
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Chapter 99: Vanishing Wenbin

"Well, I said." Lin Xiaoyu answered, and his small eyes secretly glanced at Lin Jie.

Frost naturally found her little move.

This means: take him too?

Can't Four steps and two steps into the ruins are absolutely fatal!

But she didn't say it out The experience of being beaten that day is too unforgettable.

[Recommended, Mimi is really good at reading and chasing books. Let's download it here. Let's try it soon.]

So that Shuangshuang never dared to say a bad word about her lover in front of Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Jie, whose eyes were on the distant Yan old man, certainly did not notice the thoughts of the two people around him.


Old Yan turned his head and smiled at Lin Jie, the same kind smile as when he ran in the park by the bridge before.

However, as a high-profile figure in the whole Tianzhu base at this time, the little move of Mr. Yan suddenly touched the heartstrings of countless people. A pair of eyes with both brushes were looking in the direction of the forest festival.

They immediately saw Zhou Shuangshuang standing here.

For a time, all kinds of thoughts were constantly generated in these people's minds:

Is it difficult? Is this Director Yan's good performance to the Zhou family?

The ambition of the Zhou family to replace the Yan family and become the new Tianzhu Five is undisclosed.

Almost all practitioners in Shaocheng Tianzhu Base have heard of it.

The frost that can be used as a party is very clear.

Yan Ruyu is not laughing at her.

It's about Lin Jie!!

At that moment, Frost's brain was running at full speed and began to connect with each other layer by layer.

First of all, as Lin Xiaoyu's lover.

Among their practitioners, their parents' talent is very important. If Lin Xiaoyu, a first-class innate spirit, also finds a first-class innate spirit, their offspring will probably be the second-class spiritual body at the worst.

On the contrary, if Lin Xiaoyu wants to find a partner who has no talent, then 80% of the Lin family will not agree.

No, I would never agree.

Shuangshuang, who was born in the Zhou family, felt very much for the spiritual practitioners' gifted theories.

So since Lin Xiaoyu can get along with Lin Jie so honestly, it is said that he still lives in the same place, it must have happened with the tacit consent of the Lin family.

Secondly, Yan Ruyu just showed that kind of smile to the festival, which means that the relationship between them must be different.

In combination with Lin Xiaoyu's sentence just now: "Talent is better than you."

Frost suddenly believed something This forest festival is not really a first-rate congenital spirit!?

But why does he have only four levels and two.

Frost became more and more curious about the festival.


On the other side, the old man Yan seemed to perceive his improper action from the obvious reaction of the practitioners below, so he quickly withdrew his eyes.

no way out... The apprentice, who felt his talent, jumped directly from the second level to the fourth level before long.

This is faster than flying.

But the old man Yan couldn't contain his excitement.

Li Yuan looked at the old man Yan and went forward and said in a low voice, "All are ready, and the ten seven-level practitioners outside have also been in place. Let's start now?"

"Let's go," said Old Man Yan.

... It's time to meet those sons of bitches again.

With the order of Li Yuan.

The large army, composed of hundreds of fifth-order practitioners, walked towards the exit to the ground in a neat and uniform manner.

After he leaves.

The rest of the bystanders then spread out, talking about their stories in twos and threes, and left the martial arts arena.

Seeing this, Shuangshuang also said: "It's time to go, too. How do you eat dinner? The barbecue in the snack street is very delicious, fat and thin, soft and glutinous."

But Lin Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "Go home and eat."

"Eat at home? Can you cook?"

"He did it." Lin Xiaoyu pointed to Lin Jie.

Hearing this, Shuangshuang immediately boasted: "Yes, young man, you can cook at a young age..."

Later, before Lin Jie could reply, she stepped out of her long legs, gave full play to her height advantage of one meter and seven meters, waved her hand and said, "Then I will go first."

"Let's go home. What do you want for dinner?"

"As long as you do it."


After dinner, return to the room.

Lin Jie opened the SS platform and looked at the comment area of "Legend of the Magical Sword" for a while.

After reading so many comments, he finally read out a few twisted words: "unlucky people cheat unlucky people"!

Those adjectives that will only be used during the Spring Festival are all used by these players to describe the ending of "Fairy Sword".

"Family reunion, happiness and happiness..." and so on, and the duplication rate is 100%.

... Now players are really talented. Lin Jie smiled.

Then he opened the bird chat again.

Turn to Wen Bin's chat box and click in.

The latest news above is the sentence sent to him 13 days ago by Lin Jie: "Have you played the" Legend of the Immortal Sword "recently?"

I still haven't received any reply from him.

That is to say, Wen Bin has not sent any message to Lin Jie for at least 24 days!

He suddenly remembered the neat appearance of the hundreds of practitioners he had just seen today, what traces frost said, and the news that a large number of super powers gathered in Shaocheng

Lin Jie suddenly had a bad idea.

He opened his mobile phone, looked at his address book, and directly found Wenbin's phone to call him

"..... Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off....."

I have called several times, all of which are turned off.

So he changed his mobile phone number to another one. Because the former and Wenbin are close friends, and because his parents left him four years ago, he was often invited to go to Wenbin's home for a meal.

That's why Lin Jie now has Wenbin's father's phone number on his mobile phone.

Take a deep breath and call the past

"... Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Several calls were also made, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was all turned off.

Something's wrong!!

Lin Jie couldn't help thinking.

Then he began to think seriously in his mind:

If we count from the time Wen Bin began to lose contact, there would be at least 24 days.

If it is an ordinary kidnapping or other accident, I'm afraid the local news of Shaocheng should have been published long ago.

But not now.

Could that be something about the level of practitioners?

Think of it.

As for the matter of the practitioner level, almost every task in the Tianzhu Base has records, and if you check it, you will be able to find it.

But Lin Jie doesn't have this channel.

So he went out of the room and knocked on the door of Lin Xiaoyu's room.

Before long, Lin Xiaoyu came out in his lovely loose pajamas and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Wenbin may have an accident. Do you have any way to check Tianzhu's mission record?" Lin Jie said directly.

Hearing the words, Lin Xiaoyu's small face also showed a sense of dignity. She quickly nodded and said, "Yes."

Then she turned on her mobile phone and clicked on the bird official account.

Lin Xiaoyu said, "Birds."

"Hello, what can I do to help you?" The bird immediately replied with the mechanical female voice.

"I'm Lin Xiaoyu."

As soon as this is said

The bird was silent for a moment.

Immediately, the mechanical female voice suddenly became emotional:

"Miss, you can't call me so casually. The order given by the owner is to monitor the Tianzhu Base in Shaocheng without revealing my identity."