
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Chapter 43: Hollow

Listening to the Hollow accompaniment from the room of Lin Jie, Lin Xiaoyu suddenly asked:

"What song is this?"


"What about bird music?"

Lin Jie shook his head and said, "It hasn't been published yet."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu immediately understood. She looked at Lin Jie several times with some surprise, and then asked, "Did you write it?"

"It is..." Lin Jie nodded shamelessly.

Seeing that Lin Jie agreed, Lin Xiaoyu immediately became interested. She looked at Lin Jie expectantly and said, "Can I go in and see the music?"

"Yes." Lin Jie then turned aside to make way for Lin Xiaoyu to enter his room.

Then Lin Jie picked up the lyrics and music scores on the computer desk and handed them to Lin Xiaoyu.

As soon as Lin Xiaoyu took it, he couldn't wait to browse, his face was full of earnest.

... It seems that she is interested in music, Lin Jie thought.

Then he suggested, "Why not sing?"

"Mm-hmm." Lin Xiaoyu immediately pecked his head, actively as if waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Lin Jie then manipulated the mouse sideways, pulled the accompaniment of Hollow back to the starting point and released it.

Then he sat on the chair and watched Lin Xiaoyu quietly, waiting for her to perform.


The melodious harmonica slowly unfolded like a painting scroll, and the whole prelude, which was slightly bleak and pathetic, floated out of the slightly old sound of the festival.

Lin Xiaoyu also slowly closed his eyes at this time.

Everything is so natural when feeling is deep and singing is deep.

Red lips slightly open:

"I would be lost drifting along..."

Lin Xiaoyu's singing was unexpectedly beautiful at the festival.

If it is said that the original version of the performance performed by Akio Takematsu in Final Fantasy 7 in the previous life will be dominated by Shenluo Company, the desolation and loneliness of the world will be perfectly demonstrated.

However, Lin Xiaoyu's singing at this time is more like a relegated fairy, showing his compassion for the desolation of the end of the day.

Her voice is very ethereal.

But as the song gradually reached its climax, its strong emotion also burst out in an instant.

It was originally like an outsider to interpret what he saw, but now it has suddenly become his own special view, more independent and more appealing.

The indignation of not fighting for ordinary people and the sorrow of injustice of the world.

It is vividly displayed in this song.


Say a thousand words, but the world is still the same, the people who are squeezed by the gods, the rebel forces who can't resist the tide The world is still so hopeless.

To banish immortals.

He also gave up in disappointment.

Leave the world

The song ends.

Lin Xiaoyu opened his eyes.

Only then did Lin Jie realize that she could recite all the lyrics and music after only watching for a while!

He even slightly froze for a moment.

Lin Jie immediately responded and clapped his hands.

Pop pop pop——

What else are you looking for? The real boss is right beside me!

Lin Jie immediately suggested to Lin Xiaoyu, "Why not record a song? It's a pity not to record it if you sing so well."

But Lin Xiaoyu did not answer.

She walked out of the room with her legs.

Just when Lin Jie thought that the idea of whoring for nothing was gone Lin Xiaoyu walked back quickly.

She stood in front of the door with a professional microphone as big as her head with anti-popping net in her hand.

Her red lips are slightly raised and her dimples are like flowers. She is also very interested in recording songs.

Professional Lin Jie naturally intended to take the microphone in his hand and plug it into the computer.

But I just took it.

Look at the word "Sensuo" above.

Lin Jie almost couldn't help shaking his hand.

No wonder he saw the microphone a little familiar just now. Now he recognized it when he looked closely:

This is the global limited edition microphone released by Senso. It is said that there are only 100 microphones in the world.

It is said that the price has already risen to 300000 yuan.

Rich woman!!

Lin Jie immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyu, who was still immersed in the song and smiled a little dumbfounded. His eyes were different.

Then Lin Jie plugged the microphone into his computer.

It's like a mule wearing a gold vest.

He also handed Lin Xiaoyu a headset, which was used to play accompaniment.

After finishing these, Lin Jie stood aside honestly.

Watch the Big Brother show.


With better recording equipment, Lin Xiaoyu had some ethereal voice, but now it suddenly seems more like answering that sentence:

This song should only be heard in the sky.

After recording.

Lin Jie felt that it was perfect, but Lin Xiaoyu still frowned and shook his head: "No, no, no, do it again."

See this forest festival did not stop.

After all, Lin Xiaoyu is professional at first sight.

So Lin Jie nodded and continued to play the accompaniment silently, waiting for Lin Xiaoyu to record the song.

Who knows, the next thing waiting for him is the endless flow:


One more time. "

"One more time."

"One more time."


After singing for many times, Lin Xiaoyu pecked his head with satisfaction and said, "OK."

I was relieved when I heard the speech.

During the recording of these songs, he was almost suffocated, and even dared not breathe.

However, compared with the theme song of "Final Fantasy", it is worth it!

"Can I post this song online?" Lin Jie decided to ask first.

Lin Xiaoyu was puzzled and said, "Of course, this is your song."

Hearing this, Lin Jie felt warm to tell the truth. He said, "You are still singing. If you add your name when the time comes, is UU reading www.uukanshu.com directly adding your real name?"

"Use light rain, small is small, rain is the rain of rain." Lin Xiaoyu said.

Lin nods, takes down the microphone, hands it to Lin Xiaoyu, and asks, "How much is your bird chat account? I will send it to you after I make a simple adjustment to this song later."

"041999999. There are six 9s in the back," said Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Jie:???

Hearing the bird account, Lin Jie immediately turned into a black question mark face.

He even felt that Lin Xiaoyu was trying to coax him, but looking at Lin Xiaoyu's expression didn't seem to be joking, Lin Jie wrote it down and then opened the bird chat.


041, six 9

The search results come out, and there really is this account!

The nickname of the account is "Little Rain".

That's the name Lin Xiaoyu just said to Lin Jie.

However, Lin Xiaoyu's bird chat is not only exaggerated.

Her nickname is only available for super annual members in seven colors.

Click on the personal homepage, look at the other party's colorful, open the full rows of color labels of all members, and all of them are annual fees!

Look at the time.

All expire in 2099!

Lin Jie was unable to roast.

It's really burning money. I can open so many useless members You can't chat with birds. Is it her family?

If Lin Xiaoyu hadn't just said the nickname "light rain".

Lin Jie doesn't really believe that this is Lin Xiaoyu.

After all, the style of flying bird chat is not much like that of Lin Xiaoyu.