
The Templar and Shangri-La

Victoria dashed to Kielazar then slashed. He dodged swiftly and counter slashed. Victoria slid on her knees avoiding the slash then spun in a circle and kicked him off his feet and elbowed him down. He groaned and she got up. Kielazar stood up then got in a stance. She dashed to him and went for a slash, but a sword appeared to his right blocking the attack. Victoria spun around and kicked his left side and Kielazar flew into a wall, hitting his shoulder. He stumbled away from the wall and paused seeing the tip of Victoria's sword at his neck.

"I see...I underestimated your abilities.." He said.

"Greatly..now save yourself the time and embarrassment and just quit." Victoria said.

Kielazar palmed her arm away and she grunted then he kicked her leg, knocking her off balance, then palmed her chest and blew her away. Victoria crashed to the ground and rebounded back up. She blushed and rubbed her left breast.

"It wasn't intentional." He said.

"Yeah whatever.." Victoria said.

The crowd cheered at the battle. The whole arena made noise as the battle continued. The announcer's commentary hyped up the battle a lot more.

"Go Victoria!! Show him what for!" Saya cheered.

"Y-yeah! Give it your all!" Miyuna said.

"It's gonna be real disappointing when you lose Stella..I can already hear the cries of your people..the first ever lose Stella ever took." Zephyr chuckled.

I walked to him and gripped the armrests of his seat and looked at him. He looked at me and snuck a few peeks at my breast. I held his cheek and leaned closer to him and he blushed madly. I whispered softly in his ear.

"Shut the f*ck up you waste of space.. I'm tired of hearing your annoying and pathetic excuses of mockery against my people...now I am thinking about making you lose more than your kingdom..." I said and stood up then walked back to my seat and sat down.

Victoria tapped the tip of her shoe against the ground and flickered then slashed quickly. Kielazar was shocked then blocked the attack.

'What the hell..? She's faster now..?!' Kielazar thought.

"What's the matter..? Can't handle the pressure?" Victoria said then vanished and reappeared, slashing in all directions of his body.

Kielazar tried his best in blocking all of the attacks. He could only summon three other blades, so he made them disappear and reappear to block all of Victoria's attacks. Victoria slashed down one final time and it was parried. He then slashed multiple times and the blade beams struck Victoria directly.

"Demonbane Radiance!" Kielazar slashed and a huge blade beam pushed Victoria to the wall and she crashed against the wall.

"Well...that's all she wrote." Zephyr said and laughed softly.

Victoria stumbled forward and fell on her knees. Kielazar looked at her and closed his eyes. The referee walked closer to the two.

"Victoria is--"

"No..I...will not fall...I will not fail my Queen..!" Victoria bellowed. She stabbed the two katanas into the ground and stood up slowly.

"The sheer willpower of Victoria! Her will to win is powerful!" The announcer said.

"Your determination is admirable..yet stupid.." Kielazar said.

"Says the puppet who's being controlled by his own King..!" Victoria said. "You are nothing but a puppet and blind to what Zephyr has done! You're just as every bit of pathetic as he is!"

"Insulting my king is a crime..therefore I must defeat you now.." Kielazar said.

Victoria took her swords from the ground and got in her stance. She exhaled and dashed to Kielazar and her eyes turned golden. Purple and pink aura surged from her katanas.

"Death Blade: Sanzu." She slashed faster than the naked eye.

She only managed to destroy one of the blade clones then turned around and slashed continuously. She didn't give up the offense.

"Look at her, she's so determined to win she grew into a wild fighter!" Zephyr laughed.

I covered my mouth and giggled then laughed. Saya and Miyuna looked at me, wondering why I was laughing.

'What the hell is happening to my body..?' Kielazar wondered.

He kepted blocking Victoria's attacks. She slashed in a circle multiple times then stopped and wind blew. Kielazar panted and his legs grew weak. There were no markings on his body, and it was obvious he wasn't able to block all of her attacks.

"Mmmm? What's the matter with Kielazar?" The announcer asked.

"What did you do to me..?" Kielazar asked.

"My main ability, Evil-Purging Gift..it boosts none of my abilities..but it drains my opponent's stamina with every successful hit." Victoria said.

"What..?! There should be no way that's possible..!" Zephyr stood up. "I spent days, weeks, months perfecting him!"

"While you are wasting your time unnaturally enhancing him, Victoria created that ability all on her own..I have nothing to do with any of my knights progress. They have nothing but pure skill and talent. The only enhancements they have are the Lunar Arms." I said and stood up then walked to Zephyr and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my breasts against him. "What's the matter..? It seems like the only option Kielazar has is to use the last of his energy to deal enough damage that may or may not defeat Victoria.."

Zephyr glared and turned to the fight.

"Kielazar! Use it now!! Do not fail Uphelia!!" Zephyr said.

"His time is up already.." I giggled.

Kielazar bellowed and bat wings spreaded on his back and he summoned three other blades. Victoria got in a stance and glared.

"My Ultimate Technique! Steel Judgement!" Kielazar slashed with all four blades.

"Father..Mother...watch over me." Victoria said and dashed to Kielazar.

The blades released a massive blade beam, cutting through the ground and rushing towards Victoria. She dodged them one by one then Kielazar jumped back and slashed multiple times, releasing multiple blade beams. Victoria dodged them all.

'This rush of energy...why is this woman able to bring me to my knees..! How is this possible?!' Kielazar thought.

"Ultimate Blade Technique: Azure...Six...Demons'...Shangri-La!" Victoria dodged the final blade beam and jumped then kicked Kielazar's chest. She backflipped and six aura serpents swirled around her body. She spun in a circle then came down slashing six times and withdrew her katanas back in the scabbard then her aura vanished.

Kielazar paused and looked at the sky. The crowd was silent. Victoria stood up.

"How...could I lose..." Kielazar fell to his knees and his swords broke into a million pieces.

The crowd went wild and Victoria's body turned back to normal. Saya and Miyuna cheered loudly and clapped happily. I looked at Zephyr and let out an ominous giggle.

"How...unfortunate for you...half your resources...and Kielazar...belongs to me now.." I said and let him go. "Plus..your Holy Order has to stay away from Lunia for good.."

"You're nothing but an egotistical and toxic b*tch.." Zephyr said in pure disgust.

"Keep going...I love being insulted..it turns me on the most seeing pathetic people like you..be so salty losing to me...nothing turns me on more knowing I'm getting under your skin.." I said and placed my hand on my hip. "Now run along and get my reward.."

"This isn't over.." Zephyr walked off and growled.

Saya and Miyuna ran down the stairs to Victoria then jumped and hugged her. Victoria tried to run away, but she was too late and they managed to pounce on her. All three of them fell to the ground and laughed.

I managed to get rid of one enemy temporarily. Lunia finally gets some time to be happy and in peace. I looked at Saya, Miyuna, and Victoria and smiled softly. I was very satisfied with Victoria's big victory and now we gained a very powerful Ally and also saved him from Zephyr's hold. Next up is the Royal Talk Events where I talk with my entire nation and even have personal QnA's with the citizens.