful when more people are discovered learning the truth about her?

Ayushi_Gosavi · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Hidden Face

The present time~

''So you are telling me that you saw the boy? The one who was in that man's family?''

''Yes Ami! I saw that boy and I swear he saw me too, very nicely!''



''Maybe we should find the boy and ask him about his 'father', ask him about his whereabouts, ask him where he studies-''

''First ask him his name.''

''Oh, okay Liv! I got it!''

''But how I am gonna find it out? This garden is also in the back of the school but they say it's their property and what if the house is not there? Then?''


''Liv! Stop joking and tell me something.''

''Okay, ha-ha, you still are the same Ami. My bestie.''

Amila becomes quiet and glares at her.

''Alright! So seems like the girl this morning, you have introduced me to is your new best friend?''

''Um.. y-yes. Actually... But you are bestie forever..''

''It's fine Ami. Actually, I am happy that you found her.''

''I love you! Liv.''

''I love you, Ami!''

''So what's she gotta do with it?''

''She can help you in this situation. She can help you find the boy and once you find the boy, the truth behind my 'accident' will be called off.''

Amila's face saddened when she heard the word 'accident' coming from Livia's mouth but she gave her a thumbs up and said that she will try to convince Omilia. At that time, the bell rang indicating the break time was over, but the two besties had sad smiles on their faces. Soon Amila bid Livia a bye and went off to her next class. On the way, she was met with the person she despised for life, she put on a poker face and was going to walk pass that person, but the person was fast enough to catch her steps.

''Where are you running off to? Miss Ghost-speaker.'' He smirked annoyingly.

''To my class, Mr. Attention seeker, the jealousy wrapper.'' *Fake smile and an eyebrow arched up followed by a toothy grin*

''So our little Miss Amila knows how to talk back, huh?''

''Of course! Dwarf than the smallest seaweed, human Dave..!''

Dave fumes in smile, while the other students who always watch them start laughing. This is a everyday happening and so they went to their classes after exchanging glances/ death glares to each other. Dave is always like that to Amila since she transferred here, five years before. She used to be gloomy and uninterested in everything but Dave changed it. He always used to nag and tease her and make fun of her, and Amila being herself, she had had enough and back answered him every time, even she makes fun of him without him being the first step taker. Omilia was worried for her at first as Amila shared her everything, but then slowly seeing the changes in her, she decided to play along. She used to keep her with her everywhere so she won't be lonely and think of her being alone. Gradually, Amila went in the solution and dissolved herself in happiness and being cheerful again, and also, she visited the grave frequently to see her bestie, as she still missed her. But now the situation is different. Livia is there with Amila. And as for Amila she is beyond happy, that her best friend is here with her.

In the class~

Amila was listening carefully to her English teacher when suddenly she was drowned in her thoughts again, that how is she gonna make Omilia believe her and get her help. She didn't notice that she was staring at Omilia for a quite time until the teacher snapped her out of it.

''Amila! Why are you staring at Omilia, when your teacher is teaching you something?''

Amila quietly stood up and apologized but the teacher didn't seem to take it. She soon told her to get out of class and also Omilia as Amila was staring at her, so she must be doing something for her to stare at. Both of them got out of the class.

''Amila, something happened when you were at the garden? You seem to be spacing out a lot today.''

''No Omi... Nothing Happened!! Ha-ha..''

Amila's laugh didn't last long and Omilia knew something was wrong, so she asked again,

''Ami.. (In a soft voice), tell me what happened to you. You know you can't hide it from me? Is it about Livia?''

Amila was shocked to hear her last words and eyes opened wide. Yes, Omilia can see a ghost. But she didn't tell it to anyone not even Amila, cause she knew that Amila is an atheist and she wouldn't believe her, and others would make fun of her, so she hid it. But now.

''How do you know?!''

''Well.. I guess now you need to know now, Ami'', and Omilia told her everything that she can see ghosts and how everyone made fun of her. Even her own family didn't believe her so she kept her mouth sealed and decided not to talk about it to anyone. But now she opened up to her bestie. Amila was happy that she isn't the only one who can see Liv, now she has Omi with her.

''So, Omi, please help me with the mystery'' *puppy eyes and a cute smile*

''Of course and don't use your puppy eyes! You look like a total lost puppy!! Hahahahaha...''

''Okay, okay, now stop.''

''Ha-ha, sorry, haha, okay, (inhaling and exhaling), (suddenly in a serious mood and face), so now spill out the tea.''

And likewise, Amila tells her each and everything about the incident that had happened seven years ago and Omilia is saddened a bit, but cheered up after and gives Amila a hug.

''It's okay, we will together, find out the culprit of Livia's death.'' She states and assures Amila that she will help her. And the hidden truth will be out.

They both were talking when suddenly...