
I Reincarnated With A Cliche Dimensional Group Chat

16 years ago Arthur Morgan, now named Mikaela Kuze, reincarnated into a merged world of Rom-com anime as a new born infant left on the front porch of the Kuze/Suou family with nothing but enhanced physical abilities and photographic memory. Now 16 years later his cheat finally shows up… [Welcome ‘Administrator Mikaela Kuze‘ to the Dimensional Group Chat] . . . . . . “Huh?”

TrashyWriter01 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

‘Feels Good To Be Back Home’

~~~ Private Seirei Academy~~~ 

~~~ Narrator POV ~~~

While Mikaela was on his way home still in shock about his cheat, let's check on the others at the academy. 

Alisa Kujou was glaring down at a boy who was snoring away in class. "Good morning Kuze." She said, but the response she got was another snore.

"H-Hey, wake up Kuze." She heard someone quietly say behind her. Alisa's eyebrow twitched before she kicked the back of his chair. "UGWEH!?" Kuze was abruptly woken up by Alisa's kick. 

"I said Good Morning Kuze. Did you stay up late to watch anime again?" She asked irritatedly. 

Masachika Kuze has brown hair, brown eyes and is often seen in a disheveled appearance. He was wearing Seirei Academy's school uniform. Despite his brown hair and eyes, he can be said to be quite attractive. He was also known as the laziest student within the academy.

"Ah. Morning Alya-" He was stopped by a cold glare from Alisa, "I mean Alisa-san. But yeah that's the gist of it." He chuckled nervously scratching the back of his neck. 

'I forgot that Mika is the only one who can call Alisa by her pet name.' 

Alisa continued to glare down at him for a second before sighing. "You really are irresponsible. Now I can see why Mikaela-kun asked me to keep an eye on you…maybe I should tell him that you sleep in class a lot." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"N-Now now, you don't have to tell Mika anything…" Masachika said nervously. It wasn't like Mikaela was strict or anything but Masa's laziness causes the school to call Yumi Suou and he doesn't want his mom under unnecessary stress. 

Masachika then remembered "Oh yeah Mika is supposed to come back home sometime this week." He muttered to himself, but Alya managed to hear this. He perked up a bit before letting out a small genuine smile come across her face, something that Masachika saw.

He knew that Alya was in love with his brother, how does he know this? Well last year before Mikaela had gone off to America he saw her staring at him when he was in gym class and quietly commenting on how good his body looked and that other girls were getting too close to him in Russian of course because there was no way she'd say that in Japanese.

There's also the fact that she would follow him around like a lost puppy sticking to his side, wherever Mikaela Kuze went Alisa Kujou was also there as well.

Masachika wanted to tease her but at the same time didn't want to face Alya's legendary deadly glare so he kept quite pretending not to know anything. He then thought about what his brother would think when he found out that Alya was in love with him (A/N: He already knows). 

Just then Masachika felt his phone vibrate and as he was about to check the morning announcements started causing everyone to pay attention especially the male's. 

"This is the Broadcasting Club! We'll be doing the morning announcement. Let's have a great school year together!" 

Yup there was now a female Broadcast club, it consisted of four female students and one male student. who blew up in popularity after doing their first announcement a week ago… (well the female students did not the male student.)

"They do have very nice voices after all." Masachika said with a smile on his face, completely forgetting the fact that someone had texted him a few seconds ago.

"You think so? I guess they do have nice voices." Masachika was broken by Alya who spoke with a thoughtful look on her face before it quickly turned bitter,

"Интересно, понравится ли Мике их голос? (I wonder if Mika-kun would like their voices as well)" Masachika had to keep his face in check, not to show any signs of him knowing that he knows what she's saying. 

Fortunately for Masachika the teacher decided to save him from himself getting caught. 

"Alright, class is starting. We'll continue from where we left off yesterday." 

~~~ Kuze/Suou Residence ~~~

~~~ Narrator POV ~~~

We now see Mikaela in his bedroom sitting crisscrossed on his bed now wearing a plain white T-Shirt and black shorts since he found this easiest to sleep in rather than Pajamas, he also had his hair tied in the back. With Cat Gojou laying down asleep at the end of his bed.

After being dropped off at home by his Uber, he put his things up, went to the supermarket and did some shopping for tonight's dinner, and took a bath. Now all that's left is the thing he currently has all his focus on… his phone, more specifically the app that recently appeared on it.

The Dimensional Group Chat. 

He sighed and opened up the app. Surprisingly the app looked similar to Disord, "Well at least it'll be easier for me to know how to use it…" he saw that like discord it had some channels.

The first being, Rules (Which was Currently in Bold and Highlighted), The second Channel being Extras, which currently had a lock next to it meaning he couldn't use it yet, The third Channel was Missions, the fourth Channel was Rewards/Gifts, the fifth Channel was Shop which was also currently locked, and the sixth and last channel was Q and A. Oh, it also has a voice channel…nice.

Clicking on the only Channel that was in bold he was surprised when he saw that even He, 'The Admin' couldn't type.

⬅️ # Rules > 

Rule #1: Unless approved by 'The Admin' members are not to tell anyone of the existence of "The Dimensional Group Chat". 

If members are to even show hints of telling anyone of 'the Group Chat's' existence then both Group Chat and Memories of 'the Group Chat' will be erased, along with any gift and/or Reward shall be taken back.

Rule #2: If you have any Questions about "The Dimensional Group Chat" then please ask them in the "Q and A" channel, and please type either "Question:" or "Q:" before asking your Question otherwise 'The Group Chat' will not answer.

Rule #3: Missions will be given at random times so please DO NOT spam 'The Group Chat' on when there will be missions. 

Rule #4: You do not have to only type to speak, 'The Dimensional Group Chat' can read the user's mind when the user doesn't feel like or unable to type. User's can also speak what they want to type.

Rule #5: HAVE FUN!!!!

"Are Rules number 4 and 5 even rules? Anyway thank god I don't have to type out everything. It's weird though, where are the other members?" Mikaela said as his back flopped onto his bed with him holding his phone above him looking at it in wonder.

Mikaela sighed before looking at the time. "Yuki and Masa should be out of school right now, which means I have to get started on dinner." He looked at his phone again, sighing again before standing up.

"I'll just ask 'The Group Chat' later tonight." He said as he walked downstairs with cat Gojou hopping on his shoulder. As soon as his foot touched the bottom step he heard the front door open.

In walked Masachika and a girl that had long lustrous black hair that cascades gracefully to her waist, complementing her petite yet well-proportioned frame. Although her appearance does not immediately convey the same sensuality as Alya's, her elegance is evident in her firm posture and graceful gestures, subtly alluding to her noble heritage.

 Her violents eyes add a distinct charm, enhancing her overall allure. This girl was Yuki Suou, daughter of Yumi Suou, brother of Masachika Kuze and Mikaela Kuze, and resident bro-con. 

Yuki, upon seeing her favorite brother ran towards him, her shoes coming off as she did, sending them flying in the air… they also happened to hit Masachika right in the face as he was bending over to take off his shoes.

"MIKAAAAA!!!!!" When Yuki was a certain distance she jumped as high as she could towards Mikaela while shouting his pet name. 

Cat Gojou, seeing the impending danger, hopped off of his owner's shoulder just in time, as Yuki wrapped her whole body on Mika, who had no choice but to catch her. 

When she felt that she was in his arms Yuki immediately put her face in the crook of his neck and took a deep whiff of his scent before she let out a genuinely happy yet perverted giggle. 

Mikaela let her stay like that for a while before he spoke. "Alright Yuki, it's time to get off. I need to start on dinner." But Yuki being the stubborn girl she is just shook her head.

"No! After a whole year I need to recharge on my Mika Energy!" Hearing that Mikaela looked towards Masachika who was watching the whole thing with amusement in his eyes. "What is this girl talking about?" All he got was a shoulder shrug.

Mikaela sighed before easily plucking the girl off him, walking to the couch and sitting her down. "Tch! Curse you and that freakish strength of your…" Both Mikaela and Masachika sweatdropped at the girls' change of attitude. 

"Anyway Masa it's nice to see you again." Mikaela said, holding out his fist with Masachika doing the same, "Yeah, it's nice to see you too Mika." They bumped fist and were smirking at each other however their moment was ruined by a still aggrieved Yuki who was now holding cat Gojou.

"Tch! Boy's trying to act all cool… just make out already." While Mikaela laughed Masachika started to chase Yuki around the house. Mikaela looked at this with a soft smile on his face. 

'Feels good to be back home.' 


Alright I have a question for the readers.

With the Group Chat I can Either 

I can make it so that the Group Chat only starts with Mikaela and he has to recruit a member when he gets his first mission. (Remember One person per verse) This way you guy's (The readers) get to choose on who gets to be the first member.


I can just go the Generic Group Chat Route and have it already have Members. 

Also remember there can only be 6 members (including the MC). Also there is a chance where the MC is sent to a verse, and he doesn't invite anyone to the Group Chat.