
Our Paths Crossed Again Part 2

Kyon and I clashed blades multiple times. My dark aura surged from my body and my Lunar Arms, Unholy Gauntlets, appeared on my wrists. Kyon stomped down and slashed horizontally. I ducked and got up. Umbra took down the knights one by one. The more knights he battled, the more his mask cracked. Kyon grabbed my arm and slammed me into the ground. I coughed and groaned. He picked me back up and threw me into the wall and I grunted in pain.

"Face it Stella..you are pathetically weak! You can not beat me in a one on one battle!" Kyon said.

My weapon slightly glowed and I giggled softly. I pointed up. Kyon looked up and a small ball of darkness slowly formed in the sky. Kyon grabbed my neck and slammed me against the wall. I grunted and snapped my fingers.

"If I die...you're coming with me.." I said and my eyes glowed.

The ball of darkness crashed down onto the ground and the ground shook. Kyon looked at the ball of aura and grunted in surprise. The ball of darkness exploded and blew both me and Kyon away. Gloria's clock eye glowed.

"My time to shine!" Gloria said. "REVERSE!"

Everything started to move backwards and rewinded to the point before I was at a disadvantage.

"Queen Stella! He's gonna grab your arm!" Gloria said.

I looked at Kyon and avoided his grab. Gloria covered her eyes and grunted. Her eye began to bleed a bit. I looked at Gloria then dodged Kyon's downward slash. Kielazar took Gloria and the others away from the battle.

"Hmph...Gloria must've used her time abilities. There was no way she could've known you were gonna do that.." I said.

"A Time Mage huh? We have one of those in the Holy Order. Enough of that, will you surrender now?" Kyon asked.

"Surrender? You think I will surrender to you?!" I glared and dark aura emitted from my body and eyes then I laughed evilly. "I will kill you and take everything away from you as you tried to do with me!"

I dashed to Kyon and slashed. Kyon blocked and slid back. He noticed I was getting faster and noticed I had on my Eternal Speed Lunar Arma equipped also.

'She's going all out...100% boost in speed and with the Gauntlets, 80% boost in power...plus the Seven Suns blade...another 120% boost in power. Not to mention her Unholy Bushin Ability...I haven't seen Stella go all out in forever..' Umbra thought to himself. 'Then we have Kyon with the Royal Astra...boosting his Power and Defense by 200% and giving him Dark Immunity...Stella how are you gonna combat this..?'

I slashed multiple times and noticed I was barely scratching him. I swiftly dodged his attacks and swiftly slashed again. I tossed my katana in the air and bellowed as my dark aura surged in my hands.

"Eclipse Force!" I palmed Kyon's chest five times, but to no avail. I caught my katana and jumped back.

"Heh...what's the matter?" Kyon taunted.

"I'm doing no damage to him...what is his ability..? His defense is stronger than Kotome's.." I said to myself.

"Aww..come on Stella...aren't you the undefeatable Queen? Oh I think I know the issue. My ability prevents you from doing any form of significant damage. Royal Astra gives me the ability, Royal Divinity. It boosts my attack and defense by 200% and gives me Dark Immunity...guess what your main element is...Dark..you can't damage me at all. All of your Lunar Arms are Dark Elements actually..you have no variety...you're useless in this battle! And no constantly attacking me will not do any good." Kyon laughed.

I looked at Seven Suns and gripped the handle tighter. How can I stop him? It clicked to me. Vesper Argentum was my key. I switched from Seven Suns to Vesper Argentum. I lost my Unholy Bushin Ability and gained a new ability.

"Switching weapons huh? You think that will stop me?" Kyon asked.

'Vesper Argentum...Stella's signature weapon. It gives her the abilities Omnipotent Darkness and Ignore Parameters. She gains a boost of 170% so she lost--'

"I upgraded Vesper Argentum...Omnipotent Darkness no longer exists...now the ability is Supreme Eclipse. I have all the same boosts..the only difference is I gain the Light Element and Lunar Construct." I said.

"Lunar Construct?" Umbra asked.

"Hm..?" Kyon looked at me.

"It's an ability that changes all other parameters that aren't Attack into attack. I have my Unholy Gauntlets equipped, as well as my Eternal Speed..do the math." I said.

"A boost of 170 just with Vesper Argentum alone...Plus the Unholy Gauntlets...80. That adds up to 250...and her 100% boost in Speed turns into Attack..she has 350% boost in Attack..! Wait wait! Plus Ignore Parameters.. !" Umbra said.

"You see Seven Suns is my Ultimate Weapon. I cannot use my Master Skill without it nor can I have Elemental Immunity. But I will make due with my first Lunar Arms I've ever created! Kyon! You're dead!" I pointed my sword at him.

"Hmph.." Kyon got in a stance and dashed to me.

I dashed to Kyon and slashed. He blocked the attack and was blown away. I laughed menacingly and jumped then slashed down. Kyon blocked and grunted. His sword began to crack. Kyon bellowed and his light aura surged from his body.

"I will drain all of your light away!" I said and laughed as my dark aura surged.

'She's gone batsh*t crazy..' Umbra said.

Kyon parried my attack and kicked me away. I slid back and grunted. My hair covered my eyes and my body began to shake. A marking on my left cheek appeared. I panted as I was losing control on my power.

"Heh..you can't even control your powers...no wonder you limit yourself so far...a foolish Queen.." Kyon said.

I fell on one knee and a bell fell from my outfit. I looked at the bell. It was the bell I used to call Haido from. It was also a Lunar Arms, Servant Summoner. I grabbed the bell and looked at it with hatred then stood up. Kyon kept taunting me, but I couldn't hear anything. Everything was quiet..I looked up and saw myself in a memory from four years ago.

"Stella! Go hide! The Holy Order will kill you! I don't want to lose the only child I have left!" My mom yelled.

I saw the Holy Order swarm her. They all attacked her. I didn't want to watch my mom get murdered by the Holy Order. I yelled and only saw red. I slashed wildly while standing in one place, releasing blade beams with every slash.

"Get away from her! Why us?! Why?!" I yelled.

Kyon summoned a shield and blocked the attacks and grunted. Umbra was surprised and he dodged a blade beam. The castle began to crumble down and pillars fell. I slashed down and a huge blade beam went directly at Kyon. He blocked it and slid back. His shield began to crack the longer the blade beam stayed on it.

"Stop it!!" I bellowed.

Kyon's shield broke in half and he blocked the blade beam with his sword and grunted. He managed to cut the blade beam in two and the beam dispersed. Umbra stood up and looked at me.

'She's suffering more than I could even understand..' Umbra thought then saw Kyon dash to me.

I woke up from my trance and saw Kyon going for a final blow. Umbra dashed and pushed me out the way and blocked the slash. His mask cracked and broke into two pieces. My eyes widened when I saw his face.

"Z-Zain..?" I said.

Zain glared and his aura surged then he pushed Kyon back and parried his next attack and bellowed.

"Master Skill: Twilight Vanity Break!" Zain stabbed Kyon's chest then dashed to me and picked me up and vanished.

Kyon yelled and Phantom Excalibur sparked then exploded. I watched Kyon explode and the blood splatter everywhere. Zain landed and set me down. I looked at Zain and blushed.

"Are you hurt Stella..?" Zain asked.

"No..but what about you..? What even happened..?" I looked at him.

"You had a traumatic flashback..and went crazy...you were yelling leave her alone..it was the first I've ever seen you like that..." Zain said then saw the others arriving.

"....Zain...?" Victoria said. "Wait...you're Umbra..?"

"Victoria...and friends. Let me make a declaration. Kyon of Arthvia is dead. Queen Stella successfully dealt the final blow, it was an interesting battle." Zain said.

I opened my mouth then Zain looked at me. I couldn't take credit for that battle..I basically lost that battle...

"I am here to support Lunia, but I am not joining the army. I shall support Lunia the way I know how. The shadows. Now that you know my identity, there is nothing to hide anymore. I have returned." Zain said.

Everyone looked at him with disbelief. No one could believe he had returned after three years. He walked off and I followed him and stopped him.

"Zain..you're just leaving like that..?" I looked at him.

"I have no time to stay and celebrate.. especially when you have a target the size of half the empire on your tail.." Zain looked at me.

"Stay for a little bit...please.." I pleaded. "I missed you.."

"I missed you too...but I can not stay..as I am also a target. I will not put your life in danger more than it already is.." Zain said.

"Alright...but when this is over...you better return to me..." I said.

"I will. There's no doubt in my mind that I will return to you." Zain smiled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed my lips and pulled back. I let him go and rubbed down his arm. He nodded and pulled his scarf up then vanished. I touched my lips and felt my heart racing. It's been a long time since I felt this way...the others looked at me and Saya had a smug look.

"Mmmm so you really do like bad boys?" Saya said.

I walked to Saya and pinched her nose. Saya whined and squirmed. Everyone else laughed and I just sat there blushing. Miyuna sighed and smiled.

Meanwhile in Uphelia...

"Lord Zephyr...The new recruits are here." Arthur said.

"Bring them in." Zephyr said.

Three people walked in the throne room. They bowed and Zephyr looked at them. Each one of them stood up straight.

"My name is Julia, I used to work with Zain before coming into this land. I am from a distant land and my skills with the blade are exceptional. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Julia said.

"I see.." Zephyr nodded.

"Name's Hugo! Give me a target and I'll shoot 'em down with my trusty Shotgun, Magnum Mark 2." Hugo grinned.

"A Sniper Class huh.." Zephyr said.

"I am Kudan..." That's all Kudan said. He had the same red aura coming from his eye like Zain did.

Zephyr was skeptical about Kudan. He felt something off about Kudan, but he ignored it.

"You three are to be seen off to the Kingdom of Semilia and retake Arthvia! Failure is no--" Zephyr paused hearing an explosion.

"King Zephyr! Zain has escaped with Elulu!" A knight said.

"Mr. Zain, I-I don't like this ideaaaaa!!" Elulu screamed as Zain jumped into the air.

"You're free from his hands now...you shall work with Lunia now..." Zain said.

"That bastard...Forget Semilia! Kill Zain!" Zephyr ordered.

The three recruits nodded and dashed off out the castle to pursue Zain. Zain landed and dashed off to Semilia with Elulu in arms. Elulu held onto Zain tightly.

"Hugo..can-" Julia looked back and saw Hugo missing then saw Kudan walking up. "Kudan, where is..."

Kudan's demon armor appeared on his body and the red aura emitted from his eye. Julia looked at him and took a step back.

"Y-You..." Julia stuttered. "You are..."

Kudan walked past Julia. She froze up then looked back at Kudan. She didn't know why Kudan just left her there.

"If you don't want to die...betray Zephyr...Zain is not our enemy...this is your one chance to escape his grasp. If you truly knew Zain then you would know he never betrays anyone without reason.." Kudan said.

"Betray...Zephyr..? But we just-"

"Did you not sense his aura..? He obviously doesn't need us...we are just pawns to him...I will not be treated like a pawn..! I need to get stronger! I need power..!" Kudan said.

Julia followed him and looked back. She didn't know about this, but trusted his judgement.