
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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100 Chs

Chapter 68: The whereabouts of parents (1/10)

Lin Jie knew what Old Man Yan meant.

When he just sent Lin Xiaoyu to Lin Jie's home, Lin Jie asked him, "How do you know I live here?"

Old Yan only smiled at that time and didn't answer.

And Lin Jie didn't think much, after all, since the last murder.

He knew that old man Yan, a group of practitioners, had a long hand and could not even change the arrest information of wanted criminals. It must be very easy to check the address of individuals.

... Now the old man Yan said that he knew the address of Lin Jie because his parents knew his son's daughter-in-law!?

Lin Jie, of course, had a quick look at his childhood memories again.

In my memory, my parents never brought anyone home.

But it's true that they often don't go home. This phenomenon lasted until four years ago, when their parents were sleeping at the Forest Festival at night, they suddenly left without saying goodbye. It never happened again

"But my parents, what's the difference between the dark energy cultivation method"

Lin Jie's voice is getting smaller and smaller.


He lost his voice in disbelief and said, "They are practitioners!?"

The old man Yan nodded slightly when he saw this and said, "Yes, you are worthy of being the Lin family. Your brain is so good that you can react so quickly."

But Lin Xiaoyu is eating melons silently.

Hearing the words "Lin Family", he immediately opened his eyes, and his little head was full of doubts.

"He is also the Lin family!?"

Seeing his surprised appearance, Old Man Yan said, "I thought you had guessed it. Yes, Lin Jie is your Lin family. Do you know about the migration of the Lin family to the imperial capital more than 20 years ago?"

Lin Xiaoyu looked at the festival several times in a row, but obviously he had not come out of the shocking news.

In the dark eyes, there was an imperceptible sense of loss.

Seeing that he didn't answer, old man Yan looked at the festival again and continued to say:

"When the Lin family moved to the imperial capital, the bull-nosed old man Lin Kuan was stubborn and unwilling to leave his hometown and go to the imperial capital, so his son Lin stayed with him, and Lin was the father of Lin Jie."

Seeing the sense of loss on Lin Xiaoyu's face becoming more and more obvious, the old man Yan smiled secretly like a spirit.

Soon he continued: "Lin Kuan was a collateral branch of your Lin family. Now, the blood relationship between Lin Jie and you is five or six generations away."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu's eyes brightened and he was instantly full of blood!

After comforting Lin Xiaoyu, Old Man Yan turned his head and looked at Lin Jie, who was thinking about it. He continued:

"My son, Yan Liyu, and your father, Lin Lin, were good friends when they grew up, so even after they were both married, the relationship between the two families was still very close.

"But." Old Yan's expression suddenly became a little heavy, and he said:

"It is this kind of intimacy that ultimately harms your parents.

"In the past, I also regarded this dark energy cultivation method as a treasure. When I came back from the Pacific Ocean, I taught it to Li Yu, and Li Yu turned around and taught it to your father, Lin."

"Isn't it that dark energy and spiritual power are irreconcilable? Why can practitioners still learn to practice dark energy?" Lin Jie interrupted.

"Who said that?"

Lin Jie pointed to Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Xiaoyu immediately said, "Mom said."

"Han Jiangxue, it's probably because she didn't make it clear that when dark energy is turned into a super power and used by a super power person, it is really incompatible with spiritual power, because the dark energy at that time has been branded with the law of heaven and earth that belongs to the super power person.

"But when dark energy is a pure energy, it can coexist with spiritual power.

"This is also the principle that we founded the Dark Energy Cultivation Method."

Lin Xiaoyu was taught to peck his head.

Then Lin Jie asked, "Then what?"

Mr. Yan paused and said:

"Twenty years ago, the news that I had the secret ability to practice martial arts spread widely. Since then, countless super powers have been staring at me. When they found that they can't beat me, they will focus on my son, daughter-in-law and your parents.

"It was too late when they realized that it was a hot potato, so since then, your parents and my son's daughter-in-law have moved to the bridgeside community where I live, in case the super powers catch the bill."

"Then everything became so calm that even your birth did not break the peace, and the tree did not want you to be involved in the whirlpool of practitioners and super powers.

"So it's very important to keep your identity secret. I haven't even met you once."

"This kind of life lasted until four years ago."

Old Yan sighed again.

This period of time seems to be his heart disease.

He immediately said angrily, "I don't know why those sons of bitches are so patient and have planned for so many years.

"At that time, I suddenly received the information from the base. I heard that two eight-stage twin eclipse monsters appeared in the north of Shaocheng. Those two creatures were extremely difficult to deal with. It took me a lot of effort to eliminate them.

"But when I hurried home, I found that there was only a short time

"Just for a while!"

Speaking of the past, Old Man Yan is still as if it happened yesterday,

The memory is unforgettable.

"Those sons of bitches who have super powers are going out of their way, forcing your parents and my son's daughter-in-law, as well as my little grandson Yan Ye, to go on the road of escape, and their lives are still uncertain.

"The secret of your identity before the tree became your protective umbrella, so that you were not found by those crazy super powers.

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"In fact, I have tried to look for them at all costs for countless times, but I have put it down."

After a pause, Old Yan began to look firm and said:

"I told myself that my duty is to protect the water system and the foundation of life. This is my mission as a guard envoy. This is more important than family and my life!

"So I can't leave Shaocheng.

"... Sorry, Lin Jie."

At an old age, old man Yan said so deeply that he even bowed down to apologize to Lin Jie.

How dare Lin Jie accept such a big gift? He knows that the old man in front of him is a hero who has really given all his money.

He hurried forward to lift up the old man Yan and said, "Don't do that. I don't blame you. It's all a matter of helplessness."

Feeling the slightly thin body of old man Yan, Lin Jie could not help feeling sad.

110 years old——

Then Old Man Yan continued:

"Later, I didn't want to disturb your life. I thought that you would get rid of the world of cultivators and become an ordinary person from now on. It is probably what the forest has always hoped for.

"But until two months ago, I met you in the park.

"Although I have never seen you before, I recognized you at a glance, because you and your father look so much alike. They are carved from the same mold, and it is mentioned that you still had a little sparse stubble at that time."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu, who was silent for a long time, immediately looked at Lin Jie with curious eyes.

... seems to be thinking about what he looks like with a beard