
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Chapter 76: Lingli Flying Car

The two areas with the largest flow of people in Shaocheng Tianzhu Base are the training area and the office area.

The cultivation area doesn't need to be explained too much. It means literally. Listen to Chen Sanmu, because the ancient array was laid by the early guard.

Therefore, the concentration of spiritual power in the air of the cultivation area is higher than that of the outside world.

Therefore, even if many practitioners do not live in the Tianzhu Base, they often go to the quiet room of the cultivation area to meditate for a period of time.

In addition, there are a lot of auxiliary cultivation equipment in the cultivation area.

For example, the various training equipment for physical training, the simulated spiritual power external device for spiritual training, and so on.

It has the feeling of modern cultivation.

And the office area.

Although the name is "calm", it has the meaning of "social animal" and "996 blessing".

But in fact, this is the most iron-blooded place in the whole Tianzhu base, where a large number of practitioners receive tasks and go to wipe out the Dark Erosion Aliens;

Or go to clean up the rest of the mess.

Nowadays, the Association of Superpowers approaches Shaocheng with a large number of dark erosion monsters, causing more trouble.

So now the office is divided into busy.

And we should not only ensure the extraordinary non-disclosure, but also ensure the safety of ordinary residents in all kinds of extraordinary events.

This is the meaning of the office area and the core hub of the whole Tianzhu.


"This is our special barbell in Tianzhu. Don't look at the two thin barbell pieces on the top. They are specially made by the master of weapon training in Tianzhu."

The physical training area in the training area.

Chen Sanmu pointed to a pole that was completely dark, with two barbells with the same dark barbell pieces at both ends.

It is now placed on the bench.

"Is it specially made to be able to freely adjust the weight, or what?"

Lin Jie looked around and found that although the barbell production process was quite integrated, it was dark and had no characteristics at first sight. So he asked.

Hearing this, Chen Sanmu laughed and said, "You are really right."

He put his hand on the barbell and said: "As long as you inject spiritual power, you can freely change its weight."

After that, he injected spiritual power into the palm of his hand, and soon a line of white text appeared on the dark barbell, which read:


"If you increase the spiritual strength, its weight will increase."

At the same time, the white text on the barbell piece slowly began to increase by 1kg and 1kg.

Soon arrived [50KG]

"Reduce the spiritual strength, and its weight will be reduced."

Under the control of Chen Sanmu, the number on it gradually decreased and changed back to [40KG].

Lin Jie also became interested in this thing.

He went to learn Chen Sanmu to put his hand on the barbell piece and inject a wisp of spiritual power into it.


The above figures have soared!



"Less, less, you have injected too much spirit," Chen Sanmu reminded.

Lin Jie nodded slightly, and immediately controlled the Holy-power with greater energy, dividing the wisp of Holy-power into a tenth, and directly turning it into a very small wisp.

But the growth rate of its weight is still very fast.

It soon reached its limit.


No more growth.

Seeing this, Chen Sanmu asked, "What is your cultivation now, little brother?"

"Second level intermediate," replied Lin Jie truthfully.

He found that no matter how much he reduced his spiritual power, it had been reduced to the minimum, almost to the point where it could not be divided.

But the weight still does not fall, and remains at the highest of 1000kg.

"That shouldn't be. It's reasonable to say that you don't have liquid psychic power yet. It's amazing that your current psychic power can make the dumbbell grow by 1kg or 1kg..."

Chen Sanmu was surprised to see that the number jumped directly to [1000KG].

Lin Jie shook his head. He didn't know what was happening.

"Can't this machine be broken..."

"Probably not...."

Then Chen Sanmu pointed to the direction of another machine and said, "It's okay, little brother. It's estimated that you are not proficient in the control of spiritual power. There is a device for spiritual cultivation to exercise the control of spiritual power. Let's go and have a look?"

The forest node nodded and followed.

This is something like a huge glass cube.

It is about three meters wide and high, and you can't see wires and other things from it, just like a piece of ordinary glass.

Soon Chen Sanmu put his hand on it.

He said: "The principle of this thing is like playing a game. You inject a wisp of Holy-power into it, and then control it to constantly break through the barrier. This is the initial method to exercise Holy-power control."

As Chen Sanmu poured spiritual power into it.

The whole glass cube suddenly lit up a lot of luster, and Chen Sanmu's wisp of spiritual power was also clearly visible, which can be directly observed with the naked eye inside the glass.

Then the rest of the gloss suddenly turned into one track after another.

"This is the first hurdle. We all call him Lingli Flying Car.

"You can control Lingli to pass through these winding tracks like a racing car, and Lingli can not leave the track,

The faster the speed and the shorter the time, the better your spiritual control. "

As Chen Sanmu spoke, his wisp of spiritual power began to move, turning one corner after another, passing the whole track with great skill, and soon came to the end.

Time: 71 seconds.

Looking at the result, Chen Sanmi was very satisfied. He smiled and said, "I'm still confident about this. When I first came to Tianzhu Base, I played every day.

"Why don't you try, UU read www.uukanshu. com, little brother?"

Chen Sanmu stepped back two steps to make room for Lin Jie.

Nod, and Lin Jie goes forward and puts his hands on it, and injects his spiritual power into it as Chen Sanmu did.

Before the track was formed, Lin Jie briefly tested his control over the spiritual power in the glass.

Although it is not as powerful as in the body, it is also the extent to which it can do whatever it wants.

So Lin Jie was moved.

Lingli raced at the track, even faster than Chen Sanmu just now!

One turn and two turns. When Lin Jie turned the corner, he was even as skilled as the veteran machinist, and every point was just right.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Mimi Reading! It's really easy to use. You can use it to read and listen to books while driving and sleeping. Here you can download it]

The so-called speed and precision coexist.

... This is the spiritual control power of the second order!?

Chen Sanmu looked at time subconsciously.

This is less than 40 seconds, and Lin Jie is about to run No, it's flying to the end.

Too fast!

But at the last corner of the final line, Lin Jie's Holy-power suddenly rushed out of the track because of a small mistake.

[Invalid score]

It is shown on the glass surface.

Lin Jie scratched his head and said to Chen Sanmu, "I'm still not good at the control of Holy-power. Just now I have been pursuing speed, but I didn't see that bend."

"Ha ha, it's all right. Just practice more." Chen Sanmu smiled brightly.

He likes this little brother more and more.