
Two Becomes One Part 2

Gane and I dashed to each other and clashed blades. Gane pushed me back and went for a stab then I dodged and spun around and kicked his side and it barely did anything. He grabbed my leg and kicked my other leg, making me fall to the ground. I grunted and kicked his face and he let me go, holding his nose. I got up up and black lightning burst from my chest. I grunted and my heart thumped hard against my chest.

"Kill.." The Seven Suns glowed.

I held my head and dark aura slightly surged from my eyes. I shook my head and dashed towards Gane and jumped then slashed down. Gane blocked the attack and appeared above me and kicked down then I crashed to the ground and rolled out the way of a stab. I recovered back to my feet and twirled my sword and looked at him.

"Mystic..Wave." Gane said.

I heard rumbling and a huge wave of water appeared behind him. He warped above the wave and I looked at the wave. I stabbed the ground and dark barrier surrounded my body as the wave crashed down. The water had too much pressure and my symbol glowed and my dark aura enhanced the defense of the barrier. Black lightning surged from my chest and I panted. The wave disappeared and Gane landed. The barrier shattered and I let out a quiet giggle.

"Such a powerful attack..." I said and dark aura surged from my eyes.

I flickered and appeared in front of Gane. Gane dodged my attack and slashed then I parried and slashed downwards. Gane caught the blade then hit my side with the handle of the sword and I stumbled to the side and grunted. He jumped back and water circled around his sword. Black lightning burst from my back and I groaned.

"Kill..! Kill..! Kill..!" The Seven Suns shined brighter.

"I don't want to use the magic circle yet.." I grunted and panted then my eyes flashed white.

"Kill everything! Kill everyone!" The Seven Suns emitted dark aura.

The symbol on my cheek burned and I held my cheek and panted more. Gane was preparing his Master Skill. He twirled his sword and stomped his foot down.

"Master Skill: Aquatic Vortex!" He slashed and a huge twister of water was summoned from his sword.

"But I have to survive..!" I hesitantly released my cheek and the symbol grew into many cursed marks around my neck and my left arm. My eyes shined white and black lightning crackled around my body.

Su Yi watched from her magic screen and looked shocked.

"The curse has already taken over her body...Bushido...why must you do this to innocent people..?" Su Yi asked.

I bellowed and my aura surged wildly then I slashed and a blade beam cut through the twister of water, making it disappear. I couldn't control myself, but I had a bit of my conscious left. I slowly made my way over to the magic circle. I panted and my body stopped the moment I reached the magic circle. Gane watched then used this time to strike. He dashed towards me and jumped then slashed down. I was losing the bit of sense I had left slowly. I was slowly losing myself. All I have to do is touch the magic circle, but my body won't move. Gane nearly reached me then my aura exploded and blew Gane away. I turned around and dashed to Gane. I yelled and slashed continuously, releasing multiple blade beams.

'No..! Stella, don't let Bushido take over your mind!' I thought to myself.

Gane blocked the blade beams. I grunted and stabbed myself in the leg and yelled then my aura vanished and my eyes went to normal for a while. I panted and the Seven Suns shined brighter.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The voice got louder.

I grunted and took the sword out of my leg and stumbled towards the magic circle and jumped to touch it then my finger tips barely missed the magic circle and the circle shined and fully healed me and reset the Seven Suns. I panted and my markings retracted back to a single symbol on my left cheek. Gane looked at me and Su Yi sighed in relief. I slowly stood up and looked at the Seven Suns. I gripped the handle of the blade tight and looked at Gane.

"Now there is no magic circle for you to use. If you lose control again, what are you going to do? The battles only gets harder from here." Gane got in a stance and dashed towards me.

"I will overcome Bushido!" I dashed towards Gane.

"Are you sure about that?" The blade glowed and made the curse more intense.

I gasped then black lightning surged wildly from my body and I yelled. Su Yi stood up.

"Bushido..!" She said.

I fell to my knees and coughed. Gane was hit by the lightning and became stunned. The blade glowed brightly and I stood up.

"He's stunned because of the lightning. Now kill him!" The Seven Suns shined brightly.

I hesitantly moved and my body started moving on its own. My body went for the killing blow and my eyes glowed and a barrier appeared around Gane and the collision caughted an elemental surge that blew me away and I rolled on my side grunting. The barrier shattered and Gane fell on his knees and the field turned normal.

"You dare defy me, Stella..?!" The Seven Suns glowed brightly and emitted dark aura.

"I don't want to kill...innocent people...!" I shook my head. "I want to get rid of you permanently...I already have my own demons inside me...I don't need another taking over my body.."

I stood up and the symbol on my cheek burned more. The symbol turned into markings that went down the entire left side of my body.

"I...am not...your vessel..!" I yelled. "I won't be taken control of by some sword..!"

"Kill! KILL! KILLING IS THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW!" The Seven Suns shined brightly.

I panted and had memories all the people I've killed in the past using Seven Suns. I fed it so much rage and blood. I could barely control myself anymore. Su Yi looked at the Seven Moons.

"No, you mustn't interfere. Stella has to break though this herself..the next 5 Trials possess no Magic Circles..so it comes to if she can break through Bushido's Will." The Seven Moons shined.

"Stella might.." Su Yi started.

"She's a powerful woman...my descendant...I know she can break through my brother's grip." The Seven Moons shined. "Once we become one, our souls will finally be free.."

Su Yi looked at the magic screen and watched. I panted and fell to one knee. I growled and my eyes flashed white.

"You've killed so many people, now you want to change? You've become the strongest in the land! You've got everything you need. Me. Everyone else is a hindrance to your true potential!" The Seven Suns glowed.

"I've become..a monster..! I am a Dark Queen, not a demon! This isn't what mother wants you b*tch!" I yelled and black lightning surged from my body.

"This isn't what I wanted either, but you leave me no choice. Your resistance pisses me off! The moment you accepted me is the moment you sealed the deal! You wanted power, I delivered now the price you pay is you become my vessel! I will continue what I couldn't through you! The destruction of the Seven Moons and Arcania!" The spirit of Bushido came out if the blade and stood in front of me and looked down at me and grabbed my hair. "You are mine to control..even if you defeat me...and drive my spirit from the sword, the effects of the curse still remain! You will die one way or another! You only have 2 days left before you die. You defeating Su Yi before that time runs out nearly impossible..! Once you die, your body is mine."

"Heh..you're a fool to think I'll be your puppet..." I scoffed and spit in Bushido's face.

Bushido growled and slammed me into the ground and I coughed and bounced back up then he stomped his foot down on my stomach then I coughed blood and crashed to the ground. A light shined to the right of us and a knight dashed to Bushido.

"S-Sazuka! How did she get there?!" Su Yi asked.

"I summoned her. Stella mustn't die under any circumstances. If Zephyr wins...he will be carrying out The Seventh King's wish..and lead Arcania to ruins. Bushido's will..must not be fulfilled!" The Seven Moons glowed.

Sazuka slashed and blew Bushido away with her light aura then helped me up. I slowly stood up and looked at Bushido.

"Who are you..?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am..I am here to save your ass." Sazuka said.

"Nice to meet you too.." I said and caught my breath.

"I am Sazuka, a Sakura Samurai. I am to protect you from Bushido..we are to kill him and erase his spirit. Killing him grants you the Holy Savior...without it, fusing the Seven Suns and the Seven Moons is impossible." Sazuka said.

"I see. I am Stella." I said then looked at Bushido. "Does he have any weaknesses?"

"Yes, the light element. I have an Ancient Relic called The Avenger. It is my sword that holds pure light elemental power. We have to work together to defeat him...once this is over, I will disappear..until your fourth trial when you battle me." Sazuka said.

"You two peasants think you can defeat me? The Seventh King of Arcania?! You are widely mistaken! I will kill you both and destroy Lunia first! Then destroy all of Arcania!" Bushido said.

I really wished I was Risa again. This was just too much for me, but I have no choice but to fight Bushido. It is the only way for me to be free and stone for my sins. I'd rather be a Dark Queen than a Demon Queen. Sazuka's light aura surged and she took a step forward.

"I ,Sazuka of the Supreme Ten, will defeat you, Bushido! This dungeon will be where you rest in peace or rot in hell, which ever you prefer!" Sazuka said.

"Hmph! I will drain your light and kill you and Stella. Worthless ants like you aren't worth my time!" Bushido said. "This battle decides your final judgement!"